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"Nanny! Do you have to go?" Emily clings to Audrey.

All of them had gotten used to her being there always. No matter what happened she was always there. Now, she was ready to leave for a weekend and none of them knew how to respond. Would they be okay without her?

"I'll be back. Don't worry. I'm just going to go visit my friends and family. I'll be back. I'm not going anywhere." Nanny hugged the child. Her words promising the children her return.

"Then why do you have a bag with stuff in it?" Darcy questions. She isn't as easily convinced which leads to the younger one to look at nanny.

"I'm going to stay with my friends. I'll be back Sunday night. Don't worry."

"C'mon, girls. Let's leave her alone. She'll be back. Nanny promised." Harry looks at her. His eyes praying and hoping she will be back. He knows this is the first real time off she's had.

In this time off she may realize that this kind of job isn't for someone her age. That's she's too young to raise a family. He could think of a hundred reasons why she may not come back. She may miss going out like anyone her age does.

"I'll be back," nanny whispers. She hugs the girls. "I couldn't leave you." Harry understands it's not just his children she refers to but him too. He smiles with ease.

"Miss us a lot! Then you can come back quicker," Darcy chirps. "Don't take long. And tell your mummy that you miss her. Oh, and your papa too! I know I miss papa when he's gone."

"I think, we all miss papas when they're gone." Nanny can't help but look up at Harry. Which makes Harry grin.

"I don't want you to go." Emily hugs her tight. "But it's okay. Just make sure to call me, okay? I'll miss you loads." She hugs nanny as if she didn't want to ever let go.

"I'll miss you more." Nanny hugs the girls again. "And you too little bug." She coos at baby Ed.

"Bah!" Was all she received from Ed. He was smiling as he looked up to her. It was with the sort of admiration that all small children have.

"Alright, I'll be back Sunday night. You can call me if you need me or you have questions." It was as if she couldn't leave now.

Nanny had been looking forward to this time off. A time to rest and recuperate some of that energy she needed. The feeling of anxiety was taking over. She was sure they would need her and here she was leaving them. Maybe she could reschedule this?

"We'll be fine," Harry says. He guides her and takes her luggage out. Meanwhile, the proximity of their bodies is comforting to both.

"Are you sure? I can reschedule. It won't be a problem." She looks up at him. It still amazed her the height difference between them.

"I can't do that to you. You need this. I'll manage on my own this weekend. I can do it. Trust me." They stop in front of her car. He looks at her seeing if she could trust him.

"I do. It's just I know how they get." Their eyes hold gaze as if both are hypnotized.

"Have fun but come back. I want you to come back. We need you." As if he's trying to cover his need for her. She heard his plea.

Nanny wanted to imagine it wasn't there but it was nice to be needed and wanted. He must only mean it in a friendly way. She was becoming too infatuated with him that it scared her. From the beginning nanny knew he was attractive. She figured that it was inevitable to develop a crush on him but it has been months and he's still in her mind.

She needs this time away to get over this crush or obsession or whatever it's called. She needed to get over it. This was distracting her from the boundaries she had set up for herself from the start. Those boundaries which have slowly been pushed or erased. She let herself become too attached.

As if Harry could hear or see her inner thoughts he shifted in his spot. It's not like he could admit he had similar feelings. If they didn't work out then he'd be left without a nanny for who knows how long. And he knew she needed this job too. They both have to look at their possible loses.

The fact that both still stood there and looking at each other without making it uncomfortable was amazing. Their personalities would usually shy away or demand an explanation for it. There they both stood wordless.

"I should go," she said once the evening breeze hit. Her skin shivered as he took her luggage from his hand. She was left to wonder if it was the cool breeze or just his touch which provoked her shiver.

"Yeah," he murmured. He steps away. He stays there until she leaves. Both not looking away until they're out of sight.

He heads back inside the warm refuge of his home. His hair in his face. He mindlessly combs it back with his fingers. He could hear his daughters have a conversation as they walked up to their room.

Harry had to step up for a few days. He made sure to pick up baby Ed in his arms and lock the doors, turn off the lights.

Harry looked around. He felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in his home, his household. Even though he was rarely home he had a good home and most important a family which was everything to him. He knew he owes nanny much more than she can see.

It was thanks to her that he was home more than usual. They had become somewhat of a team. They made a great one at that, he thought. He could see his girls and boy grow up. Once again he could hear his daughters talking.

"She changed papa." Darcy tells her younger sister. "I like her."

The young one smiles knowing that papa was there more often.

"Nanny? Is she our new mummy?" The young toddler asks. Her curls noticeable.

"No, she's not your new mummy." His voice strong which they've come to know was clear. It was their papa's voice.

"She's just your nanny. Now to bed."

He kisses their forehead, tucking them in. He smiles at them before turning off the lights. He closes the door behind him. He could hear the whispers continue.

"Nanny? What do you think of her Ed?" He talks to his son.

His son doesn't answer as is expected. Harry laughs at himself but surely he wasn't the only one who talked to their baby.

"A sleepover?" He took Ed with him to his room.

"Ma-ma! Ma!" Ed looked around the room. Harry then knew he was looking for nanny.

"She's not home buddy. She'll be back soon. Today, it's just papa."

May 26, 2016 why is it that I update like once a month?

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