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They arrived at the home which was beautiful. It was no mansion which she expected. It was slightly bigger than most with an aurora of serenity. It was calm with an aroma of a mix of flowers which was fairly noticeable once the wind blew by.

It was fairly quiet, no screams just the subtle sounds of nature. She could get used to this. The peace that it brought to one was remarkable. Then she heard him open his door making her stop her daydreaming.

Harry was unsure if he should open the door or not but before he came around Aubrey stepped out.

"It's a beautiful home."

It was impossible to not look. She always had imagined living in a house like this. It had been just a dream but now it may become a reality. Except in her dreams she was surrounded by the laughs of her children along with her husband's. Not like she actually had someone specific in mind. Maybe that was the reason Chris and her broke up.

"I have one of my neighbors looking after them today. She has no kids of her own, yet. And I know I can't have her here forever. We have service that comes twice a week but with's difficult. So, I guess, you'll have to do some light housecleaning."

They had discussed this but he felt the need to repeat himself. Remind her because he wasn't sure if she would end up feeling regret and leave. He was hoping she would stay but there's something in him telling him she's too young. Yet, she looked responsible enough.

She sees as he unlocks the front door. Harry was hesitant to let her in but he had to let her come into his home. He was afraid of letting a stranger in. She could see his hesitancy to let her in. It was only a second or two at most but she understood. She understood that she was stepping into his life. She was only a stranger to him.

"Oh, Harry you're here," the voice sounded relieved. And like always she kept her ears open for the sound of the front door opening.

All of a sudden you could hear the cries of baby Edward. It was more of a wail. Harry was unsure of what was happening except that his son was crying. Immediately, he was handed the baby over.

"His diaper is dry, he isn't hungry. I don't know what it is." The lady was desperate. She gave him a sad smile and got her things and left.

He was confused. He was told that babies mostly cry when they're either hungry or needed a change. He cradled his son in his arms. He wasn't sure want else to do. The baby kept crying.

"Papa! Make him stop," said a girl no more than five but she must be Darcy thought Aubrey.

Aubrey knew she had to do something. She put her things down and took the baby in her hands. She brought him closer to her chest and out her cheek on his forehead. He was slightly warm and she knew that he was bothered by the warmth.

She looked around to see if there was a safe place to set him down and take some of his clothes off. The sofa was probably best. She put some pillows to one side as to prevent him from failing. She took off his onesie which was too thick for this time of year. The baby stopped crying but she knew that this might be a temporary fix.

"Thank you," Harry mumbles slightly embarrassed that he doesn't know how to care for his children.

"Who are you?" The girl looks up at Aubrey. Her blue eyes which seemed to have an impressive effect. They contrasted so well with her sandy brown hair. Aubrey had the feeling that she would be even more beautiful as she kept growing.

"I'm Aubrey," she said extending her hand to the child. "What's your name?" She said politely with a small smile on her face.

"I'm Darcy. How old are you?" She asked being the curious girl she has always been.

"Darcy, where's Emily?" As if on cue the child comes walking in with a teddy bear about as big as her.

"Papa," the child whispered and avoided Aubrey. Emily was soon in the arms of her father.

"Emily? Do you see this lady here?" The child turns around to see Aubrey. It is then that Aubrey can see her hazel eyes. Her hair the same shade of brown as her fathers with golden tones in it. Aubrey wasn't surprised that he had such beautiful children.

Emily shakes her head and looks at her father. She's waiting for more from her father.

"She'll be your babysitter from now on. She'll be here starting tomorrow. Her name is Aubrey. I want both of you to be good for her. Can you do that?" He looks at them both.

"Yes, papa. Are you gonna be here more then? Like when mama was here?" Darcy was the one to speak.

Darcy knew that this wouldn't be her mother but she might make things easier for her father. She knew her mother always said it was kind of her job to make things easier for her father.

Harry didn't want to lie to her but he also didn't want to shatter her dream of seeing him. He didn't want to get her hopes up either. He didn't want her to lose faith in him.

"We'll see. I'm not sure what's going to happen." He tried to put it as best as he could.

"Papa, I'm hungry." The young one told her father.

"Alright, let's see what we've got." He wasn't sure if Mrs. Auburn had any time to cook for them. He couldn't bring himself to ask her to do it for them. She was already doing so much when she cared for them last minute. He could ask her to do it but he knew that in the few times she was here she'd prepare a meal for them. Not always but whenever she had the time.

Darcy went behind her dad following him. Aubrey was unsure what to do so she followed suit. At that moment, you could tell how much they wanted Harry's guidance. Harry didn't even see them behind him. When he looked in the kitchen he frowned seeing that there was nothing there.

"I can cook if you'd like." Aubrey offered seeing that this man was lost without his wife. There was a part of her that felt sorry for him and these children for the loss but then there was another part that wanted to do anything she could for them. They all seemed sweet and unable to do harm.

"It's okay. I can order take out." He was surprised by her offer. In reality, he was tempted to take her up on her offer. He missed the home cooking and all this take out was making him feel like he wasn't doing things right.

"I can cook. It's no problem. If you have the ingredients I can do it." Aubrey wanted to prove herself. This could be a good way to start.

"Where's his room?" She asked Harry who wanted to insist that she didn't have to.

"Upstairs second door towards your right." And just like that he gave in. There was two reasons why. One being he wanted a home cooked meal. Two, he wanted to see if she could feed his children something nutritional. No, he was not expecting a nutritionist but he hoped for sensibility.

Now, they would find out if they were a good fit for one another or not. He hoped that she would stay longer and not find it too difficult to do. She, on the other hand, prayed to please him and take good care of his children. She would have to be ready for whatever they threw her way. She wanted this to work as much as he did maybe even more.

October 14, 2015

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely @jaykay221B for being so supportive of this story and asking for an update.

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