Chapter Twelve

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"Get off me!" The girl shrieks.
"Sorry!" I immediately let go.
"What do you want?" She asks me angrily, but with a hint of fear. I realise how scary and wrong this must feel for her.

"I'm so sorry, I honestly mean no harm!" I tell her. "I just- I couldn't be caught eavesdropping." I explain quickly.

"Okay... If you don't mind me asking, why were you eavesdropping?" Most servants would be too scared to ask me anything, so I'm quite surprised, but I answer, regardless.
"I... Uh... I was just curious." I blush.

My eyes adjust to the darkness, and I get a better look at the maid. Shocking blue eyes, a light splash of freckles, short, choppy back hair... It's Thalia.

I almost laugh out loud. She gives me a funny look as I smirk.
"So, you and Bianca?" I ask mischievously. Her eyes widen and she takes a small step back.
"Uh... Um- I don't- I'm sorry, I just-"
"I don't mind, you know." I tell her.

"Y-you don't?"
"No. I mean, it could be a problem later, but... I'm happy for you guys. I don't love Bianca, but she deserves happiness. Even if she's married to me, you two can..." I shrug helplessly. I must sound really weird. "I-I mean... Hell, I don't know!" I sigh, exasperated. "I don't love her, and you do. So... Be together. I won't care."

Thalia stares at me, her mouth hanging open, before eventually composing herself and nodding.
"O-okay..." She opens the door with one hand, balancing the plates on the other, and slips out. I catch her by the wrist quickly, and she turns to face me, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Don't tell anyone about this conversation, okay? Don't tell anybody that I was eavesdropping." I tell her. She nods, giving me a small smile.
"You know, you're not too bad, for a man." She says.
"Uh... Thanks?"
"You're welcome."

She saunters off, leaving the broken plate shards behind. I hurriedly pick them up, then rush off, grinning like crazy.

Nico likes me... This is almost a dream come true.

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