Ch. 10

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A/N: Hey guys, what is up?? This is going to be a small author's note guys. So don't be expecting me to say much. I just have one thing to say before I go on to the story. I'm going to time skip til Monday morning so that I can write some of the plot of my idea down. Now that I said that, let's get on to the story.

~Monday Morning, Naruto's home~

[Naruto POV]

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm blared, making me almost jump out of my socks and wake up from my dream that I was having.

'Damn alarm clock. Damn Monday. Damn school.' I thought to myself. I groaned and got up. I really didn't want to get up and go to school, for today was the day that I would tell them what my answer was.

'But I don't know if it'll work out with what I have decided for my answer...' I mentally said. "Well there's only one way to find out, and that's to go through with it." I said to no one in particular, but myself.

I walked to the closet and got dressed. Walked downstairs and into the kitchen to get something to eat. Since there wasn't much to eat, I decided to go without for this morning. 'Note to self: Get groceries before going home today.'

"Okay, now it's off to school I go." I said to myself, walking to the door, grabbing my keys and wallet, opened the door, stepped outside, and closed the door behind me, locking it before I started walking to school.

Kiba met up with me 7 minutes before we got to the school.

"So Naruto, how was your weekend??" Kiba asked. Akamaru barked right after as if saying, "Yah, Naruto, how was your weekend?"

"Oh not much, just the usual, you know." I said to them, hoping to not get their attention as to what I was really doing this past weekend and how it was and blah blah blah.

Luckily they didn't pick up the meaning behind what I was saying, because Kiba nodded his head, and Akamaru barked.

By that time, we were in front of the school. That's when we spotted our friends standing in a group and talking amongst each other. One of them at one point noticed Kiba and I walking and waved at us. When they waved, it got the others attention and the others looked over in our direction. Kiba and I waved back at them and went and joined them.

"Hey guys!!!" I shouted happily. I thought that they were going to say hi back but I guess I thought wrong. They were all shocked by my happy outburst and had shocked expressions on their faces. "Guys??!" I said questioningly with a quizzical look on my face. That made them snap back to reality.

"N-Naruto?? Did you just seem happy there for a sec?" One of them, by the voice, Sakura asked.

"Huh? Oh, you mean when I said hey to you guys? Yeah, I thought I'd be happy for once, since I've been a total dickhead to everyone and all. Plus, it feels good to be back in my normal happy state of mind." I told them.

Some of them nodded their heads in understanding while others said ah, or okay. At that moment, we all decided to split up and get to class before the bell rung.

I went to my first hour and that's how my day started. The first half of the day flew by faster than usual, now it's lunch time and I'm going up to the rooftop to wait for Sasuke and Gaara, after I told my friends where I was going and not really saying why. I also had to message Sasuke and Gaara to tell them to meet me on the rooftop at lunch at one point in the day. They obviously said they'd meet me there and here I am waiting for them on the rooftop, just to tell them what my answer was to Gaara's question from last week. First it was Gaara to appear, then Sasuke not even a few minutes after.

"Good. Now that you're both here, I can just come out and say what needs to be said. To your question from last week Gaara, for whom do I like more, my answer is that I like you more Gaara. Sasuke, I'm sorry but maybe another time. The only reason why I picked you Gaara is because your nice to me, you don't push me to my extreme point unless needed, and also because I like your style." I told them.

By the looks of it, Sasuke had a look of shock, anger, loss, determination, jealousy, and frustration all balled up on his face. Gaara on the other hand had a look of shock, joy, happiness and boredom balled up on his face.

I smirked at both of them. 'They look so stupid with the way their faces are all balled up with different emotions.' I thought to myself. I was at that point where I was trying not to laugh because of the facial expressions they were making.

One thing that shocked me was that after a bit of time and thinking, Sasuke turned and faced Gaara and got into a fighting stance.

"I won't allow you to take him from me. Fight me and we'll see who gets him." Sasuke told Gaara, while Gaara looked at me with his famous "no emotion" look in his eyes.

"I don't have time for this, Sasuke. WE don't have time for this." Gaara said before disappearing and the bell ringing right after.

"Sh*t. Totally forgot how long we've been up here. Sorry Sasuke. I truly am sorry. Here if it'll make you feel any better, I'll let you in on a little secret of mine. But that's if you want to hear what it is of course..." I told him, baiting him.

"What is it Naruto??" Sasuke questioned with his signature look.

"I might be thinking about having you in the future. I wanna see how this one with Gaara goes. If all goes wrong, I'll turn to no one other than you. Okay??" I told him, shocking him again but this time he nodded his head in understanding and walked off. 'That'll give him time to think about the meaning behind what I said.' I mentally said to myself. With that, I walked off to my next class hour before the bell rings to signal that I was late to class.

A/N: Hey guys, here's chapter 10 for ya. Hope you liked it. Vote, comment, share, follow, etc etc. Bai bai^^ >.< and see u in the next chapter!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now