Chapter 2 - This is My Life

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I wake up at 6:00 am to the sound of my very obnoxious ringtone. I groan, then pick up my phone from the bedside table. On the screen, I find a picture of a toilet and the camera open. Wait, what? A toilet?! Realization suddenly hits me in the face. The other day, I downloaded an app that makes you take a picture of a household item to turn off the alarm when you wake up. Ugh, what was I thinking? I try to get out of my bed, only to fall off the side and onto the cold, hard floor. I groan, then tell my phone to 'Shut the f*** up'. Of course, it doesn't listen. Finally managing to stand up, I shuffle to the bathroom and manage to take a picture of the toilet. This is ridiculous. I shuffle my way to the kitchen and brew myself a cup of coffee. I sigh. I stayed up really late last night working on something for Ross, I'm gonna need like 50 million cups of coffee just to stay awake throughout the day. I bite into a bagel I find half - eaten in the fridge, and scroll through the notifications on my phone. It's mostly stuff about work. I sigh, again, and think about all the things I need to do today.

The ring of my coffee maker snaps me out of my trance, and I pour all of the contents into my thermos, nearly burning my hand. I take a sip. Ouch, way too hot. I decide to let it sit for a while while I change. Going back to my room, I take off my pajamas and throw on a white t-shirt, an infinity scarf, and some jeans. Simple, but nice. I grab my purse (it's more of a messenger backpack, really), my thermos, slip on some Keds, and dash out the door.

As I'm heading downstairs, I take a sip of my coffee. Ahhhh, perfect. I smile. As I step out onto the street, I remember something. Shoot! I forgot to send Ross the song lyrics he told me to edit! Ugh, I am so forgetful! I peer into my bag, hoping to God that it's there. I let out a sigh of relief, it is. I decide to pass by the 'Hat House' on my way to work and drop it off. It'll only be an extra mile. Plus, I can check to see if they've burned the house down yet. At this thought, I laugh to myself, a little too loud, and people start to give me strange looks. Oops. I smile shyly, then speed walk away.

By the time I arrive at the Hat House, it's already 7:00 am. I knock on the door, and seconds later, it swings open to reveal a very tired, very pissed - off Chris Trott.

I've known Chris since uni, he's one of my best friends. He's short like me, but not as short as me, and has brown hair. He and Ross form the H and T of HAT Films, along with some guy called Alex. I still haven't met him yet, but Ross promises to introduce me soon. I'm actually surprised we haven't even run into each other, he's been with Hat Films for ages.

"Hey Chris!" I laugh. "What happened to you?"

"Alex woke me up with his f***ing violin." He grumbles, annoyed.

I laugh again. "Well, I just came by to drop off some song lyrics. I gotta dash, but tell Ross I said hi!" I hand him the papers, and he takes them.

"K. Bye." He practically slams the door in my face, without even saying thank you. Well, then! That Alex guy must be a real a**hole. I turn around and continue to make my way towards YogTowers.

I'm usually the first one at the office, but today, I see Lewis and Hannah chatting at the entrance.

Lewis is my "boss", well, the co-host/founder of the Yogscast. He and Hannah have been dating for a while. I smile at the two when they see me and they wave. I run over to them.

"Liz, I just wanted to talk to you about something before you start working. Did you get my email?" Lewis asks.

Oops. I saw I had an email from Lewis this morning, but I was too disoriented to be able to read it. "Uh, yes?" I reply. Technically, it's not a lie, because I did get it. I just didn't read it!

What an A** - A Hat Films/Yogscast FanficWhere stories live. Discover now