Chapter Four

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I slowly walk towards the throne room, wanting to ask my parents when Bianca is coming. I walk in and stop in my tracks, my eyes landing on the most stunning person I've ever seen. Jet black hair, and dark brown eyes which stare right back into at mine.

"Will, Bianca has arrived." My father tells me.
"I-I can see that." I nod, not looking away.
"Could you at least look at her?" My mother asks irritably.

"Sorry." I finally move my eyes away from the boy and look at the girl beside him. They look similar, except he is paler than her, and he's smaller. He's male too, obviously.

"Hello." Bianca smiles politely.
"H-hello." I smile back, feeling awkward. The boy beside her sad something quietly.
"Oh, this is my brother, Nico." She says, pointing to him. "He'll be staying with me until the marriage. Is that okay?"
"Yes, it's fine." Mother says, but she looks a bit angry.

My eyes drift back to Nico, who is looking around the room. Despite his dark clothes and silence, I can't help noticing him.

"Where are our rooms?" Bianca asks.
"I'll get someone to take you." Father says.


Is servant walks Bianca and her brother to their rooms, but I tag along. They have rooms side by side, but Bianca closes hers in my face and locks the door. I don't mind, she obviously just wants privacy.

"So, how old are you?" I ask Nico, who is in his room with the door still open, unpacking.
"Sixteen." He answers quietly. It's the first time I've heard him speak English. He has a slight accent, but it's surprisingly unnoticeable, unlike his sister. "I speak English a lot, more than my sister. That's why I don't have a strong accent." He tells me, almost as if he read my mind.
"Oh... Okay." I nod.

Nico finishes unpacking and sits down on the bed. "Come here." He tells me. I nervously step forward, and he reaches over and grabs my arm, pulling me over so I'm sitting in the bed beside him. He  leans forward and stares into my eyes, fiercely intent.

"Look after my sister." He says, dangerously low. "Or I will make you suffer."
"I-I will." I say. "I promise."

Nico leans back again, then looks me up and down. "At least you're good looking." He says at last.
"D-did you just call me good looking?" I ask incredulously.
"Get out."

"Okay, sorry." I get up and walk out of the room, then turn around. "By the way-" the door is slammed in my face. "Okay... bye." I say quietly, before walking back to my room.

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