Chapter ThirtyOne

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A/N: I've had two weeks off and I haven't done any of my maths homework I'm so dead

On the plus side I got my birthday presents:

On the plus side I got my birthday presents:

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When night falls, we make our way to the docks. A few people are wandering around, but nobody approaches us, even though a few seem to recognise Bianca and I (there are probably wanted posters everywhere). Nobody pays any attention to Will, fortunately. Maybe he doesn't leave the palace enough to be recognised.

Reyna and Hylla's knives and murderous expressions may have something to do with the lack of trouble we receive.

We reach the docks after about half an hour of walking. We stand nervously, waiting.
"They should be here." Reyna mutters quietly.
"They said they would he here by dusk." Hylla adds. I try to see further, but there are no boats okay the horizon.

"Where are they?" Thalia wonders. Bianca grab my hand and squeezes it. I squeeze back, biting my lip.

There's nobody around, so we decide to sit down, pulling the dirty cloaks Thalia offered us around us tightly. I sit as close to Will as I can, and Bianca does the same with Thalia, who hesitantly brought her brother along, saying it was safer here than with her mother. He is swathed in blankets, sitting on Bianca's lap and sucking his thumb. Thalia pulls it out, and he puts it back in stubbornly.

Leo joins the group hug, and we decide to let him.

At some point, I fall asleep. When I wake up, the sun is high in the sky.
"Will." I shake him awake. "Will, there's still no boat here!" The only ships are the ones that were there last night, still looking intimidating in full daylight as they tower over us.
"What?" Will blinks away his tiredness and frowns as I wake Bianca, who in turn wakes Thalia.

"Where are Hylla and Reyna?" Bianca asks sleepily. I scan around, but can't see them.
"They didn't abandon us, did they?" Will asks nervously. They weren't obligated to stay, but I'm still upset that they left us without a word.

"What if they took the boat meant for us?" Leo asks. I shake my head, frowning at 'us'.
"They wouldn't do that." I'm about 49% sure of my words.

I get to my feet and walk in small circles, trying to think of a plan. Suddenly, there's a shout and Hylla races towards us, carrying Reyna over her shoulder.

"What happened?" Thalia, Bianca,
Leo and Will also get to their feet. Jason stirs in my sister's arms.
"There were soldiers approaching, so we lured them away." Hylla huffs, still holding her sister, who is weakly trying to make her let go. "They stabbed her in the back. It... It's pretty bad."
"I'm fine." Reyna groans, not sounding fine at all.

"Lay her down. We'll take a look." Will tells her. As far as I know, none of us know anything about fixing wounds.

The blood is smeared around, making the wound look worse than it is. It's still pretty bad, though.
"This is going to need stitches." Thalia grimaces. Jason is hiding his face in her chest. Will takes a flask of water from Hylla and gently starts to cleaning the wound.
"I wish I was actually taught this stuff!" He frets.

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