Chapter TwentyFive

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My parents quickly find out about my conversation with Nico, so they don't let me out of their sight from then on. The only things on their minds are war and finding me a new wife. Of course, they ignore my objections to both of these.

Eventually, I manage to sneak away. I decide to search for Bianca in the town, so I dress in my most common clothes- which still look more expansive than I would like- and set off. At first, I'm worried that I'll be recognised, but I'm not, probably because my parents rarely let me be seen. I'm not sure if that's for my own protection or so that I don't embarrass them.

I ask around a bit, describing Bianca, and nobody seems to have seen her. Just as I'm losing hope, a blonde woman sitting against a wall nearby hears me describing her to somebody and stumbles over, saying that she knows her. The woman looks drunk, so I'm reluctant to trust her, but eventually my need to find Bianca wins and I follow her.

She leads me through allleys which get smaller and smaller, darker and darker, with every step. I consider turning back, thinking that this must be a plot to hurt me, when she opens a door and steps into a dimly lit room, beckoning me to follow her. I peer into the room, seeing two people facing away from me kneeling on the floor beside each other, speaking quietly. The woman collapses in the corner with a loud groan and they jump, then turn around to look at her.

"Thalia?" I ask, surprised.
"Will?" Her eyes widen as she sees me. "What're you doing here?" She asks, sounding panicked.
"Looking for Bianca." I answer. Bianca stands up, and Thalia follows suit. I can see that Thalia has a young boy on her hip. He looks at me warily, then smiles.

"Why?" Bianca asks. They step closer to me, not seeming to care about the woman in the corner, who seems to be unconscious.

"Nico has been imprisoned, and he's worried about you." I tell her.
"Oh, no!" Bianca says, alarmed. "Is he hurt?"
"I don't think so, but I haven't seen him in a few days. My parents have barely taken their eyes off me. I'm lucky to have gotten here without them noticing."

"I've got to help him!" Bianca cries. I nod in agreement, but I can't think of how she can do so without finding herself in the same predicament as Nico.
"Also... our countries are going to war." I tell her, concerned.
"I know." She says glumly. "I heard. I'm trying to earn enough money for Nico and I to get home, to help out. Of course, I'll have to get Nico first."
"Why did you leave without him?" I ask.
"I tried to get to him, but I couldn't." She looks down, and Thalia puts down the little boy to wrap her arms around Bianca, whispering words of comfort.

The child walks up to me, smiling, then wraps his arms around my leg. With a little bit of difficulty, I move away from the door, so that if he lets go I can get him before he escapes.

"I think I have an idea as to how we can save him." Thalia says suddenly. We all turn to her, even the child.
"How?" Bianca and I ask eagerly. Thalia smiles slightly.
"I know a few people who want to get even with the Queen."

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