New Year

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"I guess it's just us." Nanny spoke up. She decided that it was best to say her thank you's and let him know she was grateful that she met them. They weren't people you forget.

She was thankful for so many things. Harry had saved her from going back home with her head hung low. Something which she was determined never to do. And has found out that she does want a family and wants someone to love her as much as Harry loved his wife. Love was possible and she just has to wait for the time when it's her turn to feel all that love and passion.

Being passionate doesn't mean it's for a lover. It means loving something enough to put your heart and soul in it. She gave hers to this family. Aubrey did her best everyday and went above and beyond of her duties as nanny. She's learned so much that she's not sure where to begin.

"Yeah." Harry furrowed his eyebrows as he took notice of the children sleeping between them. He tried hard to concentrate on the television program. Trying not to cause unnecessary tension.

Now he could possibly relax. Aubrey spoke to him meaning that she was trying to ease the tension. They had tried going back to what they had but there was still tension between them. Uneasiness going back to what ever friendship they had before the kisses and unsure feelings. It was hard not only for him to give in but also for nanny, herself.

Sure things were talked about but there was still the physical tension. Aubrey got timid around him. Harry tried not to confuse her or himself. He kept a safe distance. This wasn't coming out according to plan. And no they didn't think it would be this hard to be around one another.

"I just wanted to say thank you. These last couple of weeks, months have been a trial." She was struggling with her words. Trying to say the right thing without sounding like she was offending him.

He was looking at her attentively. Harry wanted to hear what she had to say. He was curious. This was her being out of her comfort zone. She was trying to say thank you but he was sure there was more to that simple thank you.

"When I came here I was considering going back to my parents. They never agreed with the career choice I took. I knew it wasn't the best option but it's what I loved and liked to do. They knew it wouldn't work out and resented that. I guess, what I'm trying to say is thank you for taking a chance on me when I had no experience as a nanny." She sighed. Her chest feeling kind of heavy thinking back to how she felt at that time. How she was on the bridge of defeat.

"I'm glad I took that chance. I remember reading your resume laughing. I could tell you wanted it badly. It reminded me of how I was unsure of many things being young. Then we met and you were determined to do right by everyone in this family. That's why I hired you." He smiled reminiscing. Both of them stare at television again not minding the program.

"Looking back maybe you were right. We needed help but I think you helped us. Who wants to go to a therapist or psychologist? It's intimidating." Aubrey nodded. She felt like it was a statement based on experience coming from Harry.

There's silence once more. This time Aubrey let her shoulders relax. The air between them easing. If it's for tonight it would be alright. They needed to remember that things could be simple.

"I think, it's time that they go to bed. I doubt they'll wake up." Nanny spoke up. She got up with Emily in her arms.

"Right, they must be uncomfortable here." Harry looked at how the other two children were tangled with each other. Both laying in the couch which was barely big enough to fit all five of them.

"Mummy," Ed groaned as he was moved. He was used to having nanny move him. Harry didn't say anything as he took both Darcy and Ed in his arms with care.

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