Chapter TwentyTwo

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Instantly, Will's father reacts. I barely manage to scratch Will's mother before he shouts guards into the room. They grab me roughly and drag me away from her as I shout curses in Italian. I'm dragged to my room and they haul the door open and practically throw me in. I lift my hands to protect me as I fall to the floor. By the time I get to my feet again, the door has been locked. Still furious, I hammer my fists against the door, screaming abuse at Will's mother.

After a while, I start to lose energy. My shouting diminishes to quiet sobs as I lean my head against the door and weep. I've annihilated everything. Bianca and I will be send home, the alliance will be broken, my parents will punish or disown us. Even if our sexualities were overlooked, I attacked the Queen, so now they'll have no mercy. All because of me, Will and Bianca will be punished, Thalia has lost her job, and I will no doubt be exiled, or worse: I could be executed!

After hours of crying, throwing books and thinking of all the horrible ways we might be punished, I find myself laid on the floor, curled up in the foetal position, tears drying on my face. I've ruined everything because I couldn't control my feelings for Will or my anger towards his mother, and now everybody I care about is going to suffer the consequences.

A/N: I don't update often, but at least when I do I leave it on a cliffhanger. Seriously though this is short and rubbish but I'm tired and my head hurts and I have little inspiration. Anyway get ready to cry (when I actually get round to writing any more of this)

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