Chapter TwentyEight

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A/N: my friend got me into Hamilton (you can dm me about it if you like) and I don't think it's a good idea to listen to King George's songs when writing a royalty AU but eh


"Nico!" Bianca knocks me over as she wraps her arms around me.
"Bianca!" I hug her tightly, ignoring how my back is stinging from landing on the hard, dirty floor. Reyna and Hylla lock the door as Bianca questions me. I reassure her that I'm alright, getting to my feet and dusting myself off.
"So what's the plan?" I ask. "I suppose we're going home?" Bianca nods.
"We're trying to contact our parents now."
"Good." I'm sad that I won't see Will again, but it's for the best.

I look around the shabby house. It seems to be only one room. In the corner, a blonde woman is asleep. Thalia is standing near her, a young child in her arms. Reyna and Hylla are sat in the corner, going through their bag to see what they have stolen.

"When will we leave?" I ask.
"Will sent a letter. It will take a few days to arrive, and then I'm sure a ship will be sent to collect us." Bianca informs me. I nod in understanding, then Bianca frowns.
"You must be exhausted."
"No, I'm fine..."
"Sleep, Nico." She guides me to a pile of blankets near the back of the room. They're not very clean and the room is dusty, but the quiet chatter of the others and the darkness soon lulls me to sleep.

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