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"Sasuke?" I called out his name hesitantly. He got up off the bed and started pacing around the room. I watched Sasuke as he paced the room frantically. Sasuke suddenly stopped pacing and looked at me. A glint in his eye. One that I knew too much about.

"Narut-" Sasuke started to say, but I interrupted him.

"Sasuke, you know I can't do that right now. He'll be furious if I did." I said in a panicked voice.

"Well, it's now or never Naruto. So choose wisely." Sasuke stated before walking to the door. "Think of it this way Naruto...I'm the only one who knows what to do, and if you really want me to help, then you'll do it. But it's your choice." Sasuke added before opening the door and closing it behind him, leaving me in the room alone. I cried the whole rest of the night until I fell asleep. And even in my dreams, I wept.
(Warning: Contains sexual content below)

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. Sometime in the night, I woke up to the bed shifting from someone's weight. But I was too tired to see who it was, and plus I knew that it was Gaara, because obviously it was his bed to begin with and to make it even more convincing that it was him, he wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him before falling asleep.

As I was waking up more, I noticed that Gaara was still sleeping. Usually he'd be up before me, in the kitchen making me breakfast and drinking his morning coffee.

'I wonder why he's still sleeping...' I thought to myself. That's when everything from what happened yesterday came flooding back to me. 'Great...he's probably worried about what Sasuke and I talked about while we were in the room alone.' I sighed, and started to get off the bed. I was about to stand when a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Naruto..." Gaara called my name. More like moaned out my name. I didn't move, making sure that he was just moaning in his sleep and not awake and saying my name. It was just my luck. He turned over on his stomach and faced the opposite way, sleeping.

I mentally sighed and got up off the bed as softly and agile as I possibly could do without disturbing Gaara from his sleep. I headed to the bathroom, did my business and even took a shower. Once done with the shower, I went back into the bedroom and got dressed. That's when Gaara woke up.

"Morning sleepy head. How was your sleep?" I asked with a smile. He looked at me and started getting up from the bed. He walked over to me and hugged my body really closely. That's when I noticed why he had a certain look in his eyes. I giggled and rubbed myself against him. He moaned slightly and gave me a death glare, which I ignored.

"Looks like someone needs help with something this morning." I teased but got down to business. I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Licking his bottom lip asking for entrance, he obliged and let me slip my tongue in his mouth. Deepening the kiss, I then took one of my arms from around his neck and started to take his top off for him. He noticed what I was doing and helped with taking off the rest of his clothes until he was butt naked.

I kissed him once more on the lips before kissing my way down to his neck. While kissing my way to his neck, my hand was gripping his member and stroking it. I used my enhanced eye sight to direct our bodies to the bed, so that Gaara didn't have to stand while I made love to him.

Once by the bed, I laid him down on the bed and kissed him. Kissed his chest, abdomen, thighs. Before going in for the kill, I looked up at his face to see how I was doing. Pleased that I was doing good, I dove right in. First licking the tip of his member, then the underside of it, making him elicit a moan from his lips. I then licked his tip once more before putting his member in my mouth and sucking, bobbing my head up and down on his member.

As I was sucking, I was also caressing him. Lightly caressing his thighs, legs, and abdomen. It didn't take long for me to start to taste the bitter sweet taste of his pre-cum that was seeping through the tip of his member. To help him release faster, I sucked even harder, making him moan louder and more than he usual does, and also making him grip the bed sheets in the process.

"Nh. Yah, like that Naruto...Nh. Ah." Gaara groaned out. I just kept on sucking and bobbing my head up and down his member. I also picked up the pace by bobbing my head up and down faster, increasing the amount of pleasure Gaara was receiving. I felt his member slightly twitch which meant that he wasn't far from going over the edge.

After a few more bobs of my head, and the swirling of my tongue around his member that was in my mouth, he couldn't stand it anymore. Letting go, he went over the edge, spurting his load in my mouth and down my throat. I sucked him a little bit more making sure that I got every last drop, swallowing everything that was in my mouth and throat, before removing my mouth from around his member. Smiling, I looked up at his face, got up, went to eye level with him and leaned in to kiss his lips.

"Feel better now?" I asked, looking into his eyes. The only response I got was a nod and a quietly spoken thank you.

"Anytime that happens let me know, ok babes?" I asked, kissing his forehead when I got a yes in reply. I helped him grab his clothes and walked with him to the bathroom. I asked him if he was gonna take a shower and he said yes. He quickly hopped into the shower, while I went to the kitchen to make his coffee and get myself something to eat.

I was just getting done with eating when Gaara came into view. He had on a red skin tight muscle shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and black Jays. He also had his hair styled, which is unlike him. I was staring at him for so long that by the time I noticed, his face was mere inches from mine, our lips just barely touching. I jumped in my seat slightly, making him chuckle which resulted in my cheeks heating up and turning to a rosey pink in embarrassment.

I bowed my head downwards in embarrassment and looked away from him. My only thought, 'GOD DAMN IT!! WHY MUST I ALWAYS EMBARRASS MYSELF LIKE THAT??! STUPID NARUTO!...' I glanced back up, but quickly regretted it because Gaara was still looking at me but with a different look on his face. A look of pure lust and a bit of satisfaction. '...BUT I do have to admit, he does look HAWT in that outfit, and the look he's giving me isn't making the matter any better.' I quirked my eyebrow at him.

"What? Too much for you Naruto?" Gaara asked, raising his eyebrow just like I did, but in a quizzical gesture. Now back to reality, I answered his question(s).

"No. Quite the opposite actually. You and your outfit look perfect. Too perfect to be exact. Actually, perfect enough to make me have a slight little problem of my own..." Glancing downwards to my little problem, I blushed even more, knowing that Gaara knew what I meant by problem, since he had the same problem earlier.

"Well...we should do something about that problem right away, don't you think Naruto?" Gaara rhetorically questioned, smirking a little in the process. Even though it was a rhetorical question, I still felt like I had to answer him. So I nodded my head in response, before looking down again.

Before I could move, Gaara had my face in his hands and his lips on mine. Wide-eyed at the sudden attack on my lips, I moved my lips with his. As I was just getting into the kiss, Gaara pulled away, which made me whine from the loss of contact, but shook his head and held up his pointer finger in a waiting gesture.

"Bedroom." Was his only response before grabbing my hand and turning on his heel, walking us both to the bedroom.
A/N: Hey guys, what's up? Sorry for the wait. Hopefully it wasn't that long of a wait...anyways, here's ch. 19. Vote, comment, follow, add, etc etc. Thanks and see you in the next chapter!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now