Ch. 22

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"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, and when it comes to that point in time, what to do when the occasion arises, Kit..." Kurama then "helped" me get back to my conscious self and also, with my permission, took over my body for a few minutes just to explain to everyone that I was fine, and that I just needed some alone time, to sort out things mentally. I even told Kurama at one point to tell the others that if they have any questions that had to concerned Kurama, that Kurama would personally answer them and that I gave special permission to Granny Tsunade, that at any time she wanted to ask any personal questions, to come and ask them at anytime of the day, no matter how tired Kurama and I were.

After Kurama answered most of everyone's questions, he then asked if everyone would be willing to leave for my sake, since I was getting tired and all. Once everyone was out of the room, I sighed out loud once, and let the feeling of sleep overcome my body, making me slip into the darkness of sleep just as easily as it is to run and breathe.
Next morning:

After getting my night's rest, with the exception of Granny Tsunade and her assistants to check up on me every now and then to see how I was doing, I went off in search of some ramen since I was hungry...and what other way to satisfy my hunger for ramen then to go to Ichiraku's Ramen shop.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YOUNG MAN!!!...." I heard a male voice say as I felt a tug at my gown that the hospital put me in from last night. "....Where do you think you're going dressed like this for one, and when you haven't been discharged from the hospital yet, there Naruto???"

I turned around to see none other than my old sensei and my favorite teacher of all time, Iruka.

"Uh, Iruka-sensei....! I was getting hungry and I thought about going to Ichiraku's for some ramen, but now I can't go because of getting caught by you." I stated, pouting.

"You gotta stay here Naruto, and get your health back up. Not to mention, if you were to leave without anyone knowing where you went, there would be chaos going about in the hospital, with people trying to find you." Iruka-sensei told me, while scouting me back to my designated room, which to me felt like a dungeon cell to which I won't ever be able to get out of.

"But, all I want is some ramen....Not some gross hospital food, especially since it has no taste to it none the less." I griped and pouted at Iruka-sensei. I saw out the corner of my eye, Iruka-sensei closes his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose while taking a deep breath in and letting it out slowly as if he was trying to calm down and collect and brace himself for what he was about to tell me.

"Tell you what Naruto, I'll buy you as much ramen as you want, AFTER you get out of the hospital, ok?" Iruka-sensei told me. As I thought about it, I eventually gave in to his words.

"Fine, but don't go whining to me when I've emptied your wallet there Iruka-sensei. You did say you'd buy me as much ramen as I wanted, and you know how big my appetite can be..." I smiled up at Iruka-sensei, chuckling in the process.

"Ok Naruto, I get your point. Now go lay back down on the hospital bed, or that promise to you will be going down the drain, got it??" Iruka-sensei nudged me back towards my bed, since we were inside my designated hospital room by now.

"Ok, I'll stay and eat the gross hospital food, but be warned. I won't let you slip away when it comes to getting my ramen after I get discharged from here." I looked over to Iruka-sensei, making sure he got my warning loud and clear. Sure enough, he did. Iruka-sensei sighed and just nodded his head before going to leave the room. Throughout the remainder of the day, I got the occasional nurses and doctors checking up on me and my recovery, plus a couple of my friends from school came and visited me while I waited out my time at the hospital. Even Kurama popped up in my head every now and then to have a conversation with me and a few of my friends, due to them hearing about the new found secret with me and the nine tails Kurama being best buddies now.


A/N: Hey guys, soooooooooooooooooo sorry for the long wait. Had things popping up in my life that needed to be taken care of, plus not to mention I was starting to get a brain fart with this chapter. Anyways, I won't bore you anymore with my ranting A/N, so here's the long past due chapter you guys have always wanted to read. Vote, comment, share please. Hope you like the chapter and I'll see you all....IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now