Ch. 16

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It took about three days for me to fully recuperate. When I got released from the hospital, mostly everyone was there, even Gaara. Upon receiving the news of my finding by Sasuke and that I'm back at the Hidden Leaf Village, he sprang into action and came all the way from Suna to see me.

"It feels so good to be out of that hospital and outside where the sun shines." I said excitedly, spinning in a circle with the sun shining down on my face. I was ahead of the group who came to see me for when I got discharged from the hospital. I was using Kurama's chakra to enhance my hearing, that's why I could hear what was happening around me, and know where to step. They all had smiling faces on as they saw me twirling around in glee.

"Don't get too far ahead Naruto! You don't want us to worry about you getting snatched, now do you?!" Sakura shouted out to me, warning me. As I thought about what she said, I slowed down so that they could catch up to where I was standing.

"Sorry Sakura. I got a little carried away there for a sec." I said while rubbing the back of my head out of habit.

"It's fine, just next time, don't get too carried away, okay?" Sakura asked with a smile plastered on her face.

"Okay!" I shouted, pumped my fist in the air, and got some peoples attention that were passing by us. Some of them stared while others shook their heads with a smile on their face, probably thinking of old times. "So where to??" I asked the group. Everyone in the group looked at each other, nodded their heads, and turned towards me.

"It's a youthful surprise, so we can't tell you. Sorry youthful Naruto. But in due time, you shall see what we have done for you." Lee said with his usual "youthful" spirit.

"LEE!!!" Everyone shouted at him. "Don't give him any hints, you dingledorf!..." TenTen shouted while hitting his head. "...Sorry Naruto, but we really can't tell you what's up. If we did tell you, we might get the blunt end of it all." TenTen added.

"Oh okay...." I said, a little confused and curious on why they wouldn't tell me what's going on. I just stood there while the others hugged me. Because of what happened and me losing my trust in people, I wiggled my way out of the hug. I could tell they had quizzical looks on their faces just by the vibe I was getting from everyone.

"Anyways guys, lead the way to where we're heading." I gestured for them to lead the way. And so we were off to our designated destination.

The only people I would allow touch me were Sasuke and Gaara. I could tell who was who because I could sense their chakra network flow and tell the difference between them.

"Sorry guys, but the only people I can trust right now is Sasuke and Gaara. In time, I'll trust all of you again. But for now, I only trust Sasuke and Gaara." I said sympathetically towards the others.

"It's okay Naruto. We understand why. I mean anybody who went through what you went through, would probably do the same as you or worse. So don't worry. We're just happy and glad you're home here safe but with the exception of how Sasuke found you." Sakura stated.

"Sakura...Don't. Remind. Me." Sasuke said, glaring at Sakura, with a murderous aura surrounding him. Everyone shut up after that, especially Sakura, because she didn't want to anger Sasuke anymore than he already was.

At this point, we had stopped walking. I'm guessing from the atmospheric feel that we were standing in the area of my home. But there was something off about how the atmosphere felt. It felt destructive, murderous, frantic with a slight concern feel weaved in through it all. Let's just say that it was uncomfortable standing here.

Luckily, this wasn't where we were heading. Someone, I'm thinking Sasuke, by the way he put his hand on the middle of my back and was guiding me, it was most likely him. Just to make sure though, I used some of the foxes chakra and sensed around me, feeling everybody's chakra network flow, and sure enough, the person who was guiding me was Sasuke. Gaara was on my other side, just walking silently beside me.

Everything was going great up to this point. Everybody was making small talk with everybody else. The only ones who weren't talking much were Sasuke, Gaara, myself, Shikamaru, Shino and Hinata. Surprisingly though, even though Neji was with the group, he was amongst the people who were making small talk. Like I said, mostly everybody was there to pick me up from the hospital. By mostly, I mean the main majority of everybody came. 

Which I was happy for...made me feel loved. The first time in a while I was actually being cared for by people. People who for most of my life didn't care what happened to me, who would care less if I died. Those people who wouldn't have cared at first for me, were now surrounding me, making sure that I was safe from harm. It was a great feeling knowing that I had people worrying about me and my safety.

Anyways, we were now walking again, and by what I was hearing we were heading to the one place that I always went to when I was down in the dumps and wanted to be outside. The park.

"We're here." Kiba said, getting everyone's attention.

"So this is what you were up to this whole time, huh Kiba?" TenTen asked.

"Kind of...I was planning on showing Naruto before he got taken, as you guys all knew...but after I heard that he got taken, I went overboard in destroying everything here. But as you can see here, I redid everything the best I could..." Kiba explained. "...Naruto? This was supposed to be for you from us for your birthday, but since you were taken before we could show it to you..." Kiba added.

Nobody said anything after that. The atmosphere was starting to get uncomfortable, so I started to walk forwards into the park. I tapped into the foxes chakra and spread it to my ears and little of my eyes to see if I could at least see the surrounding area and what it looks like.

I had to concentrate just to keep the surrounding area in sight. But in the end, I was only able to see objects and their outlined look.

"Thanks for the gesture Kiba. It's the thought that counts." I quietly exclaimed to Kiba. I smiled and walked more into the park. By the sounds of it, everybody was following me into the park also.

We played and talked all night into the next morning. All I can say is that I had fun.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the long wait. I was having some personal issues to deal with and on top of that, I had to remember my login for this account...I forgot what it was before a few days. So you guys go with chapter 16. Hope you liked it. If you did, plz vote, comment, add, etc. Thank you and see you...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now