Ch. 4

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~Next Day at Konoha School~

[Naruto's POV]

I was surrounded by my close friends, including Kiba as always, laughing my butt off about something that was said by Kiba, when HE came strolling by.

'Great. Now that He's here today, there goes another day, ruined.' I thought in my head. That's when I noticed that he was right in front of me.

"Good morning Dobe. Mind if I tag along with you and your friends?" Sasuke asked.

"Good morning and to be honest I do mind that you tag along with me and my friends. So if you don't mind, go shoo and bother someone else. Cuz I'm not in the mood today." I said rudely.

Everyone but Sasuke went wide eyed in shock. I toke that time to grab Kiba's hand and bolt towards class, since it was almost that time for students to be getting to their classes anyways.

"Slow down Naruto. I'm sure he won't follow us after what you said to him...Plus I'm getting out of breath, I need a breather." Kiba said, struggling against me because of me running still.

"Okay, fine but only for a little bit. Then we gotta go to class." I said with an attitude.

"Okay Boss." Kiba sarcastically said.

After a few minutes passed, I started to walk to class. Kiba following after me, now that he got his breathing under control and all.

I didn't say anything for the rest of the hour. Or make that 3-4 hours I didn't say anything. To anyone. Not even Iruka-sensei. I knew that I was making people worried, but I really didn't care at this point.

"Naruto...Please say something. Your driving me nuts for not saying anything to anybody for 3-4 hours straight...Please??!" Kiba begged me to say something, but I wouldn't budge.

Everybody's begging fell on deaf ears. I wouldn't listen to anyone. I didn't want to talk to anybody. So I stayed quiet for most of the day. MOST.

The only person to have been able to make me talk was none other than...Sasuke Uchiha. It was during passing time from gym to math, which I have later on in the day.

"You can speak dobe. It's not like you lost it in a battle of screaming..." Sasuke said.

"I know, Teme..." I said, venom lacing my voice. The rest of the day people just stopped trying to get me to talk. They knew it was pointless if they kept trying. Well, all but one knew that it wasn't pointless to keep trying. Kiba. He kept begging, pleading me to talk.

I pulled out my phone and started typing something, then I sent it to Kiba's phone. "Stop trying Kiba. I won't budge. I just want some time to think, okay?? So please stop trying. I'll talk to you later."

I waited for him to read it. After reading the message, he looked up from his phone only to smile at me, say "Okay Naruto.", and hugged me, then he left to go to his next class.

I then toke out my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I started playing my music and walked to my last class of the day.

That's when I remembered that I had the same class as Sasuke and that Gaara person from yesterday.

'Great, just great! Just what I wanted. To be in the same room as those two! It's a good thing that I've been quiet most of the day, and that most people have stopped trying to make me talk.' I thought to myself.

I got to the classroom, and walked in. I walked over to my seat and sat down. I knew that I was being watched by the students that were in the classroom before me, but I just ignored them.

I was staring into space when I felt something or someone brush up against me. I looked at who it was, and saw that it was Gaara. 'When did he get here?! I didn't even see him come in the classroom!" I shouted in my head.

"Hey, I heard that you didn't talk much today to anyone. May I ask why?" Gaara asked. I shook my head no.

"Are even going to talk?" he questioned. I shook my head no again. He sighed and walked away.

'Thank god he didn't push any further, because I wasn't in the mood at all to deal with anyone's bullsh*t.' I thought in my head and sighed.

The rest of the class time flew by slowly. I even layed my head down on my desk to rest while the teacher talked about today's lesson/lecture.

When the bell finally rang, I waited till everybody was out of the room to talk and get my stuff packed up to leave.

"I hope you feel better tomorrow Naruto. See you then." the teacher said to me, waved and left me alone in the room, letting me leave on my own time.

I walked out of the classroom and walked in the direction of the exit of school. I walked out outside, meeting with the sun's shining warm rays hitting my face and skin. 'Nothing beats a few good rays of sunshine.' I said in my head. I sighed and started walking home. On my way home, I crossed paths with my favorite place in the whole village. Ichiraku's ramen.

I smelled the air, and my mouth started watering from the aroma in the air. It smelt so good. 'I guess it won't hurt to have just one bowl of ramen...' I mentally stated. I walked over to the ramen shop and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Hey Naruto! How are you doing? How was your day at school?" Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku Ramen, asked. I sighed and started speaking for the first time ever since earlier today at school when I said what I said to Sasuke.

"Hey Teuchi. Hey Ayame. I'm doing good. School was okay. Not really in the mood to talk about school events right now though." I told them.

They had a worried look on their faces but quickly turned their worried faces into simple smiling ones.

"That's fine Naruto. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. That's your business, not ours. But if you ever want to talk about anything, we're always here to listen and help you out. Okay?" Ayame said.

"Okay." I said while nodding my head yes once.

"Soo, Naruto. What will it be today?" Teuchi asked.

"The usual. Miso pork ramen please." Naruto said in his too enthusiastic attitude kind of way.

"Okay! Miso pork ramen coming right up!" Teuchi said, making me smile and feel better.

While Teuchi made me my ramen, Ayame and I talked. Every now and then, Teuchi would add in a few words of wisdom and advice.

At one point in the conversation, Teuchi handed me my ramen and said, "Here's your Miso pork ramen. This one's on the house."

I smiled at him, said my thanks and dug in. All the while, still talking with Ayame.

After eating all of my ramen, I talked a little bit more with the both of them, then said my goodbyes since I needed to get going home. I smiled and waved at them and started heading home. This time not stopping for anything or anyone.

I reached home safely without any problems. I grabbed out my house key and unlocked the door. I walked through the door into the house and closed the door behind me. I set my backpack down on the couch and walked towards my room. I was exhausted from today's events.

'Maybe a nap would do me good." I said in my head walking into my room and plopped down on the bed, face and stomach first. I turned over onto my side, closed my eyes and fell into a restless sleep.

A/N: Hey guys. How is everything going? Hope everybody is doing good. So what do you guys think about the chapter?? Good? Bad? Ok? Tell me. Comment, vote, follow. Etc. Please and thank you. Well gtg. Ttyl and see you in the next chapter!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now