Ch. 12

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"Yeah, it's....."
"Yeah, it's...." was all I heard before the doors to the entrance of school opened, revealing none other than Sasuke.


".....S-Sasuke!" The person, Suigetsu, as Sasuke called him by, shouted, sounding scared and completing his sentence for me.

"So, Sasuke...It WAS you after all. Keeping an eye on me, that's very thoughtful of you." I said in a sarcastic and mocking tone, making him get angry and start to get red in the face because of anger and embarrassment.

"Shut up Naruto! I'm not doing it for you!" Sasuke said. Even though he said what he said, I can tell that he didn't mean what he said, only because I heard it in his voice and I could see it in his eyes.

When he said the words, I almost lost control of myself from running up to him and either smacking him across the face or hugging him because I knew the meaning behind his words. Basically, he was trying to tell me that he was doing it on his own free will to make sure that I'm safe and unharmed, and that he's doing it for himself, for his sake.

"Tch. Whatever Sasuke. Just try not to get too tied up in things." I stated. It was almost like we were giving each other clues and or hints, or "reading between the lines" you could say, to tell each other what each other was really trying to say. It was like a Morse Code for Sasuke and I, the only thing that only WE knew how to operate.

"Whatever.... Suigetsu!!! Let's go! We have things to do." Sasuke barked out, glancing at me and giving me a certain look only I would know, turned around towards the entrance doors and left with Suigetsu running after him.

"Well then..." I said, looking at the entrance doors then at Gaara, who in return was looking at me. "What??" I said in a questioning manner.

"What was that? Between you and Sasuke?...." Gaara asked me.

"What do you mean between me and Sasuke? There's nothing between me and him. Why would you think there is something between me and him?" I questioned, trying to act as innocent and stupidly as possible, so Gaara wouldn't be suspicious about what I told Sasuke earlier at lunch time, up on the roof of the school.

"I mean were you talking to him in Morse Code about something that I might need to be concerned about..." Gaara said in a questioning tone.

"Oh, nope. I wasn't talking to him in Morse Code about anything. I was just stating the obvious truth, that he shouldn't get too tied up in things that doesn't concern him." I said as a matter-of-fact, while not telling the whole truth to him. Because I was talking to Sasuke in Morse Code...about staying away for now until I see how this relationship between Gaara and I ends up.

"Okay then...well, shall we get going then??" Gaara asked, believing that from what I said was true and not a lie or slightly bended truth.

"Yeah, let's get going. Lead the way." I stated, as I gestured my hand for him to lead the way, since I have no clue where we're going and since he was the one that said I was hanging with him today.

Gaara walked past me, through the entrance doors and out of the school with me following right behind him. In the end, we ended up at Ichiraku's to get something to eat, since my stomach was growling up a storm.

"Mmmm...Ramen!!" I shouted as I was handed my bowl of ramen. Right when the bowl was set down, I grabbed my chopsticks and dug in.

During our time at Ichiraku's, Gaara asked me questions about myself and I answered his questions with an honest reply.

When we got done eating, we paid for our meal, and walked to my place. Upon arriving at my place, Gaara took out his phone and typed up a few things and then put it in his pocket.

"Hey Naruto..." Gaara said, getting my attention.

"Yeah, what's up Gaara?" I asked, looking at him, giving him my full attention.

"My family is gonna be out tonight and I don't wanna be home alone. Mind if I stay the night?" Gaara asked, looking me in the eyes with a pleading look.

"Sure, I don't mind. My home is anybody's home. At least anybody that are my friends and currently boyfriends home." I said, blushing at the last part.

"Thanks Naruto." Gaara said before enveloping me in a hug.

"Anytime Gaara." I replied, hugging him back.

We both let go of each other so that I could unlock the door and get inside. Once the door was closed and locked, Gaara hugged me again but with a different approach this time. He hugged me from behind and kissed my neck, eliciting a moan from me.

"God, Naruto. You make me wanna take you here and now. But I'm gonna hold myself back since this is our first day of dating." Gaara said, withdrawing from kissing me, but not from hugging me. He kept hugging me while we just stood there in complete silence.

"But....." I whispered and whimpered to Gaara. I moved my butt from side to side against him, making him get the idea of what I was wanting to do.

"But what Naruto? We can't, not when we've just started dating." Gaara told me.

"Oookaaayyyy." I said, drawing out the word in defeat. I hung my head down and just stood there wrapped in Gaara's arms.

"Don't be so sad Naruto. We'll get to that point someday. Okay??" Gaara said, reassuring me.

"Okay." I said, after nodding my head yes in understanding.

"Okay then...", Gaara said, before unwrapping his arms from around me. "...Do you wanna watch a movie tonight and cuddle then?" Gaara asked.

"Sure. But first let me get into my pjs and find you some night clothes to sleep in, okay??" I replied, walking to the small staircase that leads to the bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor.

"Okay. Even though I might or might not need them, I'll still come up with you to your room." Gaara called out to me.

"Okay. I'll race ya then. And no cheating!" I stated before bolting up the stairs to get dressed in my pjs, and get Gaara his overnight clothes.

"I'll beat you even without cheating!" Gaara said before running after me.

And beat me he did. Right as I was about to get to the top step, I tripped and fell. Luckily I caught myself. That's when Gaara passed by me and won.

"I told you I was gonna win without cheating." Gaara said, smirking with a slight grin laced into it.

"Whatever..." I said, with my head hung low in defeat. Gaara chuckled as I walked to my room with him following behind me.

I walked into my room and went to my closet, grabbed my pjs and put them on before grabbing Gaara some pjs and walking out of the closet, only to be stopped by the scene of Gaara looking out the window, looking deep in thought.

Upon hearing me come out of the closet, Gaara turned his head only to see me standing where I was with his pjs in my hands. He slightly smiled at me and got up and started to walk to me.

"Here's some night clothes for you." I stated, reaching my hand with the clothes in it out towards Gaara as he neared me.

"I won't be needing them tonight. Or anytime whenever I'm over for the night. I usually sleep in my boxers anyways." Gaara told me as he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He nestled his nose in the crook of my neck and inhaled a big breath through his nose. "You smell the same way from the last time I smelled your scent." Gaara said, exhaling on my neck, his warm breath sweeping across my neck making me get shivers and chills up and down the spine of my back.

"Shall we get going downstairs to watch the movie now?" Gaara asked, moving his head from my neck, and looking at me in the face. I nodded my head and started to walk but not before Gaara took my face in his hands and planting a kiss on my lips and him dashing for it, heading downstairs before I could even register what he did.
A/N: Hey guys. What is clearly up? Just getting this chapter done finally. Sorry for the wait. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter anyways. Vote, comment, follow, etc. Thanks and see you in the next chapter!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now