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"I'm going to be late!" She screams taking her coffee cup and the first fruit she can get her hands on.

"Good luck!" Her roommate screams before hearing the door slam shut.

"Please God let this turn out alright," she prayed speed walking towards her car.

It was fall and she was wondering what made her think that a sweater or light coat wasn't appropriate to wear. There was no time to question her choices now. She had to rush to beat the traffic.

Aubrey can sense the nervous shake taking over her hands as she ignites the car. Taking a deep breath she controls her nerves. It was just a job that she didn't want but needed. So, it's no big deal if she gets it; she questions herself.

She peels the banana which she eats on her drive to her possible future employer's office. It was only a fifteen minute drive there and she had ten minutes to get there. Aubrey drove faster than she would care to admit, that morning.

Aubrey arrives looking at the tall building. It was probably the tallest one in the city. She wasn't sure, she wasn't from here and she didn't care to know. But now looking at it made her nervous. She had driven by it many times never realizing that this belonged to a Styles. It was a shock to her but now she had to go meet the man or possibly his secretary.

Taking a deep breath she walks in. All she can hope for is a job. Even then she couldn't say she was qualified. Now, it was the moment of truth.


Harry is sitting through one of his employees complaints. He began to say what was the latest problem in the office which was starting to annoy him. Harry was tired of hearing about the useless petty fights between his employees. He had someone in HR who wasn't dealing with this. It was time to fire that person.

He couldn't be distracted every morning from his actual work. Yes, he wanted to help them but it cost him time that he could be with his kids. There has to be some kind of change. The only thing he could think of was hiring a new HR person.

His phone rings thankfully because he wasn't willing to deal with bullshit this early in the morning. He needed to be productive and this wasn't going to do much but waste his time because he wasn't aware of anything outside his office. He barely knew anything other than what he was being told.

"There's a Miss Carson here to see you. She has a scheduled appointment at this hour. Would you like to see her now?" His secretary asks.

"Yes, send her in. Thank you Mrs. Riverside." He hangs up.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment. This should be handled by HR. And I plan to hire someone new. Apparently, this person isn't handling this. Thank you, Mister Harris." He shakes his hand.

"Thank you, Mister Styles." He walks out before anyone can walk in or Harry kicks him out.

Harry sits in his couch. He hears the knock and in walks a girl who looked no more than eighteen. But he knew this had to be Miss Carson who was in her barely in her twenties. He stands up again shaking her hand.

"Hello, mister Styles? I'm here for the interview about your children?" She was nervous and he could sense that.

It confused her to see that this man was possibly the father. Was he the father? He looked about twenty-five at most twenty-eight. He was tall, darkish hair, and with light emerald eyes. Her heels made her barely above his shoulder level.

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