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"Surprise!" They screamed when nanny first stepped into the house.

"Oh," she gasped. Nanny was taken by surprise but smiled once she took in the sight.

The Styles family all there. It was a picture perfect moment. All of them grinning and some with dimples in display. It was simply perfect. Beautiful.

"Nanny! Don't ever leave again! Missed you," Emily pouts and clings onto her legs. Nanny doesn't waste a second to hug her back.

"We made you pictures and papa was so lost. We all were," Darcy confesses as she hugs her too. Nanny couldn't be happier with her two girls in her arms.

"I missed you too. I'm sure your papa handled it well." Nanny encourages. She's about to look up at him to see how he did but her attention was called by Darcy.

"No, he didn't. He was a mess!" Darcy groaned like a teenager. It was crazy how she already had undertones of a teenager. Nanny was about to speak when the smallest and youngest family member spoke.

"Mama!" Ed giggled clapping his hands. He was looking happily at nanny.

"He missed you." Mister Styles doesn't even correct his son. He's smiling too with his son in his arms. He hands his son to nanny.

"Your absence was clear. But I'm sure Darcy will let you know what I did wrong," he half joked. It was clear Darcy was going to fill her in.

The close proximity of their bodies felt like magnetism. Both looking at one another. They didn't say anything but their body language was relaxed. It was a sense of being able to breathe now that they were together. The tingles that ran when their hands barely grazed one another when handing Ed over to her. Their bodies drawn to one another. The spell broken when Ed demanded her attention. His kisses sloppily landing on her face.

"I missed you too, baby boy. I thought you'd be asleep by now." She didn't look at anyone in particular but it was directed more towards the children.

"I let them stay up. They missed you. I couldn't deny them the happiness of seeing you again." He smiled.

"Thank you," she shied away behind the child in her hands.

"Hey, Aubrey?" Someone called behind her. Harry no longer sporting a smile but a frown, now. He didn't like the idea of a man coming here or anywhere for her.

"Hey, can you leave it in the kitchen?" Nanny said awkwardly. She hadn't expected her employer or the children waiting up for her. No, she wasn't sneaking anyone in the house. Nanny just needed some help with carrying certain items that she had been gifted for her new living space.

"Uh, sure?" He said and courtly acknowledged the family before heading out again.

"Why don't we go to the living room?" Nanny suggested.

"We have cake! We gotchu some cake!" Emily said happily.

"It's in the kitchen." Darcy said as they all walked in the living room. Harry hesitantly followed. His eyes shifting from nanny to the door.

"I'll get it then. You have school tomorrow young lady."

Nanny put Ed in the playpen and headed to the kitchen. She wanted to get out of this awkward position she had gotten herself into. What would Mister Styles think of her? Should've she introduced the man? She wasn't sure but she knew whatever she didn't do or was supposed to do made her feel like shit.

"Aubrey, are you sure you don't want me to put it in your room?"

"No, I can do that myself," she said hastily. "Thanks Gordon. Can you just bring the other piece in? I'm sorry, it's just..."

"You don't know what to say?" He chuckles as she nods. "I get it. If you need help building those pieces, give me a call. I'll get the other piece." He heads out once again. Nanny stares at him for a second.

By some miracle she remembers what she came for. Nanny takes plates and forks out of the cabinet and drawer. The small cake on the kitchen island.

"Don't cut it. The kids are tucked into bed," Mister Styles voice commanding making her stiffen. She felt like she was in trouble.

"They wanted cake. Why?" She set the plates down.

"Why? You bring some stranger into my house and don't even bother to tell me? I have children here." He looks at her sternly.

"What are you implying? I care for those children too! I wouldn't bring just anyone here. I don't know what you're implying but I sure as hell won't take it."

"I'm saying that I don't want you to bring anyone into our home without telling me. We have a set of rules here."

"A set of rules?" She looks at him in disbelieve. "You never said I couldn't bring anyone home."

"You're bringing him home?!" Now he was getting infuriated.

"That didn't come out right. That's not what I meant." She curses herself for getting too strung up.

"Aubrey? I'll see you. Didn't mean to cause you any trouble with your husband," Gordon chuckles only because he knows they aren't married. He wasn't afraid to interrupt their discussion.

"Sorry, talk to you later." He turns around chuckling at the two. He wasn't really sorry because it's not like he ruined something.

"Michael Gordon," she was about to continue yelling but saw no point in it. He would just keep laughing at her. She didn't even feel like chasing after him.

"So, you tell people we're married?" Mister Styles' smirk back in place.

"No, I would never say that." She may sound like a child wanting to maintain their pride but she didn't care. She has never said it to begin with.

"Never?" He whispers in her ear. His chest pressed to her back.

"Never because it's not true. I wouldn't want to humiliate myself when they find out it's all a lie." Her voice was quieter and mousy. She lost all gusto that she had during their argument.

"Doesn't mean you can never say it. I mean, I wouldn't mind lying for you." He plays with a strand of her hair.

"I wouldn't and I'm not sure miss Gomez would agree. Now, if you'll excuse me." She put the cake away quickly. Nanny didn't say anything else.

"How do you know about her?"

"Remember Mister Styles I know your schedule just as well as your secretary. You know I make sure you've got time for your children." She swallowed that lump in her throat. Luckily, he voice came out clear without a hitch.

"Have a goodnight." She glanced at him one last time before walking to her room.

Months ago she promised herself that she wouldn't let the man standing in the kitchen looking lost get to her. Yet, slowly he made his way to her heart. Or did he win it before she even had a chance to save herself? Whatever it was, now, she laid in her bed crying because she didn't want to love the man she worked for. The man who has three wonderful children that she loves and cherishes.

June 4, 2016

This is dedicated to my favorite reader and you know who you are 😘

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