First Day

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Last night Aubrey prepared one of the best meals in their life. That is according to Darcy. Honestly, she and her sister were starting to forget about the taste of certain dishes that their mother prepared.

Aubrey was prepared that morning. She arrived fifteen minutes before she needed to be there. A suitcase in her hand and a box in her car full of other "essentials" that she needed with her always. She knew this would be her new home for who knows how long.

There was a room on the first floor for her. It was near the kitchen which wasn't a good thing but maybe it was. She liked to snack most nights. Everything about this house was spacious and it looked bigger on the inside than on the outside.

The children were sleeping. Aubrey had to get Darcy ready for school. Also, prepare breakfast for them. Then wake up the other two. Did it matter in what order she did it? This was frustrating because she wanted things to go smoothly. Problem was that she herself didn't have a morning routine. How do mothers do this, she questioned.

First, she got Darcy up so she could get ready for school. Aubrey had picked out Darcy's clothes for the day. Her backpack was in a chair. She let Darcy shower while she went downstairs to set up the coffee maker and breakfast. Somehow she hoped that doing this wouldn't take away time. Her mother always did this.

What else did her mother do? The smell of coffee taking over. She checked her watch and it was probably about time to get up Emily, then the baby. First, she had to make sure that Darcy came down to eat her breakfast and everything dangerous was out of reach.

She had pancakes, eggs, and bacon done. Which she puts in a plate and turns off the stove. Trying to think of everything that needed to be done for child safety. She puts the food in the microwave to keep it warm.

She knows it's time to go back upstairs. There was not much to do know except wake up the children. Aubrey runs upstairs and sees Darcy is done and dressed.

The child struggling with her hair. Aubrey knocks and comes in. The child looks at her confused. Aubrey takes the brush and untangles her hair. Both of them smiling as they look in the mirror.

This brings Aubrey to the memories when her mother would come brush her hair and style it. She remembers how this was one of the few times her mother and her just enjoyed each other's company. How she felt relaxed as her mother played with her hair. Things were simpler then.

Aubrey finished the fish braid and kisses the top of Darcy's head. Something in her made her do it. Aubrey smiled resting her head on top of Darcy's. Darcy didn't know what it was about Aubrey that made her feel calm and as if things would be okay. Aubrey just proved that she could bring security that Darcy only felt with mum and dad.

Harry, was there to witness this and he shook his head in disbelief but at the same time he was happy his daughter had experienced this. Aubrey wasn't a bad choice but he would see how the rest of the day went.

"Darcy, let's go get you breakfast."

Aubrey removes herself. She isn't sure what took over her to act motherly or loving towards the child. She barely knew Darcy. She had probably made the child uncomfortable with her gesture.

Darcy only smiled and nodded. As if to assure Aubrey, Darcy held her hand.

"Maybe I should wake up Emily so you don't eat alone. Then I'll wake up Edward." Aubrey was mostly talking to herself than the child.

"Yeah, let's get her up."

Both of them hand in hand went next door to wake up Emily. Emily was with her teddy bear sleeping peacefully. It made Aubrey want to leave her alone but she couldn't. These children needed a sleep routine or else they'll get grouchy.

Aubrey stepped in and went bedside go wake her up. The child groggily opened her eyes. She made a noise that was slightly weird but cute. Emily looked at the stranger and she looked around. Emily saw Darcy and felt slightly better knowing she was there.

"Emily, let's get up and join Darcy for breakfast," Aubrey whispered.

Emily got out of bed and put her robe on. She got her teddy bear and then proceeded to walk to Darcy. Emily took Darcy's hand and if that didn't make your heart throb Aubrey wasn't sure what would.

All three went downstairs to find Harry seated there. Aubrey thought he would've been gone by now. It made her slightly nervous having him there. She sat the children then proceeded to serve them breakfast and thankfully it was still hot. Next time she'll have to make breakfast while they were there.

She served the children milk and orange juice. Aubrey was unsure of what Harry drank in the mornings or anytime really.

"Is there something you'd like to drink?" Aubrey asked losing the confidence she had gathered to ask.

"No, I'm fine with the coffee. And thank you by the way." Harry smiled and it made her proud of herself.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" Darcy asked Aubrey. Harry's face fell because he hadn't noticed she just watched them eat.

"No, I already had breakfast before I came. Thank you."

"You're welcome to eat with us. You're a regular here. I don't want you just watch us or them eat. I'm sorry, that I didn't say anything before." He says quickly trying not to stutter.

"It's okay," she said quietly as she picked up the dishes that were empty from the table.

"Are you going to take me to school?" Darcy asked her papa.

"Yeah, get your things and we'll be on our way."

Darcy ran upstairs as if afraid her papa would change his mind. She got her backpack and was ready to go. Harry smiled and kissed her forehead. He did the same to Emily.

"I'll see you later Em. I'll get my suitcase and my jacket and then we'll leave." He addressed his children.

The nanny was hearing everything and she was happy that there was some interaction between this family. The love was there. She could see it in their smiles and hear in the tone of their voices.

This was going to be a place she'd have a hard time leaving when the time came. This was just temporary. Aubrey knew that eventually they wouldn't need her or she'd get a job elsewhere. Which ever came first.

This family was lucky. Unfortunately, they lost the woman who would care more for them than anyone in this world. The wife was fortunate to find someone like Harry. And in Aubrey's heart she knew that woman deserves this family and maybe even more.

"Bye Aubrey." Harry said. His voice was awkward because he wasn't sure if he should acknowledge her or if she'd acknowledge him.

"Bye nanny," Darcy said. You could hear the happiness and hope in her voice. It was heartwarming to Aubrey.

"I'll see you later." The new nanny waved. And just like that they left. She had Emily who was staring at her profoundly. Emily wanted to figure out this stranger. Aubrey wasn't sure why the child looked at her all the time. Was she scared of her? Or was it that she was uncomfortable with her? She was hoping for the latter. Fear wasn't easily subdued.

"How about a bath?" She asked the little girl who hasn't responded.

"Alright," she sighed. This child would be the one who she had to win over.

Aubrey just started her day and she hoped that Emily would be cooperative. She still had one more child to get up. And that one would probably consume most her time. She drank a cup of tea while both Emily and her looked at one another. This ought to be interesting day for sure.

October 27, 2015
I updated! I don't know about you but I'm excited.

Or idk but let me know your thoughts.

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