Ch. 6

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~Konoha School, last day of the week, Friday~

[Naruto's POV]

"Hey Naruto! How's it going??!" Kiba asked, knowing full well of my answer.

Ever since that night, when Sasuke was in my home, I've become more of a douchebag than I ever was. But only to those who gave me a hard time, picking on me, bullying me, and what not. My friends were a different story. They stayed by my side all the while of me being picked on and bullied. Some of my friends even went all the way to help me get the bullies off my back for a few days or so.

"Kiba, why do you ask when you already know the answer??" I rhetorically asked. He just shrugs his shoulders.

"Just trying to make conversation with you that's all..." Kiba stated.

"Okay..." I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

Kiba didn't say anything after that, just walked in silence to class with me.

On my way to class, there were some students murmuring about something. That's when I heard my name in the murmuring amongst the many students talking.

"Okay, who said my name??!" I yelled out loud, making everyone look at me. Some looked confused while others looked embarrassed and or shamed. A few of them even looked scared.

'Good. They should be scared of me.' I mentally stated while smirking.

"We were just talking about how you've been acting these past few days and were wondering why, that's all Naruto..." one student stated, standing up in the process to make it known that it was them who had talked.

"It's none of your guys business why I'm being like this. If you don't like it, then ignore it or go somewhere else." I said as I walked off to class.

Once at my class, I stepped into the classroom and sat at my usual spot in the back of the classroom. Kiba sat next to me and was talking up a storm with some of the other students that were already in the classroom before us. I just set my head down and closed my eyes, waiting for the bell to ring so that class could start.

Before class started, I all of a sudden got a gut feeling that there was going to be something happening soon. And if anything could get any worse, it just did. Both of the people I've been trying so hard to not socialize with, stepped into the classroom.

Gaara and Sasuke. I could tell that it was them by the girls screaming out their names. I silently groaned. 'I gotta find a different class to go to and fast, before I explode.' I thought to myself.

At that time, everybody went quiet. I felt two presences by me but didn't move. One of the presence put their hand on my back close to my shoulders and leaned forward to whisper something into my ear.

"Naruto? Can we talk to you at lunch, please? We would really appreciate it if you did talk to us. Meet us at the back of the school. We'll be waiting." Sasuke said. He toke his hand off of me and walked to his seat two rows over, three seats up. Gaara sat in his seat three rows over, two seats up. The bell rang then and the class started.

As class went on, the only thing on my mind was Sasuke and Gaara's invitation for a talk and me contemplating whether I should accept or not. I weighed the pros and cons out and the latter won. 'Guess I'm going to talk to them.' I glumly thought in my head.

When class ended, I slowly got up and gathered my things together and left the classroom. Kiba and our friends following behind me, talking and laughing. 'Wish I could be laughing and talking with them right now.' I mentally stated and sighed.

'Kit?? Hey kit?? Can you hear me??' a voice sounded off.

'Kit! It's me Kurama. Can you hear me??!' the voice sounded off again, this time saying the name of the person the voice belonged to.

'Kurama? Why are you calling to me at a time like this?' I spoke to the voice of Kurama.

'Kit, I'm calling to you to talk to you. It's been a while since we've talked. I know you're at school right now but your in passing time, so I figured I might as well pop up and say hi...' Kurama exclaimed.

'Okay, well hi. Now what do you want to talk about?' I said back to Kurama.

'I wanted to talk to you about your recent behavior and how it has been affecting me for one. And to give you advice for your talk with those two "people" at lunch, for two.' Kurama told me. We talked back and forth between each other for a while, even during the remaining class times (that came before lunch time), up until lunch time came.

~Lunch hour~

I walked towards the lunch line and got myself some food to eat before heading to the back of the school where two people, who I don't want to talk to, waited for me to get there. I finally got to the back of the school and saw two figures standing, looking in my direction, watching me walk over to them.

Finally reaching them, I then went to sit down in the grass to eat my lunch before talking to them.

"Soo, you guys wanted to talk to me about something?..." I said in a questioning matter.

"Yeah, we wanted to talk to you about your recent behavior..." Sasuke said while Gaara asked, "What's up with you lately??" They both glared at each other for a few seconds then went back to me and the situation at hand.

"Nothing's wrong with me guys. I've just been busy lately with certain "things"." I said to the both of them. Both of them looked at each other in that one way where the one person knew what the other one was thinking and vice versa, then looked back at me.

"We already know what those certain "things" are, Naruto. That's why we're here. To talk about it." Gaara said. Sasuke nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay, then what do you want me to say?" I asked them. They shrugged their shoulders. 'Well that's no help.' I mentally said.

"Okay, do you guys have any questions for me??" I asked. They just nodded their heads yes.

"Okay, what are your questions?" I asked straight up.

"Why are you being a douche to everyone?" Sasuke asked me. It was my turn to shrug my shoulders.

"Because. Maybe I want to be a douche to everyone, since people have always been mean to me since I've been born." I stated.

"But that don't mean you gotta be mean back Naruto. Trust me, I've learned that the hard way." Gaara said.

"I know Gaara, but if you were me, you'd be doing the same thing I'm doing now." I stated harshly.

"Maybe, maybe not...but we're not here talking about me, we're here talking about you." Gaara said as a matter-of-fact.

"Yeah yeah, any other questions before we go back in??" I said, looking down at the now empty tray, that was once filled with food.

"Yah, just one more question. Who do you like more??" Gaara asked.

A/N: Hey guys. What is up?? How are you guys doing? Hope I didn't have you guys waiting for long. Well, here's chapter 6 for ya. Let me know how I did either thru comments, or pm. Well, I'm off to do the next chapter. Bai Bai and see you in the next chapter!!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now