Ch. 3

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Or at least I HOPE no one saw...

"NARUTO! KIBA!" Iruka-sensei yelled at us, getting both of our attention.

"Yes??!" Kiba and I said at the same time, making us burst out laughing and make some of the other classmates snicker while trying to hold in their laughter all at the same time.

"Pay attention! Or you will be sent out!" Iruka-sensei shouted at us, making us stop laughing and pay attention. Iruka-sensei gave glares to the remaining classmates that were still snickering, which made them stop immediately and start to take notes.

The rest of the class time flew by so fast that before I knew it, the bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch.

"Oh goody. Lunch time!! My favorite time of the day!" I said getting my stuff packed up and heading to the lunch room with Kiba.

And that's when I saw him...The one that scared me half to death. Sasuke...

"Naruto? Narruuto??" Kiba said waving his hand in my face, to try and get my attention, but failed in vain. He then saw that I was looking at something/someone, and decided on looking in the direction I was looking at and saw what had stopped me in my tracks. He wasn't the only one who noticed my staring at Sasuke. Sasuke himself noticed that I was staring at him, plus add on that Kiba was saying my name.

Sasuke smirked a little smile and turned, walking towards a table that had a few other people sitting at it. Kiba at that point grabbed my wrist and yanked me, pulling me back into reality.

"C'mon Naruto. Let's get something to eat and go sit at our table." Kiba said while still yanking me.

"Okay, okay. You can stop pulling on my wrist now Kiba. And stop dragging me too." I said.

Kiba laughed as we headed to the lunch line and got our food. After getting our food and paying for it, we walked to our table.

We sat down and started eating, talking and laughing the whole time. I had a feeling that I was being watched but I ignored it, and kept talking and laughing with Kiba.

~3 hrs later~

"Finally. I'm outta here." I said out loud, already halfway through the door of my classroom. Kiba came out of the classroom after me, running to catch up to me, since I was a fast walker and all.

"Naruto! Wait up! Wait for me!" Kiba shouted, getting glances from everybody.

"C'mon Kiba. Hurry up, I gotta get going so that I can meet up with my godfather, Jiraiya." I shouted back.

He finally caught up to me, panting heavily. It took a while for him to even out his breathing, but he eventually was able to talk.

"I was looking forward to seeing if you wanted to get something to eat, but since you have to get going to meet up with your godfather, I'll just wait till your free next. Besides I gotta get going too. I'll talk to you later Naruto! See ya!" Kiba said, waving goodbye and running in the direction of his home.

I waved goodbye back at him, and started walking towards the meeting place where I would be meeting my godfather at.

I was walking to the meeting point, when I saw something out the corner of my eye. It was just a blur of an imaged silhouette. But by the looks of it, it was a human being silhouette. Some of the blurred silhouette had a tint of red in certain spots. Especially the top of the silhouette where the hair would be on a person.

Then all of a sudden the human silhouette had stopped in front of me and looked at me with a creepy, goosebump raising, hair standing on the back of the neck, chill down the spine kind of way.

And that's what just happened to me. I had goosebumps up and down my arms and legs, my hair was standing up on the back of my neck and quite a few chills went down my spine, resulting in me shivering.

The person that was standing in front of me had fair skin, short, spiky, auburn/red hair, pale blue-green eyes, with no distinctive pupils or eyebrows. He also has tanuki-like black eye rings, and a kanji "love" (愛, ai) on the left side of his forehead. His forelocks are parted from the left side, making the kanji more visible.

He started walking towards me like Sasuke did today at school. He then stopped walking because of being so close to me. He was so close in fact that he put his nose at the crook of my neck, inhaled a breath or two, and whispered into my ear, "You smell so good...Like cucumbers and melons, and a hint of oranges too."

I gasped quietly, and stiffened when he whispered that in my ear. 'That's what my shampoo and conditioner and body wash smell like.' I thought to myself.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki. What's yours? You don't look familiar to me. Are you from around here?" I replied.

"I'm Gaara. Gaara of the Sand." Gaara introduced himself. My eyes widened at the sound of his name. I've heard about a Gaara of the Sand, but never thought that what I heard about him were true, especially about his looks.

He sniffed my neck again and before I knew it, he vanished. At that time, I noticed that my phone was vibrating in my pocket. I toke it out and looked at the screen to see that my godfather, Jiraiya was calling me.

I slid the green phone icon to answer and put my phone up to my ear.

"NARUTO! WHERE IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU??! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET ME AT THE MEETING POINT LIKE 10 MINS AGO." Jiraiya, my godfather shouted at me through the phone.

"Hey, old man! I'm on my way there! I just got held up by a friend of mine, okay?! So don't get all worked up!!! I'll be there in a few." I said through the phone, and before he could say anything else, I ended the call.

"Boy, what a day I've had." I said, sighing in the process and started running off towards the meeting place that I was supposed to be at right now but instead got held up by that Gaara person.

No ones POV

Naruto didn't know but there was an enraged and pissed off raven haired boy standing in a near by place where he would be unnoticed by others. 'I'll kill you Gaara. I'll kill you if you even look at my Naru-chan in that way ever again. So be ready...' The raven haired boy thought.

A/N: Hey guys, what's up?? How's it going?? So how'd I do?? Did you guys think I did a great job on this chapter?? If so, let me know by commenting. Hope it was to your guys liking. Plz vote, comment and follow. Well, gtg. Ttyl and see you in the next chapter!!!! love? (A SasuNaruGaara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now