Chapter TwentyThree

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I awake to rough hands grabbing me and hauling me to my feet.
"Wh-what're you doing? Get off me!" I shout as they start dragging me out of my room. My body aches with every movement. As I start to properly wake up, I start to remember the events of last night. Groaning, I give up and simply follow the guards who are escorting me to wherever I'm supposed to go.

They drag me into the throne room, then let go of me and walk to stand at the door. Awkwardly, I kneel before the King and Queen, who are both glaring at me.
"Your Majesty, I am so sorry. I-I wasn't myself last night. I was drunk, and defensive of my sister-"
"Stand up." She instructs me. I do as she says, and she eyes me judgementally. I must look like a wreck. I slept on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I'm still wearing the clothes I wore at the party.

"You attacked me." The Queen says coldly.
"I know, and I apologise profusely." I try to keep my voice steady, simply reciting what I think I should say. The King and Queen don't look impressed. After a long silence, I speak.
"What happened to my sister?"
"Your sister," the Queen looks disgusted, "was also escorted to her room, but not after trying to attack me, just like you. Clearly, your parents have raised you terribly." Desperately, I try not to lose my temper again. My father may be distant, but that's because he has so much responsibility. As for my mother, well, she's dead, but before she passed away she was the best parent I could have asked for. Marie, my father's second wife and Hazel's mother, was not very nice, but Persephone, his third wife, is kind as well.

"Then, after she too was escorted to her room, your troublesome sister broke a window and escaped. We currently have no idea where she is, and quite frankly, we don't care. She will either leave the kingdom so we will never have to worry about her again or she will live here, in poverty, and be dead in less than a year." The Queen informs me.
"But... She's still a princess!" I protest. "You need to find her so she can go home!"
"No, we don't." The King tells me.
"Your parents disowned you." The Queen says gleefully, clearly revealing in the joy of telling me this. "And then we declared war on them, since you both attacked us. For all we know, they sent you here to kill us, so we have every right to attack them in return now. You started a war, and now, you are nothing more than a criminal and a prisoner of war!"
"What?" I exclaim. The guards grab me as I stare at the King and Queen. The King looks indifferent while the Queen looks extremely happy to see me go.

I struggle as I am dragged down into a dungeon, but it's no use. They throw me into a cold, dark cell then leave me, now sobbing, to sit on the floor, wondering just how much worse it could possibly get.

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