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"Nanny?" Darcy called her. Aubrey had been distant, away in her thoughts. Debating what would be best at the moment.

Did she choose to do the right thing? She typed up her resignation letter, printed it, and proceeded to sign it. She had typed it up various times until she gave up and did a generic letter. Aubrey wrote to many angry letters which wouldn't help her end it.

"Yes?" Nanny had no emotion. It wasn't her. Even her eyes were lost in thought.

"Are you okay? You seem sad," Darcy stated. The young girl making a pout. She felt bad that her nanny wasn't feeling well. Maybe she was sick, she thought.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You and Ed woke up early today. Maybe we need a nap." Nanny continued to feed Ed. All of them having breakfast at five in the morning. She had no sleep but she couldn't say she was tired. If she felt anything it was anxious.

"I think so too. It's too dark outside. For Christmas we will be going to...I forgot but papa said it was beautiful." She smiled. "We'll have loads of fun. Then you won't be upset anymore."

"We'll see." Nanny didn't even look at the child. She knew that her days were numbered here. She couldn't bring herself to admit it to the child or any of the children.

But what would happen if she didn't hand in her letter? She had promised Mister Styles in a moment of anger. It wasn't a good decision but she couldn't regret it. It was becoming harder to be near him. The only regret would be leaving the children. The children which she loved. Those children that she made sure no one mistreated them. So, they could feel nothing but love.

"Good morning." The voice belonged to the last person Aubrey wanted to see. She didn't even look up or acknowledge him.

"Morning, papa," Darcy chirped. She continued to eat her cereal.

"Aubrey, good morning." His voice was questioning if she would even acknowledge that simple hello.

"Good morning, Mister Styles." She didn't look at him. Her voice was gentle enough for him to know it was due to the children. He could hear a trace of not wanting to be in the same room.

"You should shower." Was all nanny said. She could smell the alcohol and perfume still cling to him. It didn't matter that he changed clothes and it's not like she noticed.

"You smell funny." Darcy agreed though she didn't know what the smell was.

"I'm finished," Darcy told nanny.

"Ed's done too. Put your dish in the sink and we'll go." Nanny cleaned up Ed and carried him. "Let's go," she said as she put her dishes in the sink.

"Wait, Darcy where are you going?" Mister Styles already knowing that Aubrey would avoid him.

"We're having a sleep over. Nanny said she'd sleep with us."

"I'll go with you. Then I can put you in bed." He took his daughters hand and led them upstairs. He led them to his room.

"I'll get Emily so she can join us. You can step inside." That last sentence was for nanny. He looked her in the eyes.

"I think, I'll be going to my room." She told Darcy once her father stepped out.

"But you said we were having a sleep over. You have to." Darcy couldn't understand the change of heart.

"I said we needed to take a nap. Maybe we'll have one soon. I'll set up the living room or the basement. We'll have loads of fun." She smiled and Darcy nodded her head smiling.

"Okay!" She threw herself on the bed.

"Sleep well," nanny whispered setting Ed down next to his sister.

"No, stay," Ed pouted and didn't let her go. He hugged his legs around her tightly. He barely knew many words but the few he knew were all he needed for now.

"Ed, please? Cub, let go. I'll see you when you wake up. Dada will be with you." Nanny didn't even let go either.

"Okay, mama." He sounded upset and pouted letting her know he wasn't pleased.

"Love you too, cub. Take care." She kissed their foreheads.

"Alright, Emily is here. Now, we can sleep." Mister Styles entered.

"Dada, mama don't wanna," Ed accused Aubrey with his father. If he couldn't make her stay then his dada would.

"What happened?" Even though he could imagine what was going on. Nanny took Emily and put the sleeping child next to her siblings. Gave her a kiss on the forehead.

She acknowledged the children again before she left. Harry excused himself for a moment to leave behind her.

"Aubrey, just because you're pissed at me doesn't mean you have to do that," he spoke when he saw her about to enter her room.

"It does because then it's like we're playing family. I'm their nanny. And here." She took the envelope out of her cardigan. "My two weeks notice."

Harry no longer reached for the envelope. He retreated a few steps back instead. That envelope could catch flames for all he cared. He couldn't accept the fact that she was leaving.

"Think it over. It will be good to think over. Do you even have a place to go?" He tried to find a reason for her to stay.

"I have two weeks. It's enough to find a place and I have my friends. There are always hotels. I don't need this. Here." She stepped forward and put it in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I'll keep apologizing and trying to make it up to you. Don't leave. We need you here. I know you won't for me but for the children," he pleaded.

"It's because of them that I'm doing it. I prepared them as best I could. You have to continue that. Maybe then you'll be home more often—for them. Force you to spend more time. Your business partner can come here and help you out. I'm sure that's what she has in mind." There was no venom in her voice. It was that of resignation that this wasn't going to end in good terms but she was willing for it to be.

"Aubrey, why are you being like that? I know I've been spending too much time with her. Last night, I had one too many drinks and I let myself kiss her. It didn't go beyond that. Forgive me. All I was thinking of was you. How I didn't want you to go out with that doctor. How I should've told you how I felt about it all. I was hurt and I did something stupid.

"I know it doesn't justify it. But I'm asking for forgiveness for a moment of weakness." He had to tell her how he felt. Yes, he admits that his actions last night were out of the ordinary and done out of jealousy.

"Even so, I must leave. This between us is getting unhealthy. We're here but never ready to take a step forward or retreat. It's like one day you like me and the next you have to step back. It messes with not only me but this family you've got." Maybe not now but someday they'll even confuse themselves.

"You're part of this family. Christmas is around the corner please? Maybe if you leave afterwards it'll be better? I don't want you to go."

"After Christmas, but I'm only doing it for the children. I'm not staying because you begged. I'm staying because there's so much I have planned for them. And you're not going to ruin my Christmas with them. Got it?" She looked him in the eye. Harry found it endearing how she looked so cute mad.

"Of course," he sighed. All he had to do was take this moment as his resignation for what's to come but part of him knew that he would try to make her stay.

"Okay." She questioned if it was true but wasn't going to over think it. She would let it all fall where it may and pray for the best.

September 27, 2016
jaykay221B you've been waiting for this one 😊
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