Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: I know nothing about dancing, so this will probably be inaccurate. Sorry!


After wandering around the palace for a few minutes, I admit to myself that I have no idea where the ballroom is.

I catch a passing servant by the arm as she passes and politely ask her where it is. The blonde girl giggles.
"You're on the wrong side of the palace." She informs me.
"Here, I'll escort you there." She starts walking off briskly, and I have no choice but to follow her.

We reach a large set of double doors with elaborate patterns on. "Here we are." She smiles smugly.
"Thanks, uh..."
"Annabeth." She supplies.
"Thanks Annabeth." I smile. She nods and walks off, and I turn to face the doors.

I walk in nervously and see that Will is already there. He smiles at me as I approach, blushing crazily. I need to stop thinking like this; he's my sister's fiancé!

He meets me in the centre of the room.
"So, teach me how to dance." He smiles, his eyes shining. I nod distractedly.

"Uh..." I close my eyes for a moment and recollect myself. "Okay," I open my eyes "put your hand on my hip." He does as I tell him. I place my hand on his shoulder and grab his hand, then slowly start dancing around the room.

Will seems to step on my toes every two seconds.
"Stop it!" I snap.
"Sorry!" He cringes, before stepping on my foot again. "Sorry!"

I sigh and keep leading him around the room, trying to ignore how close together we are. I can hear him breathing between his mumbled apologies as he continuously trips and steps on my feet.

My face heats up as Will continues to stumble like a new-born horse, his chest bumping against my nose every time he slips.

Something inside of me just snaps suddenly.
"Forget it!" I shout, pushing Will back. He falls over, and when I glance down at him, I see him looking at me, his face etched with confusion and hurt. I can't bear to see him looking at me like that.

Quickly,I turn away, tears brimming in my eyes. Why do I have to ruin everything?

"Wait!" Will grabs my wrist. "I'm sorry..."
"You don't have to apologise." I sigh, turning to face him.
"Why are you crying?" Will asks me softly, wiping away the tear which is rolling down my cheek.
"I just... I mess everything up..." I look down.

Will tilts my head up and looks into my eyes.
"No, you don't, Nico."

Before I can finish my sentence, Will's lips brush mine. I know it's wrong, but I pull him closer, wanting to get rid of any space between us. After a few moments, Will pulls away.

I open my eyes and look at him. His hand is over his mouth and his eyes are closed, his head hung.
"Oh, Will, I'm so sorry..." He probably didn't even mean to kiss me! "I-I'm sorry!" I run out of the room, tears blurring my vision.

What was I thinking? I can't do this; he's marrying Bianca in only a week!

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