Ch. 18

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"Tell me what you think about me." I said, shocking everyone.
No one said anything for a while after hearing my request from them. The first person to speak though was very surprising to say the least. Hinata.

"We all think of you as a loyal compassionate and trustworthy friend and companion. I myself like you for who you are Naruto and I'm pretty sure that's how everyone else here feels." Hinata said cheerily, making me feel a little better emotionally, than before I asked them about my request.

"Really? That's what you think about me?" I questioned with a lighter tone of voice, as if hoping that that's the way everyone else felt. As if on cue, someone else spoke up.

"Yes Naruto, that's what we think about you. Even though there's something's that you do that are annoying at times, whenever you do that, it makes our lives a whole lot more fun. Takes our minds off of our own personal problems." Shikamaru said, with a little too much emotion.

"Plus Naruto, if you think about it, we all wouldn't be here talking. We'd be more likely fighting other countries, for example Suna. If it wasn't for you and Gaara being together..." Sai pointed out. After Sai said the word Suna, everyone looked at Gaara, Temari and Kankuro.

"Sai, everyone...that's enough. Anyways Naruto, the point is, we love you for the person that you are, and nothing will ever change that. Especially me Naruto...I love you. And I hope that you love me too and that it'll stay that way for a very long time..." Gaara confessed, interrupting Sai and what he was saying, and walked and sat down on the bed right next to me.

The next thing I know, I was being hugged and kissed by none other than Gaara himself. It took a bit for my brain to register what was being said and what Gaara was doing, but I finally came around. I hugged and kissed Gaara back and looked at everyone in the room.

"Thanks guys..." I cheekily smiled. I intertwined my hand with Gaara's and squeezed lightly, letting him know that I was also thanking him for his words too. In response, he lightly squeezed my hand, put my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand.

I blushed a little and looked down. Everyone but Sasuke awed at the sight before them. I could sense that Sasuke didn't want to be in the room at that moment and cleared my throat to get everyone's attention.

"Guys, can I have some time to think to myself, please?" I asked, looking up at everyone, landing only on Sasuke in the end. I gave him a certain look that only he would be able to decipher. The only response I got was a smirk. His signature smirk.

"If that's what you want, then yes." Gaara said from where he was sitting beside me. I nodded my head, as to say yes that is what I wanted.

"Okay then, we'll leave you to think..." Gaara said as he got up off the bed, and started to go out the room as was everyone else except Sasuke. "...come on guys. That includes you Sasuke." Gaara added right as he was passing Sasuke on the way to the door.

"Actually, do u mind if I have a word with Sasuke privately Gaara? I promise that nothing will happen to me. I just want to talk to Sasuke." I said, low enough so that only the two would hear me. Gaara looked at me speculatively, weighing the outcomes in his mind. Gaara then looked at Sasuke and thought some more.

"That's fine. But just to talk, that's all. Got it?" Gaara finally said, but pointing the last part of his statement more towards Sasuke than me. The only response Gaara got from Sasuke was a "Tch. Whatever." and from me a quietly spoken "Thank you Gaara, I'll pay you back later.".

After hearing our responses, Gaara then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him and leaving Sasuke and I alone in the room. Sasuke just stood where he was for a couple minutes before walking over to the bed and plopping down on the bed. We stayed quiet for a bit, trying to think of what to say to each other.

"So, what do you want to talk about that's so important, dobe?" Sasuke said, breaking the silence. I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.

"Dobe?" Still no reply from me.

"Naruto?!" That's when it hit me. All of my emotions. Flooding through me. I started to bawl, tears overflowing my face. I jumped onto Sasuke, clinging to him like my life depended on me clinging onto him. I still didn't say anything. Instead my tears and everything else talking for me.

"Naruto..." Sasuke said, in a sweet singsong voice interlaced with worry and shock. Sasuke then wrapped his arms around me, hugging me. That's when I spoke up.

"I can't do this anymore. I feel like everything is about to come crashing down, and that it's gonna be my fault for what happens. I'm trying my best to keep everyone from worrying, but I know that it's not working out as I wanted it to be. Sasuke, help me. Before I lose myself in the process." I begged, not looking up at his face, scared that if he saw my face, he'd go into his angered state where it would be almost impossible to stop him from destroying things.

Sasuke didn't say a word after I got done saying what I needed to say. He didn't say anything or do anything. He wasn't even breathing. Well, he was, but barely. From the looks of it, it seemed like he was holding his breath. I noticed that he wasn't moving and went to look up at his face, to see if he was okay. Before I could look at his face though, I was thrown back towards where I was laying when I first came into the room and before everyone decided to come and check up on me.

"Sasuke?" I called out his name hesitantly. He got up off the bed and started pacing around the room. I watched Sasuke as he paced the room frantically. Sasuke suddenly stopped pacing and looked at me. A glint in his eye. One that I knew too much about.

"Narut-" Sasuke started to say, but I interrupted him.

"Sasuke, you know I can't do that right now. He'll be furious if I did." I said in a panicked voice.

"Well, it's now or never Naruto. So choose wisely." Sasuke stated before walking to the door. "Think of it this way Naruto...I'm the only one who knows what to do, and if you really want me to help, then you'll do it. But it's your choice." Sasuke added before opening the door and closing it behind him, leaving me in the room alone. I cried the whole rest of the night until I fell asleep. And even in my dreams, I wept.
A/N: Hey guys, so how did I do on this chapter? Better than my other ones I'm guessing??...I don't know why I said that, I just had to blurt it out and what not...but anyways here's chapter 18 for you guys. Hope you liked it. Vote, comment, all that stuff...Thanks and see you in the next chapter!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now