Ch. 11

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A/N: Hey guys! So what did u think of chapter 10? What did u guys think of when I put Naruto with Gaara, instead of Sasuke? I know that some of u r die hard SasuNaru/NaruSasu fans, but like I said in one of my previous chapters, just read to find what happens between Naruto, Gaara and Sasuke. Okay?? Well, since I'm done with rambling, I'll get going on the story.
The rest of my day flew by so fast I didn't even know that it was time to go home when the bell rung signaling the end of the school day.

"Naruto! What you thinking on doing today??" Kiba asked in an excited voice.

Before I could say anything to Kiba, a red-headed Gaara popped up out of nowhere and spoke for me.

"He's gonna be hanging out with me." Gaara said, making Kiba take a few steps back due to the closeness that Gaara was to him.

"O-Oh okay. I guess never mind then Naruto. We'll speak another time I guess. Bye." Kiba said as he waved goodbye and high tailed it out of the classroom so as to not anger the red head standing right by me.

"I could've answered his question myself you know...." I stated, gaining a smug look from Gaara.

"Yeah, but you didn't know if I had plans that pertained to having you included. So that's why I answered for you." Gaara said.

"Okay, but still. I could've made up an excuse for me not to hang with him today." I stated, getting a feeling that if I didn't put an end to this, it would turn out to be an argument and I didn't want an argument on my hands right now. So I did the only thing I could do to put this talk to a stop. Since no one was around to see, I turned to face Gaara and kissed him.

While kissing him, I got a feeling that someone was near and watching us. I pulled myself away from him, earning a whine from him due to the loss of contact. I grabbed my stuff and started heading to the doors of the classroom. I didn't hear any footsteps behind me, so I had to stop to look if Gaara was still standing by my seat, only to see that he was right behind me.

"Oh, your right there. You scared me for a second there. I couldn't hear your footsteps." I said to Gaara, turning around to face the door and walking out of the classroom, before he could say anything.

I was walking with Gaara in the hallway when I heard a shutter from a camera off a cell phone. I side glanced at Gaara to see if he noticed and heard it, he nodded his head yes, confirming that he heard it too. I slightly nodded my head, to signal Gaara to go and see what or who it was, who took the picture. Once I signaled to him, he was gone in an instant.

Not even a minute later, he was back with the perpetrator. One look at the person and I was pissed. 'Soo...making other people do the dirty work. That's low even for you, Sasuke.' I thought to myself. I smirked at the person and went up to them.

"Why were you eavesdropping on us?" I questioned the person. At first, the person didn't say anything, but after seeing that I was getting impatient and not wanting to know what happens when I'm impatient and lose it, the person spoke in a soft whisper.

"I was asked to by a friend that I owed a debt to." The person said.

"And who is this "friend" might I ask?" I asked the person.

"If I were to tell you, can you promise not to hurt me and my "friend"?" They asked.

"For you, I can promise that I won't touch a hair on your pretty little head. As for your "friend", it depends on who it is." I stated. The person stayed quiet, thinking about what I said. When they came to a final conclusion in their head, they started to speak.

"I don't know if I should tell you or not. Because if I do, I'll get beaten up by my friend, and if I don't, I'll still get beaten up but by both you and my friend. So either way, I'm still gonna get beaten up." The person said, thinking out loud.

"Since you can't make up your mind, I'll make a deal with you. If you tell me who your friend is, and I get a hold of this friend, I promise to make them not hurt you at all. Okay??" I started to compromise with the person, just to show them that I have a nice side to me and not just a mean side.

The person thought over my deal, and came to a stand point with me. I held out my hand, waiting for them to accept my deal and to seal the deal by shaking my hand in a handshake. Finally, the person accepted my deal, shook my hand and said, "Deal."

"Okay. Now that that's out of the way, can I please have the name of your friend now?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's....."
A/N: Hey guys, sorry that the chapter is short, compared to the other chapters. The other chapters are originally over 1,000 words, so yah....But, like I said sorry about this chapter being short. I figured it would be a good place to stop with a cliffhanger. Which I'm sorry for that too...But anyways, how was it? Let me know. Vote, comment, follow, share, etc etc. Thanks and see you in the next chapter!!!!! Bai bai^^ >.< love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now