Chapter 22 - Healing

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AN: Bonjour mes amis. Ça va? Merci beaucoup pour lire!

P.S. So frustrated with the cover. I drew the new one myself, but it doesn't look right. If anyone wants to help me that'd be great :/


11:59. Just one more minute. Come on, Elizabeth, just finish this email, then you can go home.

Anya knocked on my open door. "El, it's midnight. You said you'd go home."

I sighed, then leaned against my desk. I groaned.

She walked over to me. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Anya pouted, but dropped the subject. "Come on, I'll drive you home."

I reluctantly got up to pack up my things, then left with Anya.

When I entered my apartment, it was a little warmer than when I first arrived. I lazily dropped my bag into a corner, then plopped onto the bed, immediately falling asleep.


I woke up late the next morning, at 1 pm. Shoot, it was Monday. I was supposed to be at work, all the Yogs were probably already there. I frantically got up, changing into something cleaner and sprinting out the door.

I ran into Lewis on my way up. "Hey, sorry I'm late, I slept in."

"Don't sweat it. Are you ok?" He gave me a concerned look.

"Yeah...why?" He can't have heard, right?

Lewis narrowed his eyes at me. "Nevermind. Go on up."

I gave him one last look before I ran up the stairs to our floor. As I passed by Hannah's office, she called out. "Hey, wait!"

I stopped, then turned around.

"Did you ask for another intern?"

"Yeah, I just posted it last night. Why?"

"There's a guy on his way here already."

"No kidding?"

"Yeah, he said he'd be here around 3. He also said he sent you an email."

"He called?"

"Yeah, but you weren't in, so I answered it for you."

"Oh, ok. Thanks. You wanna go to the market? Fridge is empty again."


After dropping off some papers in my office, Hannah and I headed out.

"Did you have fun at Minecon?" Hannah asked.

I shrugged, looking at some snacks. "It was ok, I guess. Dill pickle?" I held up a bag of chips.

She shook her head. "Ew, no!"

I laughed, then continued looking through. "These chip flavors are really weird."

"You doing ok?"

I looked at Hannah sincerely. "Can we just not talk about that, please?"

She sighed. "Fine." She grabbed two bags of chips; one was ketchup-flavored and the other was mustard-flavored. "Which one?" She asked, holding them up.

I pretended to throw up. "You know what? Let's just get a bunch of jaffas." I trudged to the cookie aisle, then began throwing numerous boxes into the cart. "What's next?" I asked Hannah.

"I'll get the drinks. Do you wanna look for yogurt?"

I nodded. "Sure. I'll get ice cream, too."

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