What date?

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"Why do you all seem so happy today?" Harry concurred. He had just arrived home from work. Even tired as he was he couldn't help but smile knowing they were happy.

"It's been fun!" Darcy chirped. "We did loads of stuff and Ed is not crying anymore," she began to rant happily to her father. Enjoying that her father had his attention on her.

"I'm glad," he chuckled carrying both his girls. Wanting to hug them tightly making him as content as they were.

"Papa! You're gonna mess up my hair," Emily pouted. "Darcy made me pretty."

"Yeah, I made her hair pretty and look at my nails!" They both continued to show their father the projects of the day. Mister Styles took his time listening to them; which he had a hard time keeping up when they talked quickly.

"How was things with the doctor?" Harry asked nanny once he had settled down. They were with the girls in the living room. All of them working on a puzzle while nanny picked up a few things off the floor.

"It went well. Emily needs to see another doctor, a specialist—but I think that'll be better to talk about later and Ed, he has medicine to take. That's about it really. Nothing that we should be worried about." Nanny tried to think of anything else.

"A specialist?" Harry didn't like the idea of his little girl going anywhere that had to do with specialist.

"Yeah, he said there was nothing to worry about but he wants to be sure. It's precautionary," she said believing the doctors words earlier. Her heart had skipped a beat when it was first mentioned. It sounded serious and so wrong but as it was explained it was just to be cautious.

"Yeah, and were going to see the doctor Saturday. I think he wants to check me again. Remember he invited you to see him, nanny?" Emily smiled not knowing she could potentially cause a problem. She probably did, nanny thought.

"He's very pretty daddy. His hair is like your curly," Emily said happily remembering the handsome doctor.

It made nanny cringe hearing those words come out of Emily. Not because it seemed that Emily had a crush on the doctor but because Nanny planned on telling Mister Styles about the date. And Emily just came out of nowhere to say it. Nanny hadn't planned to do it until dinner was finished. Maybe after the children were sleeping or they allowed them to talk.

Nanny knew that this was something to discuss even if nothing happened between her and Mister Styles. She was hired here because of her availability. Yet here she was asking for a day off which was last minute.

"I've got to go make dinner." Nanny couldn't help but look elsewhere and keep pretending she was running behind schedule. All she could hope was for Mister Styles to leave it be. There was a chance it could happen. For him to not care.

"I'll help you, once I put Ed in his room." The child was already sleeping in his father's arms.

Nanny couldn't help but think she would be in trouble. Mister Styles didn't sound pleased with what he heard. His voice took this business tone. He only had that tone when he wasn't pleased with something she'd done which was rare.

"Alright, I'll be in the kitchen." She walked to the kitchen wanting to get out of the situation which was about to follow. There was no way out but it was better to talk and get it over with.

She just wanted to know if there would be the slightest of jealousy in him. If there wasn't then she knew it was best that she moved on. Yet, she knew that she was doing the right thing. He went out with that lady out every time she called. Yes, it could be business but part of her felt that there was more than that.

"Fuck," she said as she hit her hand on the kitchen counter. Nanny reached for a few containers with the needed ingredients. She just had to shake it off like she planned to do now.

"You don't curse often. Now, I know we both like to get things done. So, can you please tell me what Emily means?" He steps closer but the kitchen island is between them.

Aubrey took all her courage and looked at Mister Styles. The key was to maintain eye contact or make it look like she wasn't scared.

"Well, the doctor asked me out on a date. I said yes. I was going to tell you after dinner." She then looked away arranging the ingredients.

"We had a date. Why are you doing this? To get back at me?" He gripped the kitchen island.

"No, I'm not here to get back at you. We didn't even have that date you're talking about. A date which we both agreed upon at one point. He asked me and I said yes. Simple as that. I don't think I need to explain myself. Do I?"

"We agreed on it. Just because I had to cancel doesn't mean that I wasn't going to reschedule. I'm trying but I'm busy with trying to get this negotiation through." It was clear he was frustrated and more with the fact that she didn't look up at him.

"I understand that you're busy. I mean, I have to even make sure you have time for your children. I'm with them all the time. All I'm asking is for a few hours at most to acquire some privacy." She was looking up at him.

"You like him?" He asks curiously.

"Hard to tell but he's easy to look at. We're not dating and that's why I took the liberty of saying yes. I understand that it's last minute but if you can't take care of them I can see who will. Someone I trust and I'm sure you'll find competent." She finished up gathering her ingredients and throwing them on the hot pan.

"I'll take care of them. By when do you need me back?" He was helping cutting up some ingredient with no interest.

"I would say seven. I'll have dinner ready for you before I leave. I appreciate it." She smiled at him. She knew that he was being amiable and was apprehensive but he proceeded to grant her request.

"Actually, I'll have early dinner with a potential partner. So, if you have time let them eat, if not I can do it."

She stopped and looked up at him. Nanny took a deep breath. She continued to cook.

Of course she knew the business partner was none other than the woman he has been spending so much time with. He was probably dating her and here nanny was moping about it. She has a date and she would prove to herself that Mister Styles was nothing but a phase. A dumb fantasy.

"Of course, I can do that. Anything else you need me to do before then?" Her tone coming out sarcastic. Revealing that she knew more than he was willing to reveal.

"No, I think you'll be fine. I'll be back at seven then." He wasn't planning to admit to nothing. This was just a game to nanny, he thinks. She's being nothing more than a child trying to get back at him for something he can't help.

Yet, the silence of the unspoken name between them is pulling them apart. The reason nanny blames for a cancelled date but at the same time can't help but be envious of her. Yet, it wasn't her fault because she was beautiful after all. Nanny was just plain most days. Selena with her beautiful features; it was hard to keep up with women like that. Women who are effortlessly beautiful. Just the name creates a tension between nanny and Mister Styles. It's creating a hole between them.

Nanny knew better. She would stay out of his business and he should keep out of hers. It would be simple just stop talking to him as a friend and go back to being professional.

September 13, 2016

Niall's Birthday! Whoop whoop!

Here it is! As always thank asleepdeprived for being supportive and jaykay221B who love this story 😘☺️


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