Chapter Two

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Katniss POV:

My eyes finally flutter open, after being sedated by one of the doctors. My arms have wires sticking out of them.

Morphling. I think. They use this when you're injured, or in pain. I pull he tube out.

Nothing. I feel no pain. So why did they use this on me? I now remember a big reason why morphling is used. To calm people down. I was having a full attack on him.

"Miss. Everdeen?" A voice calls. I turn in my bed and refuse to answer.

I became a "mental avox", as the doctors call it, because I couldn't handle all those deaths of innocent people, people I loved, dying right in front of me.

Her death was the worst. She was the only person I knew I had really loved. Now I'm alone, to figure out life all by myself.

I jump up, after the doctor leaves, remembering I get to go home today. The last time I saw District 12, is when I was the rebel's Mockingjay. It was after it was demolished by the fire bombs.

Today is also the day I get to see Peeta. You may be wondering about Haymitch. He's been by my side everyday, giving me info about District 12. He's much nicer than the drunk Haymitch I knew before.

"Ready to go?" Haymitch asks, sticking his head inside the door.

"More than ready!"  I say, changing out of my hospital gown, behind the curtain.


We finally get to 12, after 4 hours. If you're wondering why it took so long, I was moved to the hospital in the Capitol. They had better medicines and machines to help my weekly attacks.

"We're here." Haymitch whispers, nudging me on the shoulder. I must have fallen asleep.

I stumble off the hovercraft and run off to my old house in Victor's Village. The houses in Victor's Village weren't destroyed because the Capitol wanted to show the people, that we were part of the Capitol now.

My house is untouched, a elegant as it was before. Haymitch runs up from behind me, and hands me a key. I quickly unlock the mahogany door and step inside. It smells as it did before. Of medicines and meat. Some may think it's an odd combination, but I've gotten fond of the smell over the years.

I sprint upstairs and into her room. I have to get over this fear of saying her name, so I say it now.

"Prim." I say, not directing it to anyone. I collapse onto the bed.

"I'm alone now." I cry. "You were the only person I knew that I had loved. Why did you have to leave me?" I whisper into her blankets, tears streaming down my face.

"She didn't deserve it." I hear a voice say behind me. It's just Haymitch again. All I do is nod. Haymitch starts to rub my back and that's when it starts. Another attack.

"She gone, and it's all my fault." I scream, throwing a vase against the wall. Hearing it shatter only makes me more upset.

"Calm down Katniss!" He yells at me. He never uses my real name. I place the other vase that I was holding, into the bed. I fall onto the ground, hard, and my body is racked with sobs. I push my face into my hands, but that just makes me cry harder. I start to hyperventilate after I have no more tears to shed.

I hear Haymitch sit beside me on the bed. He starts to rub my back again, and only then do I calm down. I remove my face from my hands and look into a mirror on the side of Prim's bed. I start to laugh like a madman.

Haymitch looks concerned at first, but then I turn my head do he can see my mascara running down my cheeks. He starts to laugh too. Haymitch can be my family now. I think to myself, but I must have said it out loud because Haymitch says,

"Sure sweetheart." I look up at him and smile. That's something that I hadn't done in the three years I was in the hospital.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask, and Haymitch twists up his face.

"At his house." He says, and I know he's hiding something.

"Can I go see him?" I ask innocently.

"No!" He says almost instantly. He sees the confused look on my face so he repeats "No." In a calmer tone.

"Why not?" I ask, disappointed.

"He might want to come to you." He says quickly.

"Okay." I say suspiciously.


Haymitch and I just talk about nothing and everything for at least 2 hours, before the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it." I say, rising up from the bed. I finally reach the door, and open it cautiously. I don't want to see Gale again.  I wouldn't have ever been able to guess who was at the door.

"Peeta?" I whisper to myself. "Peeta!" I say louder. I run up to him and give him in a hug. I'm glad I didn't give him a kiss at that moment, because there was a woman standing beside him. He pulls away from the hug quickly, as the mystery woman hisses,

"Who's she?" Peeta turns his head to tell her something, but she interrupts.

"I know who she is. She's that b***h you went into those hunger games with. She was the one that ditched you for the hunter. She was the one who acted so she could survive. She was the one that never loved you." She hisses, the last sentence still hanging in the air.

She was the one that never loved you. Repeats in my head. My eyes fill with tears and I turn to Peeta.

"Who's she?" I croak out, attempting not to let my tears spill.

"This is Melanie. My fiancée." He says, staring down at his shuffling feet.

"Fiancée." I repeat, saying more as a question.

"Yeah." Melanie butts in. "We've been together for over 2 years." She says, smirking at me.

"I'm sorry for not telling you. I should've called or sent you a letter -" he stops himself, trying look into my eyes. Or at least I think he's trying to look into my eyes. I can't see through the thick layer of tears, blurring my vision.

"Will you forgive me." He begs. I notice Melanie scoffing our of the corner of my eye.

I've lost the boy with the bread.

"You said always." I croak out, letting a tear escape my eye before slamming the door in his face.


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