Ch. 2

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[Naruto's POV]

~In the school hallway~

"Hey guys! What you doing?!" I shouted, waving at my friends Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Sakura, and Hinata. They waved back at me and some of them even said my name.

"Hey Naruto!" Kiba shouted, ran up to me and gave me a bear hug, literally squeezing me.

"What a drag...Hey Naruto." Shikamaru said as the rest of my friends caught up to me and Kiba.

"H-Hey N-Naruto..." Hinata shyly said, getting a little red in the face, when she said my name.

The rest of them didn't say anything to me, just basically smiled and giggled at me because I was still getting squeezed by Kiba in his hug, and my face turning colors because of the lack of air I was getting.

"Can't....Breath....Kiba...." I said in short narrow breaths.

"Oh... Sorry Naruto." Kiba said, releasing me from the hug and setting me down. I toke a deep breath, filling my lungs with air.

Once getting some air into my lungs and controlling my breathing, I then replied to Kiba's apology.

"It's okay Kiba. Just, next time be more controlling of your hug squeezing." I replied.

"Okay." Kiba said.

The air was so tense at this time that just to lighten the mood, everybody started to laugh, lightening the air in the atmosphere.

Just then, the bell rang signaling that it was time for everybody to get to class.

"Oh Crap!!!" I shouted before we even got to the classroom. (Which is a good thing)

"What's wrong Naruto?" Kiba asked.

"I forgot my stuff in my locker. I have to go get it!" I told everybody in the group.

"But if you go get it, you'll be late, and have to deal with Iruka-sensei when you get back." Kiba told me.

"I don't care. I'll be in more trouble if I don't bring my stuff to class. I'd rather be in trouble for being late then get in trouble for not bringing my stuff to class." I said as a matter-of-fact.

"Okay, fine. But don't be long. We have that exercise in class and I want to be your partner for it." Kiba stated.

"Okay, I won't. I know you do. I promise not to be long." I said to Kiba, not knowing that there is something or someone that is going to make sure that I don't get to go to class on time for when the exercises start.

"Bye guys. See you soon." I said before bolting into the direction I needed to go to get to my locker.

After about 5-10 minutes of running, including the times where I tripped and fell down the stairs, tied my shoelaces and having to go to the bathroom, I finally reached my locker.

I skidded to a halt in front of my locker and started putting my combination in to open my locker up. Once I put the combination in and opened up my locker, I grabbed what I needed from my locker and shut the locker door.

Turning around, not knowing that someone was there, behind my locker door as I shut it, I gasped in shock and flew back what felt like 10 acres when it was only 5 feet.

The person who was now standing by my locker and watching me intently, smirked and let out a "Tch" sound.

"Sorry if I scared you...Dobe." The person said. He started to walk towards me which made me freak and start to back up towards the wall behind me. After a few steps, I finally reached the wall and stopped. The person was still walking towards me as I got to the wall.

It was then that when the person was at least a couple steps away from me that he stopped. At this point I could make out the persons features. The person was a male with pale toned skin, little bit of a muscular build, about my height maybe taller by at least a few centimeters, blackish hair with a little bit sticking out the back of his head like a duckbutt, black onyx eyes and thin shaped lips.

I guessed I was staring at him for quite a while because he shifted his weight and looked at me in a way that made shivers go up my spine. He even made a gesture of clearing his throat to get my attention.

I blushed and looked away. I heard him chuckle, and I blushed even more. Not knowing what to do, I just stood there and stayed quiet.

"What's your name, dobe??" He suddenly asked me, making me look up at his face.

"N-Naruto. N-Naruto Uzumaki." I stuttered out, making him chuckle again and make me blush in embarrassment.

"Naruto....I like the sound of your name. I'm Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha. It's nice to finally meet you." He said, introducing himself.

Sasuke then looked at me once more, walked up to me, toke my face in his hands, pressed his lips to mine and quickly ran off right after, vanishing from my sight.

It took me a bit to figure out what just happened and also that I needed to get going to class because Kiba was waiting for me.

I then gripped my stuff that I've been holding all this while more tightly, and ran off towards my class, where an awaiting Kiba was.

Once I got to the classroom, I stopped and toke a few deep breaths just so that I could get my breathing back to normal before I walked into the classroom.

When I walked into the classroom, everybody looked my way and scowled at me as if in annoyance because of interrupting the class lecture and instructions on what and how to do the class exercise today.

I smiled nervously at everyone and went to sit by my friend, Kiba. Which I might add was staring bullets at me.

Before I could sit, Kiba bombarded me with questions. I sighed and sat down, waiting for him to wait for my reply to his questions.

"Where were you and why did it take you this long to get back??" Kiba asked.

"I was getting my stuff from my locker, Kiba. And the reason why it took me so long to get back is because I had to go to the bathroom, I tripped on the stairs and had to tie my shoes." I answered his questions. 'And also because I got held up by someone kissing me...' I thought in my head.

'Sasuke...' I said in my head in a seductive way, shivering in the process as I remembered how he looked at me and kissed me. I sighed softly, making sure that Kiba didn't hear me sighing. 'Well, at least nobody saw what happened...'

Or at least I HOPE no one saw us.

A/N: Hey guys, what's up?? So what do you guys think?? Good? Horrible? So so? Comment what you thought on how I did, and if I should change or add anything. And don't forget to vote. Well gtg. Ttyl and see you in the next chapter! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now