Ch. 17

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It's been a few weeks since I was taken by the Akatsuki. Everything and everyone have been slowly going back to normal. Although the atmosphere has been different since. Back then, it was one of those atmospheres that people could sense where it was a relaxed laid back type of area. But nowadays, it's been one with tension, anticipation, edginess...

I do my best to comfort everyone, but there's always a limit as to how much I can really do to comfort people. Today, I was at my boyfriends house, since it was the weekend and all...Gaara moved to the Hidden Leaf Village to make sure that he could keep an eye on me. Sasuke has been keeping his distance for now, but I know that it's not gonna last long before he breaks.

Right now, I was laying down on Gaara's couch watching Sai and Kiba, with my enhanced vision courtesy of the foxes chakra, playing video games on the TV. As for the others, they were all doing their own thing. Gaara was laying on the couch with me while Sasuke was sitting on the floor in front of me. I know what you may be thinking, how could both of the guys I like and them liking me at the same time, be so close to each other? Simple. Me. I was the only thing keeping them from killing each other. Whenever they would start to bicker, I would pull out the one card that BOTH hated to see. Me crying.

If I cried, they'd stop immediately and check to see if I was okay. I hated doing it to them, but for both of them to be able to be by each other so closely while being by me, it had to be done. Plus on top of that, they surprisingly agreed to a truce just recently. So I didn't need to do much of anything anymore, which I was grateful for.

I was so lost in watching the tv and thinking, that I didn't even notice that everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I said in a questioning matter.

"Naruto, babe, you okay?" Gaara asked me with a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" I answered back at him.

"I don't know. You just had a certain look on your face and I got worried that you were in pain or something." Gaara told me, still looking at me with a worried facial expression.

"Oh, well I'm fine. I was thinking about certain things, but don't worry about me. I'm good now." I said, trying to persuade everyone that I was fine, but while trying to do that, trying to get the thoughts that I was thinking about before, out of my head.

"You sure Naruto? You don't look too convincing." Kiba stated.

"I'm sure Kiba. If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be here talking normally to you guys now would I, huh Kiba?" I sarcastically stated and asked.

"Whatever." Kiba scoffs and turns back to the tv. The others on the other hand looked shocked at my statement. After a while, the others staring got on my nerves and I lost myself.

"If there's anymore questions or concerns, please let them be known. If not, you can go back to what you were doing, instead of just staring." I laid there for a few minutes to see if anyone was gonna say or do something, but no one said anything or moved an inch. So, since no one did anything, I just got up off the couch and started heading to Gaara's bedroom, since that's where Gaara and I slept when I slept over at Gaara's place.

When I got inside the bedroom, I closed the door and climbed into the bed. Ever since the napping, I've been on edge myself and more snappy than usual. I just laid there in the bed, wanting to be by myself, but wanting someone comforting me also. Well, let's just say that one of my wishes got granted.

*Knock knock knock*

"Naruto? May I come in?" Sakura asked from the other side of the door.

"Be my guest Sakura..." I said, loud enough for her to hear me from the other side of the door. I heard the doorknob turn and the door swing up and close as Sakura came into the room.

"What do you want Sakura?" I asked her, feeling annoyed yet relieved that someone was in the room with me.

"To see what is up with you and to get the others off my back. You've been more moody and snappy than usual these days. What's up?" Sakura asked as she plopped down on the bed beside me.

"Nothing is up..." I stated.

"Stop lying Naruto. Something's up and you're not wanting to spill. Spill." Sakura said.

"It's nothing Sakura..." I said, pulling the sheets up over my head.

"It is. It is something. So spill it. Please Naruto..." Sakura started to say but cut herself short. I heard her sniffle and I slowly sat up, taking the covers off from over my head.

"Sakura?..." I started to speak, to see why she was sniffling but then was cut off by Sakura.

"Naruto. I know I've been unexplainably mean to you, and I'm sorry. I wish I could take it all back. When you were taken, I realized what I've done to you in the past was very stupid, idiotic and immature of me. I'm truly sorry Naruto." Sakura explained, crying in the process.

I felt like the only thing I could do right now was to comfort her by hugging her. So that's what I did, I hugged her. Which I know toke her by surprise, but it was the only way to show her that I knew what she was saying. After the initial shock of the hug, she started bawling her eyes out. I only hugged her tighter due to her crying.

At this time, I noticed the increase of chakras behind the door. I sighed and cleared my throat, letting them know I knew they were there. Once they heard me clear my throat, they still stayed where they were, not making a sound.

"Might as well come in guys, since I know your there." I said to the others. The doorknob turned and in came everybody.

"I told you he'd sense our chakras even if we hid it." Ino hissed at someone within the group.

"Tch. Whatever." Sasuke replied, emotionless as usual, but deep down inside, Sasuke felt worried, pissed. Worried for his Naruto, and pissed that it wasn't him in Naruto's arms being hugged.

"Troublesome..." Shikamaru stated, rolling his eyes.

"What is it that you guys want right now?" I asked, annoyed that they were interrupting the moment with him comforting Sakura.

"We just came to see what was with the crying and to see if you were okay, since you stormed off after Kiba and you argued." Ino said hesitantly.

"Well, for one Sakura and I were just talking about a few things, and she started crying because of what we were talking about and two, I'm fine. So now that you know, if there isn't anything else, you guys can go. I'd like to be left in peace." I stated, grabbing the covers and pulling them over my head once again.

'Kyuubi, what should I do now? I feel like I've disappointed them in some way or another.'  I said to the fox.

'You should confide in them Kit. Don't push them away anymore than they already are.' Kyuubi replied. Thinking about what the fox said, I acted.

"Wait...before you guys go, I need to ask you guys a question, if that wouldn't be too much to ask of you's..." I quickly said to everyone, getting their attention.

"What is it Naruto?" Shino asked.

"Tell me what you think about me." I said, shocking everyone.

A/N: Hey guys, what's up? How's it hanging? Here's ch. 17 for you guys. Hope I did great on it. Tell me what you guys think on how this chapter went for you in either the comments or if you'd like by pm. Thanks for keeping up with my slow updates all this time that this book has been up. Anyways, plz vote, comment, add, follow, etc. Thanks and see you all in the next chapter! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now