Chapter Twenty Six

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My eyes stay open. I'm bleeding out. Peeta's not helping, and I'm glad for it. I smile, knowing that I'll finally get to see Prim again. There is a burning in my chest but it's not as bad as before. I'm drifting in and out of conscious now. I don't fight it. I let myself be pulled into the darkness, and when I open my eyes I'll be with Prim and Dad and Mom.

"Katniss." I hear someone whisper to me. "Come on. Wake up!"

Wake up? I think. Wake up. I repeat. My eyes shoot open, my hands going to where I stabbed myself. There is no blood on my hand as I pull it back. I look up to see Peeta holding my shoulders. I scramble backwards and fall off the couch. My eyes flash over to Finnick and Annie. They must of brought him here. I look back at Peeta. 

Kill him. He broke you. I hear a small voice in my head say.

You can't! You still love him! Another shouts. My eyes force themselves shut. There's a burning pain in my head. I don't know what to do. I'm having an inner war with myself. My eyes force themselves open. I spring to my feet and go to the room I haven't been in for what seems like forever.

Prim's room.

As I enter the small doorway I hear a quiet his. I look down to the bottom of Prim's bed.


He keeps hissing, circling around the bed. He's looking for her. This sends me on a rampage.

"She's dead!" I scream, picking up a lamp and launching it at him. It barely missed. "She's dead, you stupid cat! She's not coming back!" I sink down to my hands and knees, making the glass sink into my flesh. I don't flinch though. I crawl up to the old cat and hold him close to my chest. "You're immortal," I whisper to Buttercup. "And I'm happy for it."

"I can't believe you're doing this!" I hear Finnick yell from downstairs. I slowly walk out the door and sit on the steps, hidden behind the railing.

"I meant what I said in the hospital. I'm just going to cause her more pain by living here. Moving to District 7 to Johanna will help her and myself." Peeta yells back. I let the tears silently roll down my cheeks.

"You're leaving me again?" I ask sternly, making them all look up at me. "Are you in love with Johanna now?" I ask, looking down at Buttercup. I pet his mustard colored fur. "Do you me out of your life just like Gale did?"

"You had a choice, Katniss. You took too long to choose." He spits at me with disgust.

"I made up my mind years ago!" I scream at him. I stand up, making Buttercup jump off my lap. "I've loved you ever since we kissed in that cave! I knew that I was a goner! I loved you, but I didn't know it yet! Gale had no chance compared to you!" The glass flies out of my hands as I smash them against the railing. "God damn it Peeta!" I scream.

Everyone stares at me, their eyes wide. "I love you, and there's nothing you can do to change that." I whisper.

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