Chapter 17 - Fan Encounter (Minecon Day 6 Part 2)

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What was I supposed to say to them? What would I say when they asked where everyone was, or why I was all the way out here while Minecon was in LA? Then again, why were they out here as well?

"Hey!" The tallest girl in the group called out to me.

I turned my head and smiled at them, waving too. Just my luck, they were all more than half a foot taller than me.

"You're Elizabeth Hornby, right?!" One of the girls squealed.

"You got me." I shrugged.

"Hiiiii! I'm Mary! These are my best friends, Amy, Jessica, Gabrielle, and Morgan! And the guys are Michael, Owen, and Zach!" As the tallest girl listed off names, she pointed around at people in the group.

"It's so great to meet you! We're huge fans of you guys!" Amy said.

"It's great to meet you, too! I love meeting fans!" Even if this was a really bad time, I was still glad I ran into them. Where would we be without people like them, anyway?

"Where are the others? I never saw them around." Owen asked.

"Yeah, me neither! How long have you been here?" Gabrielle questioned.

"Yeah, why are you even here? Not to be rude, but, shouldn't you be getting ready for the pre-show?" Amy looked at me suspiciously.

"The wha?" Pre-show? I never heard anything about a pre-show.

Morgan laughed. "Aw, you're hilarious!"

I still looked very confused, so Mary looked at me incredulously. "The pre-show. For Minecon. Surely you've heard about it. The invitations were sent out Friday morning! A little last minute, if you ask me."

Oh, Friday morning. Just after I went AWOL. "Oh, yeah! That. Totally didn't forget. Nope. Not me." I laughed nervously.

Amy laughed "You forgot, didn't you?"

"Uh, yeah, when is it again?" I asked.

Michael was quick to reply. "The show starts tomorrow around 4:00 pm. You can only get in if you're VIP. Well, in that case, it's more a meet-up than a show. Then, I think there's a party afterwards. The Yogscast is going, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, 'course! I'm driving back tomorrow morning. I'm probably not gonna stay for the party, though. Are you guys going?"

Gabrielle nodded. "Yeah! My cousin is friends with one of the Mojang developers, so he was able to get us passes! Oh, this is so exciting! Maybe we can all drive back together!"

"Yeah, we should! I could use some company." I agreed.

"Wait, you're here alone? What about Hat Films?" Zach asked.

"Uh, yeah, they should be at the pre-show."

"Not that! I mean, shouldn't they be here with you? Your brother, at least?"

I bit my lip. "Oh, yeah. Yes, I'm here alone, 'cause I um...."

They all looked at me expectantly, and I started getting nervous. "I've wanted to see the park for ages, but nobody wanted to come with me. They're not really that big on nature, I guess." I shrugged, then attempted a laugh.

"Doesn't Smith play airsoft once in a while?"

"And airsoft is...?"

Mary slapped her forehead in realization. "Oh, that's right! You haven't even met him yet, have you? You two are never in a video at the same time."

"Actually, I have met him. A few days ago."

"What do you think?"

"He's, uh... tall."

Morgan laughed. "Well, we all know that!"

"Are you staying here?" Michael asked, gesturing to the lodge behind us.

I nodded. "Yeah, but I went camping last night with some friends. What about you guys?"

Gabrielle shook her head. "Nah, we have a campsite a few miles from here. We were actually just about to head back. We need to pack up so we can leave right away tomorrow morning."

"Yeah, I was just about to head back as well. Get some good sleep while I can, you know? I'll probably be staying up most nights for the next two weeks. We should definitely drive over together, though." I sighed.

Amy nodded. "Yeah, we'd love that! We'll meet here at 8:00 am, ok?"

I nodded. "Yeah, sounds good. See you guys tomorrow!" I started walking away.

"Bye!" They all waved, and I waved back just before I entered the lodge.


When I got to my room, I changed into pajamas, then sat down on the bed to check my messages. Now, most of them were about the pre-show. Mary was right, the invitations were sent out really last minute. I'm glad they told me about it.

I'd definitely have to show up for the pre-show, but, like I said to the group earlier, I'm probably not staying for the party. I typed out a brief message to Lewis and Ross:

I'll be there for the pre-show.

I hovered my thumb over the Send button. Do I have to let them know I'll be coming? I could just show up out of nowhere, right on time, then disappear back to the hotel afterwards. I was pretty good at avoiding certain people at these kinds of meetings. Besides, I wasn't ready to talk to Alex yet. I knew what I wanted to do, but I wasn't sure how to explain it in words. I'd probably have to clear things up with Ross before doing so, anyway. I yawned, then turned off my phone without sending the message.

Getting out my laptop-tablet from my messenger, I continued working on an essay that was due next week (for my business certificate). To be honest, it was pretty much done already, but I felt like adding more diagrams to it. Then, when my eyes started drooping, I put that away and curled up under the sheets, falling asleep.


AN: Sorry it's so short. This week has been really crazy for me. xD I might be able to put out another part sometime around the middle of next week. :D

What an A** - A Hat Films/Yogscast FanficWhere stories live. Discover now