Chapter 8 - Dinner with Hannah (Minecon Day 2 Part 4)

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Once I'm in the car, I drive to the hotel where the Yogscast is staying, quickly picking up their hotel keys. Then, I drive to the McDonald's where we're supposed to meet. I'm the first one here, so I reserve a table for all of us.

When I see the Yogs walk in, I smile and wave them over, giving Hannah a quick hug. "How was your flight you guys?"

"Horrible. Sjin wouldn't stop snoring." Duncan complained.

"Hey! That's not true! I don't snore." Sjin pouted.

"Do you have our hotel keys? Simon's really tired so I think we'll just grab something to go then head over there." Lewis explains.

"Yeah, I do. Is anyone staying here for dinner?" I hand everyone their keys. All of the guys are too tired, so Hannah is the only one staying here with me.

"So, anything exciting happen? How was meeting Alex?" Hannah asks me, once we sit down with our food.

"Well... there is one thing. It's actually about Alex."

Hannah's eyes widen in excitement. "He asked you out, didn't he?!"

"How'd you know?!"

"I just guessed." Hannah grins. "Ross let you?"

"Yeah, he said it was fine since Alex was a friend."

"It's about time you found another guy. You haven't gone out with anyone since what happened with Thomas."

I cringe slightly, remembering how Thomas cheated on me. Hannah notices my dismay, so she quickly changes the subject. "So, when's the date?"

"Tomorrow, all day."

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're going to go sightseeing around LA. I hope we go to Hollywood, I hear the wax museum is amazing."

"Yeah, I heard that too. I'll have to drag Lewis there sometime." We laugh. "So, anything else?"

I think for a while. "Alex didn't believe me when I said I could play 'too many, you don't want to know' instruments, so he made me sit in between him and Ross on the plane until I proved it."

"That must have been horrible!" Hannah laughs. "How did you survive?!"

"I know, right?! He's such an a**! At least I wasn't Chris, though."


"He got a seat next to this old lady who wouldn't stop talking about her millions of cats. It was so bad, Chris barely got any sleep!" Hannah and I both crack up. "So, anything crazy happen on your end?"

"Not really, actually. Sjin did actually snore a lot, though, so Sips decided to draw on his face with a black Sharpie."

"Really?!"I laugh. "What happened?"

"When Sjin woke up, everybody started laughing. It got so loud, the flight attendant even had to come over and tell us to shut up, so Sjin was left with Sharpie on his face for 3 hours without even knowing it."

"How did he get it off?"

"When he went to the bathroom, I guess he looked in the mirror and saw what happened to his face. We all heard him scream in the bathroom and a flight attendant even had to knock on the door to make sure he was okay!"

"Oh wow, then what?!"

"He stayed in there for an hour trying to get the Sharpie off. When he came out all Mr. Grumpy Pants everybody just started laughing again."

"Aw, that's hilarious!" I laugh. "So what are you guys doing tomorrow?"

"I think we're all just going to relax, then maybe just check out the local area around the hotel. Nothing big."

"Oh, ok, that's good." I check the time on my phone, realizing that it's getting pretty late. "Hey, we should head to the hotels, it's getting pretty late."

"Ok." Hannah gets up to clear the table, and I send Ross a quick text telling him I'm on my way back. Then, we wave down a cab outside.


When I walk into my room, I see Chris and Ross on the floor working on their laptops. "Hey guys! Thanks for waiting up for me."

"No problem." Ross yawns.

"What did you need to tell us?" Chris asks.

"Okay... so," I sit down in between Chris and Ross. "I'm just going to get straight to the point. Alex asked me out today."

"I think I already saw that coming." Chris grins.

"Really?! First Ross, now you?! How did you guys know?!"

"It was so obvious! I'm surprised you didn't notice! He was ridiculously nice to you at the airport. He's usually an a** 24/7!" Ross exclaims.

That was true, he paid for my food and carried all of my stuff. "Now that I think about it, it was pretty obvious." I chuckle.

"Anyway, what are you guys doing?" Chris asks.

"We're going to spend the whole of tomorrow sightseeing. Just the two of us, obviously, so you guys can't come."

"How about we-"

"And you can't tail us either, Ross. What are you, Interpol?! Don't worry, I'll tell you two about it the next day."

"Okay, then." Chris yawns, getting up. "Looks like Ross is going to be the only one of us who's single, then."

"Hey!" Ross 'yell - whispers', also getting up.

I laugh. "Goodnight, guys." I give them both a quick hug, then they leave. I change into PJ's and slip into bed, thinking about tomorrow before falling asleep.

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