Ch 24

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Recap: I was frozen upon reading the message. I didn't know what to think. A little after reading the message my whole body started to shake uncontrollably in fear. Oh god, no. Not again! I must tell someone.
Before I could send anything to anyone though a message from the same number popped up.
U/N: oh and don't think about letting anyone know about these messages. In fact, delete these 2 messages. That way, you won't have proof of any contact with me. Alright??! I have ears and eyes watching your every step, so don't think you can get away from me so easily. Well ta-ta for now Naruto. Until we see each other next time.
"Well damn." I said out loud once I had recollected my thoughts and got over my shock of the message.
Just then, I got a new message from a friend asking me if I'd like to get some drinks. I agreed to go.

                        *1hr 30mins later*
After a shower and looking through some clothes in my closet and finally finding a good enough outfit, I heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh. My rides here." I hurriedly say as I make the last bit of touch ups on my outfit complete. "There all set." I sighed and hurried off to answer the door.

"Yo. You all set bro?" Kiba asked me, smiling.

"Yup." I replied as I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet and stepped out of my apartment, locking it before turning back around to face Kiba again.

"Lets go." I added as I started walking towards his car. We both got in the car and he started the car and drove off to the bar.

~At the bar~
"Hey man, you okay?" Kiba asked me, giving me a concerned look.

"I'm fine, why?" I had to try and make it sound like nothing was wrong even though the truth was far from what I told him. I was completely and utterly freaking out. I had about 2 drinks in me already, but I still couldn't relax and have a good time. I felt like even the slightest person in the bar could've been one the mysterious persons said ears and eyes. I wanted to shout it to the world about the fact of my stalker, but with having no proof I was practically a sitting duck at this point just waiting for them to make their move on me.

"I don't know man. You seem on edge, right now..." Kiba answered my question. "You usually have at least 5-6 drinks down already, but this is only your 2nd one." Kiba continued.

"To be honest Kiba, I'm not feeling like getting wasted right now. Sorry bro." To be honest, I want to be sober enough to stand my ground if the person decided to show up at some time in the night.

"Ok, then would you like me to take you back home?" Kiba asked me. I shook my head no.

"No, I'll walk. I need some fresh air anyways right now. I'll catch up with you later, ok?" As I started walking to the door, I noticed someone exiting the door right before me.

I'll have to be careful on my way home.

As I'm walking home, I started to feel like I was being followed. I didn't like it. I started taking a longer way home, to see if I could lose the person. I couldn't. If anything, the person felt more closer to me than before. As a last minute ditch decision, I tried seeing my way to Hinata's house.

Please be home.

Next corner I rounded, I could see Hinata's house, a slight glow emanating from within the grounds. I didn't want to wake anybody up if there was anybody sleeping, so I decided to sneak around back where the glow was brightest. I climbed up a tree to see who had the light, and I saw none other than Hinata herself. Training on some doll.

"I know your there, so why don't you come down from there....." Just as Hinata was saying that last part, I jumped down knowing I was caught red handed. "...Naruto."

"Hey Hinata, how's it going?" I sheepishly said to her, doing my nervous tick of rubbing the back of my head while smiling.

"You know your not supposed to be here this late at night. Or else my father will be furious with the both of us." Hinata said with a little attitude, her hand on her hip which was jutting out to the side a little bit.

"I know, but I figured maybe I could speak with your father about something that's been bugging me. A private personal matter. If you would be willing to get him for me....? Please Hinata?" I pleaded to her.

After about a few minutes of looking at me contemplating on whether or not to go get her father for me. She went inside only to reappear 5mins later with her father behind her.

"Hinata told me you wish to speak with me Naruto?"

"Yes sir I do" I bowed my head in respect.

"Come on in. Let us talk in my office." He gestured for me to follow him inside. So I did.

Once we got to his office, and I felt a lot more safe, I relaxed and slumped down onto the floor.

"First let me apologize for making Hinata wake you up this late if you were sleeping sir. And secondly I believe I'm being followed. I didn't know who to go to about this at first. But after some thinking, I started to head here to see if you would allow me to stay for a bit until my follower left. I also received some disturbing messages from an unknown source saying that they will see me again and that I shouldn't go getting anyone involved." I finished summing up why I had wanted to talk to him. He looked a little puzzled yet worried.

After some thought, he came to a conclusion.

"I'll allow you to stay the night. First thing in the morning we will be going to let the hokage and all other jonin and higher ups know about your predicament and decide what we will do to solve it.

~To be continued~

A/N: Sorry guys for the wait. Here's the long awaited chapter. Hope you like it. Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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