Chapter 16 - Wait (Minecon Day 5 Part 2/Day 6 Part 1)

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I was the first one at the meeting place, so I decided to look around the store. As I passed by some GoPro's, I started to wonder if the guys had done any vlogging since I left. We did some in the airport and in the hotel, but nothing outside of that. Most of the vlogging was going to start on Monday, when Minecon started. Maybe I should do some here. The viewers might wonder why I was out here all alone, though. Maybe I could just tell them everyone was just asleep in the hotel. That was pretty believable, right? Ross would probably decide not to put it up, though. Damn it. Maybe just an Instagram post... but that'll tell everyone where I am. Perhaps a small little tweet? After debating with myself for a while, I decided to just check in on Twitter to see what everybody was up to.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the guys had actually gotten out of the hotel and took a few pictures on the streets. No wonder the frantic "WHERE R U" texts let down for a while.

"Hey El! We're here!" Sarah screamed from outside.

I ran out of the store to meet them, then Sarah gave me a tight hug. "Goodness, Sarah, it's only been a day."

"Oh, sorry." Sarah let go. "I'm just so happy you're coming with us! Come on, let's go, the sooner we get to the campsite the better."


We immediately set off into the forest. After an hour or two of walking, we started going off-trail. Thankfully, Natalie lended me her bug spray so I wouldn't get a thousand mosquito bites. However, it didn't really do much against the ticks.

After another hour of walking through the forest, we arrived in a small clearing, but nothing like the one in my dream. This one was darker and shadier, but you could still see the sky. We put two tents up, then started gathering wood for a fire. Jared and Brandon went together, and I went with Natalie. Sarah stayed behind to watch our stuff.

"So, how's everything with you?" I asked Natalie.

She nodded. "I'm alright. You holding up?"

"Yeah, I guess." I laughed. "What are you doing now?"

"I got a job teaching at a high school nearby."

"Oh, really? What do you teach?"

"Anatomy and Biology, AP and Honors."

"Wow, that's great! How are the kids?"

"They're alright, they don't give me too much trouble."

"That's good."

Natalie chuckled. "Well, I would ask what you're doing in Bristol, but Sarah already spilled everything."

I groaned. "Everything? So you already know about Alex, then."

She shrugged. "Hey, it's not my fault Sarah's a blabbermouth."

I sighed. "So, what do you think?"

"She's right about finding balance. But you shouldn't feel rushed at all. It'd be fine telling him to wait."

"Wait, but what about what happened with Jared?"

She shook her head. "If anything, I'm glad he did what he did."

"What? Why?"

"It told me that he didn't really love me. Not enough to wait, at least. We could've Skyped and called each other, but he didn't want any 'distractions'." She put finger quotes around 'distracted'. "Anyway, I'm glad it's over. I have James now, anyway."

"Does he still call you?"

"Sometimes, but I just ignore him. I'm planning to change my number if it gets too annoying."

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