Chapter TwentyFour

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A/N: I've finally decided what I'm gonna do with this story. You're probably not gonna like me for it, though.


Judging by the tiny bit of sky I can see through the narrow window of my cell, almost twenty four hours pass before Will decides to talk to me. He has to bribe the guards to let him into my cell, and the moment they let him in he engulfs me in a bear hug. I stand still, apart from the fact that I'm trembling, as he hugs me tightly.

When he finally lets go, he starts speaking very quickly.
"I'm so sorry, Nico. I was locked in my room and then when I was finally let out, my parents wouldn't tell me where you were, so I had to ask all of servants and eventually Annabeth told me that she saw you being brought down here. I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Are you cold? Hungry? I'm gonna kill my mom. And my dad. This isn't fair!"

I'm too bewildered to process much of what he is saying. All I can think about is that his calloused hands are smoothing my hair away from my face and looking me up and down with worry evident on his face.
"I... I'm okay." I lie, then realise that he'll obviously know that I'm lying, so I sigh and shake my head. "No, I'm not okay. I just found out that our countries are at war because I can't keep my feelings in check." I whimper, covering my face with my hands. "This is all my fault."
"No, it isn't!" Will says comfortably, moving my hands from my face. He cups my cheeks with his hands and looks me in the eyes desperately. "None of this is your fault. All of this happened because of my parents' intolerance!"

"Listen-" he lowers his voice to a whisper. "I'm gonna get you out of here and send you home. I'll persuade my mom to call off this stupid war and everything will go back to normal. I'll even visit you. I promise. Okay?"
"Okay." I whisper. "Have you heard any news about my sister?"
"Bianca? What do you mean?"
"She ran away." I tell him.
"Oh. No. I'll find her, though. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Will." I warn him. Will laughs, but it's a hollow, empty sound.
"I promise you, Nico. Everything will be okay. I'll protect you and Bianca. I'll end this war before it begins and get you both to safety."
"Okay." I say quietly. Will smiles, then turns to a guard and orders that he brings me blankets and something to eat before leaving, explaining that his parents will be looking for him. I watch him go, feeling dread weigh me down despite his promise. Somehow, I can tell that things are not going to go as smoothly as Will hopes.

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