Ch. 15

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"Naruto!... Naruto!!...NARUTO!!!!"

'Who is it? Who's saying my name?...Who is that?' I thought to myself.

"NARUTO!!! NARUTO?! CAN YOU HEAR ME NARUTO??!" Someone was shouting close by. 'Is that a hand I feel?' I mentally questioned.

"NARUTO! C'mon answer me Naruto! Naruto!!" Sounds like...Sas-suke.

"Sas-uke?..." I said, my voice hoarse.

"Oh Naruto!! Thank goodness you're okay!" Sasuke's voice rang out.

"Where am I?" I groaned out. I opened my eyes for the first time today, but all I could see was pitch black darkness.

"Where are you? Where do you think dobe? Can't you see?" Sasuke retorted, but as he waited for my answer, he saw that I wasn't going to answer. Instead he saw that I had a certain look on my face that said everything.

I heard Sasuke stop breathing. So to get him to breath, I got his attention by trying to stand up but failing by falling.

"Ahhh!" I shouted as I fell. Before I could hit the ground though, Sasuke grabbed me and held me up.

"Woah. Hold on Naruto. Let me help you, since you, ya know..." Sasuke said before trailing off. He wrapped my arm around the back of his neck while he put one of his hand around my waist to support me, almost like the soldier way of carrying an injured soldier to safety.

"Let's get you back so that everyone can stop looking frantically for you, and so that you can get some medical attention too. Alright?" Sasuke said as we started walking from where we were to the village. To home.

"Thanks Sasuke. I owe you another one." I exclaimed with a slight smile.

"Hn. Whatever dobe." Sasuke retorted back. Silence enveloped us after that. But not until after Sasuke said, "I'm glad you're back and alive though."

I smiled at his comment and kept quiet all the way back to the village. Once we were within range of the village, Sasuke yelled out to the stand post where multiple people were standing and shouting at each other, to get their attention.

"Someone help! It's Naruto. I found him!" was all Sasuke had to say before people were running full speed towards us. I could hear so many footsteps running towards us, it sounded like elephants running from an enemy.

All at once I was being questioned about where I was and this and that. After a few minutes of listening to their questions, I decided that I had enough of it and shouted at them.

"Enough! I'm fine, just get me to the hospital and get me Grandma Tsunade! Now! Lets go Sasuke, I'm getting tired of this yelling. It's giving me a headache." I lightly nudged Sasuke to let him know that I wanted to go right at that very second, and he obliged to my request.

~Time skip~

"What??! The Akatsuki did this to you??!" Grandma Tsunade yelled out, enraged beyond belief. At least, that's what it sounded like to me. Since I no longer have my eyesight and all anymore.

"How dare they!!!" Granny Tsunade yelled in an outburst. I jumped because of her outburst, but winced in pain afterwards. Granny Tsunade already examined me, and had me bandaged up and laying in one of the hospital beds. "And to go as far as taking your eyesight...It's unforgivable." I heard Granny Tsunade's voice shake, as if she were to break down and cry.

"Granny Tsunade??...There is no need to worry about me. I'm fine. If it takes me to train myself to see the world in a different way, I'll do my best to do so. Even if it means for me to train that much more harder, I'll do it. So don't worry Granny...Everything's going to be okay. Plus, if it makes you feel any better, I'll let you in on a little secret. You don't have to worry about the fox spirit overtaking me anymore...We're, what you could say, buddies in the most respectable way. Okay?" I assured Granny, with the most biggest grin I've ever done in my whole life and my signature chuckle while smiling.

"Naruto..." Granny Tsunade sing-song my name, and I could just imagine what type of expression she had on her face. One of admiration. After a bit, she soon smiled at me from what I could feel in the atmosphere.

"Enough of the small talk and chit chat, I'm starving." I said out loud, just as my stomach made a growling sound so loud that I'm sure the nurses out at the work station heard it.

"Alright then. Let's get you something to eat, so that you can get back to your regular healthy self." Granny Tsunade exclaimed as she started heading towards the door of the room to request food for me. The only way I knew it was her walking is because of her footwear and how she walks.

By the time the food arrived and I ate it, it was time for bed. At least for me that was. The nurses had put me on some type of sleeping sedative so that I can heal quicker and sleep while healing.

I asked if Gaara was around, but the answer I got back was a disappointing no. So instead, because I didn't want to wake up alone, I asked Sasuke to stay the night at the hospital and of course knowing him he agreed.

And before I even thought of sleeping, I asked Granny Tsunade if she could contact Gaara to tell him that I was fine and resting in the Hidden Leaf Village.

After I had everything in place and was able to relax, I fell into a peaceful sleep for once, after being tormented and unable to sleep much due to being alert whenever footsteps were heard going towards me when I was held captive.

"Goodnight Sasuke."

"Goodnight Naruto."

A/N: Here's chapter 15 for you guys. Hope it's ok. Vote, comment, follow, etc. Thanks Bai Bai^^ and see you in the next chapter!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now