It Happened One Night

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"You didn't answer my question earlier." His thick voice made her jump and drop the toys on the ground.

"Sorry," he spoke lower. He got up to help her pick up the mess.

"I thought you retired Mister Styles." Aubrey found herself nervous. She picked the toys up once again. There wasn't many which she was thankful for.

"Retired? That's so proper-like. I think, I can stay up and have a drink in my own house." He said handing her one of the toys.

"Of course," she almost stuttered. The proximity made her feel awkward.

"I didn't mean it that way. Excuse me." She made her way around him.

"Have a goodnight, Mister Styles."

She turned to look at him before making it out of the living room. She felt relieved once out of sight. She couldn't believe how stupid she was. She didn't mean anything by her comment but as always she put her foot on her mouth. She had to be more careful how she worded things.

She carefully walked into Emily's room and put her toys away. Emily was awake which was unusual. She softly spoke out.

"Nana?" Her voice barely above a whisper. It was clear that she was sleepy by the tone of her voice.

"Yes, Emily?" Aubrey closed the toy chest.

"If you're like the nanny in the movie," she sighs. "Will you find papa someone to love? I don't want a new mommy."

"No, this isn't a fairytale honey. I'm here to make sure you all get...adjusted." She struggled to find a word because it wasn't easy to explain to a child that she wasn't taking over her mother's place nor would she try. That this was only a job to which she shouldn't grow attached to. Yet, it was hard not to when you live with these people on a daily basis.

"Good because I don't want papa worry about losing 'nother mommy. Don't get a new one."

What a child, Aubrey thought. She ran her fingers through Emily's hair which made Emily smile. It was soothing to the point of sleep.

"Go to sleep then. Today's problem has been solved. Tomorrow you have a long day honey. Sleep."

"Okay, thanks." The child closed her eyes enjoying the soothing feeling against her scalp. Aubrey stayed there until Emily fell asleep.

"Good night," she said tucking her in again.

Meanwhile, Mister Styles is below on the first floor looking up. He can barely see Aubrey's silhouette. He could see her coming out of Emily's room and onto Darcy's.

It drew curiosity. The children were sleeping and she took the time to check up on them. Was it her job? Did she care enough to take a second look?

He heard the door close gently. She went to the baby's room. Harry made his way up. He wanted to see for himself. He had to have some explanation as to why she went up there.

The door was slightly ajar. Harry made sure that he made no sound. He had a perfect view of Aubrey and the child. His eyes trained on them.

"You're awake," she cooed. Her hands went in the crib to pick up the small child.

"You need to sleep, baby." She caresses the baby's back. Taking one of the baby's toys and trying to get him to play with it.

"Sleep," she whispered and began to hum a song. Aubrey was tired herself. She proceeded to sit on the rocking chair. She rocked back and forth; as she continued to hum the soothing lullaby.

It had taken everything in her to be careful not to wake the baby up. He was getting used to having to sleep without Aubrey. It is then that Aubrey kisses his forehead like she'd done with all three children.

"Goodnight, baby Ed."

When she walks out she bumps into Mister Styles. He wasn't sure where to go and not make himself look like a creep. All Aubrey could do was close the door behind her and blush.

She knew that at some point he'd take a look–see on how she treated his children. Except, she was expecting a hidden nanny cam or something of that nature. Now, she stands before him embarrassed on her actions. She did nothing wrong but she was sure that she showed love for the children. They had won her over.

"Uh, sorry?" Mister Styles isn't sure what to say.

"I don't think you have to apologize. It's your family. Well, I think it's best if I retire." Aubrey couldn't even look up at him.

"Yeah, still. Don't feel the need to run from me. Remember I'm here to help. I know I'm not here often but I want to trust that you'll communicate anything of importance."

"What's of importance to you? I've been working here a few weeks now and I still don't know what to do with you."

"With me?" He looks at her wanting to know the meaning of her words. She didn't need to worry about him.

Aubrey knows she's red. She can feel the heat rising to her ears. She really has a way with words when it comes to Mister Styles.

"I mean, Mister Styles, that a few days ago Darcy said she wanted you to be there for her games. Yet, I know what you said the day of the interview. It seems too vague now."

"And you think that I don't find that important?" He puts his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know. You're rarely here. I assume you're busy with your business. Your priorities seem to be in the office. That's all." She knew she had to say it. Maybe she was wrong but she could only draw conclusions based on observations. This probably was going to get her fired.

"I'm sorry, that's not the case. I care just as much if not more about my family. It's true that I'm rarely here but I also want to be part of their life." He looks at her.

"Right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that you didn't care but it's just the things one perceives."

"I'll tell you what. I'll try to make more time for my family. You let me know when her games are and I'll try my best to make it there."

"Just don't make her promises you can't keep."

"I won't. I'll only speak when I know for certain." He was sure Aubrey had some disappointment herself as a child. He also knew the anticipation when he'd wait for his father to show and then the heartbreak when he never showed.

"Deal?" Harry extends his hand. Aubrey looks at his hand and then at him.

"Deal." She shakes his hand.

"Now, I'll let you sleep. It seems like you didn't get rid of me easily today." He can't help but smirk.

"Right." She gasps as soon as their hands let go feeling a shock at her fingertips.

What more can she do but run to her safety—her room? Maybe she didn't run but she didn't waste time getting there. Harry couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her reaction. He too had felt the small shock. You could tell by the way he let his fingertips brush against one another. The look of wonder in his face. Two people who made a pact. Both determined to keep their end of the bargain.

It's 2016 👀
January 1, 2016

So is this the start or what?

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