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And just like Mister Styles had promised, he was more visible to the children. On certain occasions he made it to dinner. Aubrey had reminded him the day before and the day off. It only made him nod and smile at her. It was as if she knew that a little reminder went a long way. It only made him work that much harder to be there for his children.

The girls loved seeing him. It was a pleasure to see their dad more time. They could spend time with him. It wasn't just at dinner time anymore which they were glad of.

Darcy was happy that he had attended her first event. She couldn't contain it when she saw him. Darcy's first instinct was to run up and hug him tightly. It only made Mister Styles chuckle and hug his daughter even tighter.

Emily also hugged him tightly, as if it was a dream. She was happy to see her father. It made her smile radiantly that it made your heart melt. Emily took the opportunity to be with her papa. She talked to him and loved him.

Even the youngest of the three was happy. He smiled and giggled more which Nanny could see. Baby Ed played with anything he could get his hands on. And on certain occasion that was his papa's hair. It seemed like it was his new play toy.

To further please his children he decided that a day out with them would be perfect. Of course, Mister Styles had to plan this with nanny. Maybe she could help him with the children if it was too much. It was not that he couldn't handle his children but they were accustomed to her. Also, Baby Ed couldn't do as much as the two girls. They were older and could do things baby Ed had yet to learn.

Maybe there was something he could do. He had to ask Aubrey after dinner. Yes, he'd have to ask nanny.

For some reason he began to think maybe nanny would think of asking for the day off. After all, he was going to spend his time with his children. He hoped she wouldn't ask even though she deserves it because she hasn't had a day off since she started. He'd have to ask her in a way in which she wouldn't get the idea of having the day off. He needed her still.

"Nanny? I'm tired." Emily pouted. "Can I sleep now?"

Mister Styles thoughts were interrupted by his daughter. It made him smile seeing her slowly coming out of her shell with nanny.

"Yeah, let's get you washed up."

"I need my bedtime story." Darcy reminded her.

"Of course, I'll be up there once you wash up and I finish with Emily."

"Okay, just don't forget me." Darcy smiled.

"Papa!" Baby Ed demanded his fathers attention. He wanted to be fed which Harry forgot while seeing their interaction.

"Sorry, baby Eddy." He continued to feed the hungry baby.

"Papa? Are you gonna come to every game now? You've come to the last few games. Or is just special times?" Darcy asked. She dared hope for the best.

"Right now, I'm trying my best. But I'll try making it to your events. I know all of them are important to you. But papa's sometimes really busy." He tried his best to explain to his child that he understood her but he still had things to do. He wanted to be there for her. He hoped she understood that.

"Okay. Goodnight, papa." She kissed her father's cheek and left to wash up before bed.

Mister Styles was left with only his son. The child demanded to be fed and loved. That's all the baby wanted and sleep which he would soon get.

After Aubrey put both the girls to bed she came back down to clean up. She picked up the girls plates and then hers.

"Mister Styles? I can take the baby now." She reached out for the child who had his hands out for her.

"Right, thank you. Once you're done can you come back down here?"

"Is everything alright?" She wanted to be prepared. Baby Ed in her arms. She held him close to her.

"Yes, I just wanted to discuss something. It's nothing bad. Don't worry."

Nanny let out a sigh of relief. She thought maybe she was going to get fired. She had recently moved all her things here and it made her heart skip a beat. She thought for sure she had been fired.

"Am I really that intimidating?" Mister Styles can't help but smirk.

"Um, I need to give baby Ed a bath and I'll be back down here. Or is there somewhere you'd like to meet?"

And for the first time since his wife died he thought dirty. He wanted to say her bedroom but he shook the thought away.

"In my study will be fine."

"Alright, I'll be there in half hour."

"Half hour?" He questioned because no one needs half an hour in the bathroom.

"Yes, I let him play in the water so he tires himself out and is sound asleep most the night."

"Okay, I'm sorry. We'll talk once you're down here."

Half hour later like nanny said she was knocking on the study door. Harry let her in.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" She sat down like Mister Styles gestured her to. He stood in front of her leaning against his desk.

"I wanted for us to take the kids out. I'm not sure. I think, they'll enjoy a day out. I say we because baby Eddy is still small and you probably know them better than I do.

"If you'd like I'll pay you an incentive. I know you haven't had a day off. You've only had a few hours to yourself at most. That's why I'm offering the incentive."

He looked at her to see what her reaction was. Nanny wasn't sure what she was supposed to do or feel. It was her job after all to look after the children. Why would he be giving her an incentive? Is it really because of her lack of days off or was it going to be an unpleasant day?

"Mister Styles?"

"Harry, please?"

"Um, Harry? I'm already getting paid to watch your children. Is it going to be difficult and you're offering the incentive as persuasion?"

"No, it should be a fun and easy day. At least, I hope. I'm not saying we're yachting. Maybe a nice day at the park? Picnic? Maybe the carnival which is coming to town..."

"The carnival is a couple weeks away sir. I'm not sure when you plan on doing the day out. There's no need for an incentive. And about my days off I'll let you know when I need them."

"You talk so formal. I feel like I'm talking to my secretary not my nanny." Harry smiled shaking his head at his comment.

"I'm sorry? It's just that I feel it's best keeping it professional to avoid...I'm not saying that I don't like your family, sir. But I want to avoid further attachment. I know, already, it's going to be difficult when I leave."

Mister Styles was shocked hearing those words. He hadn't thought about nanny leaving. He had gotten used to her. He couldn't lose her this fast.

"Leave? Is there a reason you're leaving us?" Mister Styles had his face scrunched up in worry.

"Well, I assume one day you'll get remarried or you won't longer need me. You can't keep me here forever. I'm sure I'd keep in touch with the children because they're lovely. So wonderful," she said like a mother would but Harry wouldn't notice he was busy thinking of how did she come up with the crazy idea he didn't need her.

January 21, 2016

I always take forever to update this one. I just don't want to give you guys a quick and unthought of chapter.

Also, this is dedicated to kellyk22 who is wonderful she nominated me @thefanfictionawards and I'm so happy

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