Ch. 9

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm going to do something with the story. I don't know if you guys are okay with me changing the story up, but I had a great idea and I'm thinking on going along with my idea. When you guys figure out what the idea is, and if you guys don't like it, wait and read more of the story as it goes along to see what happens. Thanks and have a good time reading.

~Next day, Naruto's home~

[Naruto's POV]

I woke up to the sun shining through the window, unto my face. I could hear the birds chirping, and the busy hordes of people roaming the streets, going in and out of the stores.

I sat up, stretched my arms and legs, got out of bed and went to the bathroom. While in the bathroom and doing my business, I thought of what happened last night and what my answer would be.

After finally coming to an answer I wanted and needed, I came to a decision.

"I shall tell them both my answer, either tomorrow or at school Monday. Until then, I'll enjoy the time I have, peacefully. Believe it!" I said to no one but myself.

After getting done with my business, I walked out of the bathroom, to my room to get changed, then to the kitchen to get something to eat.

While I looked in the cupboards and the fridge for something to eat, I got a message on my phone. I looked at the message and who it was sent by and my lips formed a smile. It was from Kiba, asking me if I would like to hang with him for the day.

I replied back saying, "Sure would Kiba. When and where would you like to meet up?"

"The usual spot, at Ichiraku's, right now."

"I'll be right there."

"Okay, see you then."

After I got his last text, I sprinted over to the coat closet, grabbed my jacket, my keys, my wallet and headed out the door, closing and locking it before heading off to my most favorite place to eat.

Walking to Ichiraku's, I was stopped by someone that, by all means, I didn't want to see let alone talk to. Sasuke. Again. For the umpteenth time this whole week, its like he has a tracker/radar in his mind that can tell him where I am at all times.

"Hey dobe. Where you heading off to??" Sasuke asked, walking up to my side.

"No where you need to know Teme." I sarcastically remarked.

"Oh really dobe.... Have you got an answer to Gaara's question yet or no??" Sasuke questioned.

"Maybe I do and maybe I don't. I don't know. I'll probably have the answer on Monday, at the least, Wednesday, at the most. So your gonna have to wait till then Teme." I told Sasuke.

"Hn." Sasuke replied. After that, he darted off somewhere, and it's a good thing that he did because I was coming up to Ichiraku's ramen shop.

Within a few strides, I saw Ichiraku's in the distance. Kiba was there, looking for me, by the look on his face.

When I was within hearing range, I shouted out Kiba's name. Once hearing his name, he turned towards my direction and smiled. He then darted towards me and yelled out my name.

"Finally. I get to talk to you without you getting all uptight." Kiba said.

"What do you mean by that Kiba?" I asked.

"I mean every time we talk, your always on edge and anxious about something. It's like your looking to see if your being watched. Even in school, your on edge. And you always yell at the other students about just the littlest of things, you know..." Kiba explained.

"Okay, yah and?..." I said, egging him to go further into his explanation.

"And, I'm just saying that it's nice to see you not so on edge, relaxed and yourself." Kiba said, smiling.

"Yeah, I can agree with you there Kiba. It's nice to be relaxed and myself after what happened this past week..." I said, saying the last part more to myself than to him and hoping that he didn't get the hint and meaning on what I said and wouldn't ask about it.

"Yeah..." Kiba trailed off. I sighed mentally. 'Good. He didn't ask about what I said.' I mentally thought.

"So, about that ramen??" I questioned.

"Yeah, let's go get some ramen." Kiba said, walking back to Ichiraku's. I sighed and walked behind him up to Ichiraku's.

While eating at Ichiraku's, Kiba and I talked about all sorts of things. Mainly about my behavior in school and what not.

~Time skip~

"Boy that was good and fun." I stated to myself as I entered my home. I was full from eating at Ichiraku's.

"Did you have a good time dobe??" Sasuke asked. I couldn't see him, which was only due to it being night time and the inside of my home being mostly not lit up from the moonlight and him being in the shadows of the darkened home.

"Yeah teme, I had a blast." I remarked sarcastically, but with truthfulness in my words. I searched the spacious room with my eyes where I was standing only to find Sasuke sitting on my living room couch. I took off my shoes and walked towards his direction.

"What did yo-???" Sasuke started to ask but I stopped him before he could finish his question by asking him, "Why are you here Teme??"

"Cut to the chase why don't cha?..." Sasuke sarcastically asked as a matter-of-fact, before continuing with answering my question. "...I'm here because I want to be. Is that such a problem??"

"Yes...." I replied.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the cliff hanger. I just figured that where its at in this chapter, its perfect to stop. So yah... Sorry again for that. And also about what I said for my idea, I'm still gonna put it in the story, so don't worry guys. Well, that's about it for what I need to say. Vote, comment, follow, share, etc. Thanks. Bai bai and see you in the next chapter!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now