Where are you?

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"Nanny, where is he? I'm about to go up and he isn't here?" Darcy asked. She was nervous. It was only half hour or so before she had to go up on stage.

"Don't worry, sweets, he'll be here. He promised didn't he?" Aubrey sees her nodding yes. "Then we've got nothing to worry about. I'm sure he's running late. You practice your routine along with the others and you'll see." She smiled to Darcy. It somehow calmed the young girl's nerves. She believed every word that nanny said.

As soon as nanny turned around she was worried. It wasn't like Harry to be late. At least, not this late. He liked being on time. Probably, because fir a businessman always had every minute planned.

"Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom." Aubrey was snapped back to reality. She knew that voice belonged to Emily. The child has never called her mom or anything remotely similar.

"Let's go," nanny said once she saw the urge of the small child. She took the stroller and the child in hand to the closest bathroom available.

Aubrey had gotten used to this. She would say that she learned many things that she didn't know before. Like how a couple months ago she wouldn't have known what to do during these type of situations. Now, she didn't have to overthink anything, she would just do it. It had become second nature to her. Her brain thought like one of a mother.

As she waited she changed the baby's diaper. Made sure he was clean. Then proceeded to help the Emily with reaching for the toilet paper. They were in a family bathroom. Once they were done they proceeded to their seats.

"Mommy, I want to sleep," she yawned.

"Of course, take a nap. I'll wake you when Darcy comes up. Sleep," she said sweetly.

What nanny wasn't expecting was for the child to climb on her lap and rest there. She hugged the child and made sure she was asleep. Now, she needed to try to reach Mister Styles again.

He better get here on time or else they'll have a disappointed child on their hands. Nanny didn't want to see that face it always made her hurt a little too. She was determined to reach him.

"Pick up, pick up," she repeatedly prayed. He didn't. She sent a text and another. She proceeded to email him. She called his office with no luck. He wasn't on his office. So, where was he?

Nanny couldn't help but be worried. There was five minutes on the clock. Only five minutes till show time. She was already trying to come up with a good excuse for Harry. The lights dimmed and someone was already walking up the stage to thank the parents for coming. Aubrey turned to look back but nothing. She was disappointed to find he didn't step in.

He said he'd be here. Why wasn't he? Was he held up? Was there some freak accident that happened? Fuck, now she was starting to really worry and shift uncomfortably in her seat.

The lady walked off the stage after the introduction. Aubrey had to wake up Emily so she could watch. Once Emily was awake she reached for baby Ed who was on his stroller quietly. She sat him on her other leg. All of them had their eyes on the stage seeing as the little girls made their way to the center of it.

Aubrey's heart was beating fast. She knew it would only be a matter of seconds for Darcy to look to them and see that her dad didn't make it. It was her only number with a solo. She'd be disappointed and Aubrey didn't know what to do.

Darcy looked over and the music began. All of them dancing around and Darcy had a fake smile. Aubrey could tell that she was being strong. Maybe they were both thinking about Harry promising to be here. He said it but where was he?

Darcy's solo was coming up and no sign of Harry. Just as she was about to start Aubrey felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Harry. She smiled to him even though she was angry at him.

As soon as the performance was over. Aubrey didn't say a word to him which he found strange. Darcy was glad that he came. Harry explained himself which the girls gladly accepted his apology.

Aubrey drove home by herself due to the fact that Harry had taken the kids with him. She was trying to figure out why she was mad at him. It's not like she could be. It was her employer. Yes, in the recent months banter had slowly become part of their unusual relationship. Not so much a relationship as much as partnership? She didn't know what to call it. She was sure no one got along  this way with their boss.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked looking at her.

Aubrey was cleaning up the house. The children had eaten out and Harry had put them all to bed. It was a simple evening for her. Aubrey was just mindlessly been trying to take out her anger/stress or whatever it was by doing some cleaning.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she snapped. "Why the hell don't you call? I was worried and you can't even call? No one knew anything. You just come along as if you did nothing wrong."

Aubrey was worried about her outburst. She was going to get fired. She didn't care because then she didn't have to worry about him and she didn't have to wonder if the kids were happy. It wouldn't be her problem but she knew she'd still care if they were being taken cared of properly.

"You were worried?" Harry steps closer and Aubrey is no longer looking up at him.

"I'm going to bed. Have a good night." She just wanted to brush this off.

"You're acting like a woman." He chuckled. "I already told you my phone died and I got a flat." He no longer chuckled.

"I am a woman and I understand that it happens but it doesn't cost that much to have a car charger. Now, if you're done I'm going to bed."

She put the cleaning supplies away. She didn't notice that Harry was blocking her exit. He was only inches away from her. Her heart was pounding and her breathing had seemed sporadically.

"I care too." He touched her face and she never felt his hands like this. She barely graced his hands. And how his hands were on her face they felt soft. Maybe softer than hers.

"You're not just a nanny. You're more than that. I can tell they love you and I'm not willing to lose you." His words made her look up to him. She didn't comprehend his words but it did manage to make her heart skip a beat or two. It felt right.

She could see him leaning closer to her. His hands were on hers. Was he going to kiss her? Shit, she was going to have a kiss that she longed for.

"Have a good night." He kissed her forehead and left before she could respond. What just happened?

April 9, 2016
So, stuff is gonna happen? Or not? I may just be fucking with your emotions as my friend tells me 😉

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