Ch. 13

294 13 1

~Time skip to next day~

I woke up the next morning in bed, with my alarm clock blaring. I groaned and slammed my hand against my alarm clock, silencing it in the process.

Right at that moment I felt a slight shift in the bed and turned around so fast that I fell off the bed in the process of looking to see what made the bed shift.

"Ow....." I said rubbing my hurt and sore butt. I stood up and looked at my bed, this time seeing fully what made the bed shift. There was a body with a head of red hair lying in the bed. The body had turned to look in my direction and that's when I saw who it was. It was Gaara. That's when the events of last night came flashing through my head.

"Gaara!! You scared me! AND you made me fall off the bed!!" I yelled with a pouting face.

"For one, please don't shout and two, I'm sorry." Gaara said, still laying in my bed like nothing happened with me falling to the floor.

"Sorry..." I said apologetically, in a quieter voice. "...and it's ok." I added, looking at Gaara for a split second before getting up off the floor and walking to the closet to get my clothes for the day and headed to the shower.

When I got done with my shower, I got out, dried off and got dressed, and walked to the kitchen. While heading to the kitchen, I saw that Gaara left already. I looked at the clock then, and upon seeing what time it was, ran out of the kitchen to the front door, grabbed my phone, backpack, keys, and wallet, and bolted out of the house faster than I thought would be possible for me. I locked the door before running off towards the school.

Before I could get halfway to school, I was suddenly stopped by some type of van. One of the people who was in the van threw a smoke bomb in my direction. Upon it going off and smoke enveloping around me, I felt hands grip me and pull me in the direction of the van. I was conscious up to the point of getting pulled into the van, after that everything went black. I was knocked out.

When I came to, I was no longer in the van but in a dark room. 'Where am I? And why is it so dark?' I said mentally to myself.

"Ah, I see that your finally awake?..." A male voice sounded in the darkness. I groaned at that moment and tried to move, but was suddenly stopped by the feeling of chains on my wrists and ankles. I jingled the chains to make sure that they were chains and nothing more. Luckily enough, they were chains and nothing else. But something was off. I couldn't feel my Chakra flow anywhere in my body.

'Great. I'm chained up...with Chakra cancelling chains no less. That's just perfect. Now, how am I supposed to get back?...' I sarcastically spoke mentally.

"W-Where am I?" I spoke out loud.

"Somewhere where none of your friends will find you." The same male voice said.

"Why are you doing this? Why am I, of all people, here?" I asked him.

"We need some information and we believe that you're the only one who can give it to us." Another male voice rang through the room, but this voice sounded familiar.

"I-Itachi??..." I said in a questioning tone. "...Is that you??" I added in the same questioning tone as before.

It went silent in the room. An awkward feeling filling the atmosphere.

"Hello Naruto. It's been awhile. How's my little brother doing? Hopefully good, I assume..." Itachi questioned.

I couldn't talk, let alone move, after that. The shock was too great. My head was racing with thoughts and questions. My instincts were telling me that I need to find a way out and fast. Even though, I still tried to make myself move and talk.

"Why would you care Itachi?? It's not like you were there for him after you killed everybody in your clan, you heartless bastard..." I stated.

"Touchy, aren't we?" Itachi said with a slight smirk on his face, even though I wouldn't call it a smirk. I'd call it a slight smile because the corners of his mouth were curved up into a small smile.

I growled at him as if to answer his rhetorical question. He laughed and told the few others that were in the room to leave. I saw the others leave the room. That's when things started to get really bad.

In an instant, Itachi was behind me. I flinched instinctively, but not by much since I was still chained up. Itachi then grabbed something from his robe and started to put it on my face. By the feel of the fabric and where he was putting it, it was a blindfold.

'What?! A blindfold? What for?' I said in my head. As if reading my mind, Itachi chimed in.

"This is only a precaution for now. So don't worry Naruto...your not in harms way...not yet at least..." Once he said the last part, I started to panic internally, so that to not tip them off about me knowing about their plans to hurt me.

Before I could calm myself down, I heard the chains being taken off and footsteps coming towards me. I felt hands grabbing me and pulling me to what I'm guessing was the door to the room.

We walked for quite some time before stopping. I was pushed to a wall, chained and brought up into the air a couple feet above the floor within seconds. My hands above my head and my legs dangling below me.

There was pure silence except for the chains and everyone's shallow breathing. 'What's gonna happen next?' I questioned mentally.
A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the wait. But here's the chapter you've been wanting. Hope you guys like it. Vote, comment, follow, etc. Thanks and see you in the next chapter!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now