Chapter 6 - "Just Be Careful" (Minecon Day 2 Part 2)

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When we get into the car, Ross insists on driving. He's my older brother, so I don't argue. At the first stoplight, he starts talking. "So, what do you think about Alex?"

"He's an a**hole." I shoot back.

Ross chuckles. "Really, though, do you like him?"

I think about this for a few seconds. Sure, he's an a**, but he's completely lovable. "Yeah, I guess I do."

"Do you think he'll ask you out?"

Wow, that came out of nowhere. "I.... don't know. We're two very different people. What do you think?"

Ross thinks for a while, then replies. "I think yes."

Ok....... "How sure are you?"

"Very sure." He grins.

"Really? How do you know?"

"He's my best friend, plus I live with him. Trust me, I know."

"Wow, ok." I blink a few times, taking it all in.

"What will you say? Would you do it?" He asks, seriously.

"Would you even let me?" I ask, matching his serious tone. I think back to the time I first got my heart broken, no, shattered. It was way back when Alex wasn't even in Hat Films:


My first boyfriend, Thomas, and I started dating late secondary school. Then, right before uni, it started getting serious. I even considered moving in with him, but John, my other older brother, wouldn't let me. Nevertheless, we grew closer and closer through uni, as he was in most of my classes. Then, one day, during my 4th and final year of uni, he called me:

"Meet me under the tree where we first met. I need to ask you something important." He said.

"Ok, what do we need to talk about?" I asked, curious.

"It's a surprise." He answered. " Oh, and dress nice" He hung up.

I squealed in excitement. I was sure he was going to propose. I ran to Hannah's apartment, telling her the news. She was just as excited as I was.

"Oh my f***ing god! What are you gonna say?" She asked.

"I'm gonna say yes, of course! Will you help me get ready? I'm too nervous, I can't figure out what to wear!" I squealed.

Hannah helped me pick out a dress and fix my hair, and it was perfect. I thanked her, and ran outside to the tree. However, when I got there, I saw Thomas making out with another girl. She was straddling his lap, and he didn't even make any effort to push her off (I later found out from John that this was his ex). Thomas only saw me when he turned his head to kiss her neck. Disgusting. He immediately pushed her off of him and ran to me.

"I'm so SO sorry, Lizabeth, I didn't know she'd be here!" He apologized.

When I didn't say anything back, he went on.

What an A** - A Hat Films/Yogscast FanficWhere stories live. Discover now