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"Aubrey? I'm not here to scare you or anything. I just want to get things straight." Selena was the first to speak, taking the initiative. It was better to get this all done and over with.

There was one topic that they needed to discuss and that was Mister Harry Styles. It should be simple to say what they thought and felt about him. They were two woman who were willing to talk. They had to be calm if needed but they both weren't woman who liked confrontation.

"I know, it's just that I don't quite know what to say, I know you want to talk about Harry but I'm not quite sure what details. If you want to know if we had something, then the answer is no." Nanny didn't see any reason to prolong the answer to Selena's unasked question.

"That might be true but you can't tell me he isn't attracted to you. Or that you aren't indifferent towards him. We could lie but I rather we be blunt about it. Like I said I come in peace." Selena wasn't one who liked going around in circles. She liked to know where she stood.

"I can't say that I don't find him attractive. It might just be physical attraction. I've worked here for over a year and nothings happened. And nothing is going to. It will only be a few more months before I leave."

Aubrey knew that Selena didn't need the assurance but it felt like it was good place to start. She wanted to let her know that if she lasted this long a few months would be nothing. That feelings were not to be involved.

"You're leaving?" Selena was confused. Almost surprised by her confession. "Do they know?"

"I already gave my notice. I'm actually here because he asked me to stay with the children until after the holidays." She didn't need to say the last part but it slipped her tongue.

"Oh, really?" It didn't take long for Selena to gather why nanny was leaving.

"Don't. I know what you're thinking and maybe you're not far off. This needs to happen. It will be better for everyone, in the end." Nanny could see that Selena was starting to piece together certain things. There was no doubt Selena was a smart woman to gather that much from the few minutes they were conversing.

Nanny was an open book. She could try to hide herself but her emotions are visible. Even Ashton would gather as much without her needing to say a word. It didn't matter how much she tried to cover up. Was there a way for someone to be a closed up book instead of being able to be read by everyone?

"What did he do to make you runaway? Or are you just running away from your feelings? It's clear that you're running away here." Selena looked concerned. Nanny was sort of expecting some anger or different emotion from her. She wasn't expecting concern.

"He, he—Mister Styles didn't try anything. I don't want you think that's the reason I'm leaving because it's not. I chose to leave because I didn't have time off. It ruined my first date with Ashton." Nanny didn't want to go to the embarrassing details of that night. Her emotions had got the best of her and Harry wasn't sorry for it.

In Aubrey's mind, Harry couldn't regret that he ruined the date. What he regretted was her choice to give her notice. It was two weeks which he was quick to convince her to stay longer. Maybe he used the children as an excuse but she chose to accept that. That was a weak moment on her part. It was weak not to runaway at that moment.

She had to run from him. There was nothing to be gained in this time. All except a check. A check that wouldn't pay her for the hardships that her heart was going through. It was hard to swallow when Harry told her that Selena would be coming over for Thanksgiving. It never crossed her mind to invite Ashton, for her this was going to be time to spend solely with them.

"He didn't show up because he was with me? It was that night he got drunk. It had to be because I've never known him to drink that heavily. And, now that I remember, he said that he needed to go home early because the nanny would have the night off. He never left on time. He sabotaged your date.

"It's clear that he didn't do his job well. You're still with the doctor. I can't believe he would do that. I'm wasting my time with him, huh? He's in love with you. Why don't you give him a chance? You both like each other." That was one thing that Selena couldn't understand on their part. Why would they date other people when they had something before them. Maybe it was love or maybe it wasn't but there was chemistry.

Selena could feel it. All during dinner, it was clear to see the intensity of his gaze. Nanny shying away from him. How they tried to be discreet but couldn't keep away. What was it that kept them apart? Was it the reluctance on both their parts?

"It's not like that. I thought it could be. But I was wrong. He likes you. Isn't he with you? There is no reason to be with another woman if he was in love with someone. Look, I think, what you're calling love is simply sexual desire. Just two bodies wanting to be with one another. Physical and that's all."

"You haven't come to terms with being in love with your boss. There's no kink in that. It happens in real life. Why can't you accept that?''

"I can't accept it when it he can't love me." Nanny was breaking. Her cry for help. Her need to be saved from doomed romance.

"He loves you. You're the one that's stopping him from loving you. I can't say that you just love each other and it's perfect because I don't know that. Maybe I was just the person you needed to make you both realize it.

"What's not fair is that you make me and Ashton think we have a chance at love here." Selena was mature about it all. Nanny couldn't say that she could handle it with the same class as her.

"Ashton?" Why did nanny feel guilty? Why couldn't she stand the thought of losing him. There was no thought of Harry but only the thought of losing the man that she came to trust and need in her life.

"Then, again, maybe I got it all wrong?"


"I could love her. Maybe I already am but I haven't quite figured it out. There so much Aubrey does to me but I don't want to confuse my feelings for something that its not. It be wrong to say love and for her to not feel the same way. For me to be wrong."

"I don't want you to say anything that might confuse her. I think, she knows what she wants. If it's me or you then let her decide. And lets accept her decision like the men that we are."

"I can do that, can you?"

"We'll see."

November 26, 2016

Double update! Second time...I think...

Anyways, any thoughts on the possible Persian translation? Better question what's your first language?

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