Chapter Three

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"I can't believe this!" I shout.
"Nico, I know you must be worried..." Bianca says, putting her clothes in a bag.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask my sister angrily.
"You might have tried to stop me." She shrugs, folding another dress. Her servants offered to do it, but he wanted to speak to me privately.
"Of course I would try to stop you!" I say. "You're my sister!"

"Nico, I have to." She sits down on her bed, sighing. "I'm sure it will be fine."
"Do you even know anything about this guy you have to marry?" I ask defensively.
"His name is William." She says. "He's nineteen years old. His parents are-"
"I don't care about facts." I snap. "I mean, hat do you know about him. His personality."
"Uh... Nothing." She admits. "That's why I'm going to meet  him before the wedding."

"What if he's a creep?" I ask. "You have no idea why you're in for." I warn her.
"I'm sure he's lovely." She says in a monotone.
"Bianca, this isn't right!" I protest. She gets I her feet and continues packing.
"Nico, in a few years, you'll get married too. Then you'll understand."
"Understand what?"
"That this is normal. It will keep the alliance between our countries."

"I'm lucky he's my age."
"I'm lucky." She repeats, grabbing the bags and turning away, walking to the door. "I have no choice in the matter, so I should be grateful that he's not twice my age."
"I can't believe you've been brainwashed into believing this is right." I mutter.

Bianca turns to me, her eyes shining with tears.
"I don't want to leave, Nico." She says softly. "But I have to."
"Why don't you tell mother and father how you feel?" I ask gently.
"I already have." She sighs. "It's no use."

"Then I'm coming with you." I fold my arms.
"I'm coming, and you can't stop me." I say stubbornly. She sighs, but smiles slightly.
"Okay, I guess I have no choice." She smiles.
"I'll pack my bags." I get to my feet, then hug her before leaving the room.

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