Chapter Ten

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"What are you gonna do?" I ask Bianca, turning serious. "I mean, you're supposed to marry Will..."
"Maybe mother and father will understand?" She says hopefully. I grimace, shaking my head.
"They won't, Bianca. You know that. They've got that tradition, remember? And if we didn't, Will's parents would be really mad..."
"It's a shame I don't have a sister who could marry him instead." She sighs, putting her head in her hands.

"Well... Um... I kind of have a crush on Will." I mumble. Bianca looks up, clearly surprised.
"Really?" She asks. I nod nervously.
"He doesn't really seem like your type." She notes. I blush and avert my eyes, picking at my fingernails nervously.
"Yeah, well... I'm full of surprises." I say.

I hear a crash outside the door, and Bianca and I rush over, flinging the door open. We stop still when we realise there's nobody there.

"That's odd." Bianca frowns.
"I think somebody heard us." I bite my lip.
"I hope not." Bianca closes the door again and flops onto the bed.
"Me too." I agree. "I would die if somebody found out how I feel about Will."

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