Chapter Three

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Peeta's POV:

Today is the day I'm going to go see Katniss again. I should've told her about Melanie.  I think to myself. I shake the thought off and go off to find Melanie.

I find her in the living room, on the phone. She hangs up, as soon as lashes notices me, leaning on the doorframe, in the kitchen.

"Hey baby." She coos. "When are we going on our date?"

"As soon as you're ready." I respond. She nods her head and rises from the couch. I take her hand, and she grabs her bag off the table.

"I just need to visit somebody first." I add. She groans, but doesn't complain. We finally walk off to Katniss's house.


It's only a 5 minute walk, but halfway through, Melanie starts complaining that her feet hurt.

"We're almost there." I reassure her.

We finally reach Katniss's house after 3
minutes of complaining.

"Finally." Melanie mutters under her breath. I knock on the door, and in a few seconds, Katniss appears.

I see her mutter something under her breath.

"Peeta." She exclaims after a moment of silence. She runs up to hug me, but I quickly pull away after Melanie says "Who's she?" In a disgusted tone.

Oh no. I think.

"I know who she is. She's that b***h you went into the hunger games with. She's the one that ditched you for the hunter. She's the one who acted so she could survive. She was the one that never loved you." She hisses.

Katniss's eyes fill with tears and she turns to me.

"Who's she?" She manages to croak out. I can tell she's trying not to cry.

Why do you have to do this to her Peeta? I ask myself.

Because you still love her. My conscience answers.

No I don't. I love Melanie. I argue back.

You know you still love her. You have to choose the right girl! My conscience shouts back.

I turn back to Katniss's tear filled eyes and answer.

"This is Melanie. My fiancée." I say without hesitation. Only then do I realize, I've made the wrong decision.

"Fiancée." Katniss repeats, saying it more as a question.

"Yeah." Melanie butts in. "We've been together for over 2 years." I catch her smirking at Katniss, out of the corner of my eye.

"I should've called, or sent a letter -" but I stop myself there. There is nothing I can do now. I've ruined friendship, and all of our past memories together. I attempt to look into her, tear filled, eyes.

"Please forgive me." I beg her.

"You said always." She croaks, letting a tear escape her eye before slamming the door in my face.

What have you done?! My conscience screams.


Katniss POV:

I run upstairs into my bedroom.

"You alright sweetheart?" Haymitch asks. I forgot he was here.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I shriek at him. He looks at me questionably.

"About what?" He asks.

"Peeta has a fiancée!" I scream at him. He sits there, dumbfounded.

"You didn't have a clue did you?" I croak. "He just kept it a secret, from all the people who helped him survive the games. And the rebellion!" I shriek.

Haymitch tried to reach for me, but I shuffle away.

"Please. Just go." I whimper. Haymitch gets up from Prim's bed and places a kiss on my forehead. I hear the door shut from downstairs and my body is racked with sobs.

I grab the vase of the bed from before, and fling it at the wall. I rip the curtains of the window, and start to tear them with my long fingernails.

I sprint down the stairs and into a guest room. I still want to have Prim's room, the same as it was when she was still alive. Neat and untouched. No one would notice the missing vases and curtains.

When I get into the guest room, everything is destroyed within 20 minutes. Or at least I think it's 20 minutes. I fall to the ground and sob. I throw my head into my hands.


I must have fallen asleep like that, because it's dark outside when I open my eyes again. I walk over to the window, showing me a view of Peeta's house. They're in the kitchen cooking my favorite snack. Cheese buns.

That should be me. I think to myself. I look around me. Everything in the room is completely destroyed. The paintings have long, scratches along them. The bed sheets are ripped and torn. I broke all the lamps, so I'm standing alone, in the dark.

I don't know if I'll be able to cope without my Boy With the Bread.

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