Ch. 5

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[Naruto's POV]

I woke up in sweats. "I must've had a bad dream." I said out loud. 'Although I don't remember what it was about...' I said to myself in my head.

I sat up, stretched and yawned. I looked towards my window and saw that it was dark outside. "Well there goes my day..." I said to no one.

That's when I felt that there was a presence in my room. I quickly tried to get off my bed, but was quickly pushed back onto the bed by the presence. They had their hand over my mouth so that if I were to scream, it wouldn't be as loud and that it would be muffled.

"Don't scream. It's just me, dobe." Sasuke said still keeping his hand on my mouth, covering it. I didn't say anything to let him know that I wasn't going to do anything, I just laid there not moving a muscle. I was still in shock after what just happened with Sasuke pushing me onto the bed.

"Are you going to scream if I take my hand away??" Sasuke asked. I didn't answer.

"Well??" He asked, waiting for me to answer his question. I finally answered him by shaking my head no.

"You sure you won't??" he asked wanting to make sure. I nodded my head. He slowly toke his hand off of my mouth and stood up, getting off of me in the process. I sat up again, keeping my mouth shut. I then stood up off of my bed and went up to him. Next thing that came was a fist connecting to his face and a knee to his gut.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE AND WHAT IS WITH YOU THINKING YOU CAN JUST COME IN TO MY HOME AND SCARE ME HALF TO DEATH??!!!" I yelled at him, while he was hunched over in pain from me kneeing him in his gut. Sorry, I can't help having a strong punch, punt and or kick. I waited for him to reply. Even though I was getting impatient very quickly. After a few minutes, he answered.

"I got in through your window. It was open anyways so I slipped through while you were asleep. Sorry about scaring you. I didn't mean to scare you. You just got up from your bed so quickly that I acted on instinct/impulse. I don't even know why I did what I did, I just reacted so fast. My body basically reacted faster than I could think of what I was about to do. I really am sorry, Naruto. Will you forgive me?" Sasuke explained.

I stood there, speechless. Not moving. Not thinking. Not even breathing.

Sasuke waited for me to answer. I didn't. He got worried after a while, because of me 1) not answering, and 2) not breathing.

"Naruto? Naruto?? NARUTO??!" Sasuke shouted my name, shaking me, making me come back to my senses.

I still didn't answer but I was breathing again. He saw that I was breathing again and relaxed just a little. I started to think things through and while doing so, I walked off towards the kitchen. I was starting to get hungry, and my stomach proved that I was by grumbling out loud. Sasuke followed me to my kitchen.

"Would you like anything?" I asked him, as I entered the kitchen.

"Water please." Sasuke said in an asking manner.

I went to the cupboard and grabbed two glasses, one for me and one for him. I went to the faucet and turned it on. I put his glass under the water and filled it up. I then put my glass under the running water to fill my glass up. After having both of the glasses filled, I turned off the faucet, and turned to hand Sasuke his water. Which he happily took and drank.

I then turned to get myself a cup of ramen from another cupboard and prepared some water for the ramen. I grabbed a kettle and filled it with water. Put the kettle on the stove and turned the stove on. 'Now to wait for it to warm up.' I said in my head.

I turned around to find Sasuke watching me intently. I walked over to the table that he was currently sitting at and grabbed myself a seat at the table. I looked up at Sasuke to see that he was staring back at me.

"So....I get it that you got in through my window in my bedroom but what I'm really wanting to know is why are you here in my home??" I questioned.

"I came to see why you weren't yourself earlier today at school. You seemed deep in thought, which isn't like you to be honest from what I've learned about you through observation and all." Sasuke started to explain.

"Oh I see, I was deep in thought earlier today...and why do you say that it's not like me to be deep in thought?? Everybody does it sometimes. Yeah for me, I may not do it as often as most people would...but I still do. And to tell you about why I wasn't myself earlier today is because I, of course, was in deep thought and didn't want to talk to anybody at all today. Not even my best friend Kiba. That's why you saw him begging me most of the time to talk. Even when everyone else stopped trying, he kept on going." I explained to Sasuke, who had been listening intently.

Once I got done explaining to him, he just nodded his head and looked down at his water, which he didn't even touch, all the while of me talking. While he had his head faced down, the kettle screamed. Signaling that the water was ready and good to go to be used for my ramen.

Within minutes, I had the stove turned off, the kettle in my left hand and my ramen cup in my right hand, and was now pouring the water into the cup. After pouring the water into the cup, I set the kettle down and grabbed a fork from the silverware drawer and sat back down at where I sat before the kettle went off.

Sasuke watched me the whole time I was eating. It was making me feel uncomfortable but I didn't let Sasuke know that I was being uncomfortable with his staring at me.

I ate the rest of my ramen and threw away the cup and put the fork in the sink. I yawned and walked back to the table only to see that he was not sitting there.

"Sasuke??" I called out, seeing if he was still in my home. I groaned as I heard a noise coming from over by the staircase. I walked towards the staircase, only to find nothing there.

"Sasuke??" I said a little louder, hoping to get an answer back. The only answer I got was a tap on my shoulder and someone's lips on mine when I turned around.

The person then toke their lips off of mine and smirked at me in the darkness of the room since I turned off the kitchen light. Although I didn't know that they were smirking because of the darkness, but my eyes adjusted enough for me to see the persons eyes. They were the eyes of...

"SASUKE!" I yelled out at him, but only to be silenced by a pair of lips. His lips. And they were soft. Oh so soft. They were so soft that I wanted to keep kissing them. 'If only they didn't belong to him!!' I shouted in my head.

But the lips did belonged to him. Sasuke. Before I knew it, I was moving my lips in sync with his. Our tongues dancing with each other, fighting for dominance. And I clearly didn't win. I was too focused on the kissing part to notice that Sasuke had won the battle and had me pinned up against the wall.

'I have to stop this! Stop it before it goes any further.' I thought to myself, bringing up the courage to stop the kissing that I so desperately loved doing at the moment.

I started to get out of breath at this time and Sasuke sensed that I was. So in a last attempt, Sasuke pushed his lips deeper into mine and broke away.

Both of us just stood there, gasping for air, trying to get our breathing back under control. Once mine was under control, I gathered up all the air in my lungs and yelled out, "TEME!!!!!!!!!!"

That was the last thing I yelled before slapping Sasuke in the face and storming off to my room. Before storming off, I muttered to Sasuke, "You can let yourself out. Goodnight and goodbye."

I went to my room, and plopped down on my bed. Even though I was enraged/infuriated that he kissed me, I was smiling in the end. That kiss was the only thing on my mind before drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Hey guys. How's it going?? Here's the 5th chapter. How did I do this time?? Let me know in the comments, or if u'd like pm me instead. Vote, comment and follow plz. Thanks and I'll see you in the next chapter!!! Bai Bai >.< love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now