Chapter Six

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Will gives us a tour of the castle. Well, technically, he's giving Bianca a tour, but I refuse to leave her alone with him. He seems nice enough, but I won't trust him just yet.

"This is the library." He grins, stepping inside a large room. Bianca looks around with slight interest as my eyes grow wide. This place is huge! Every wall is lined with books, and there are shelves between those as well. There must be thousands of books here!

"Do you like it?" He asks us eagerly. Bianca smiles faintly as I nod, my eyes still wide. He sees me looking around excitedly and grins. "Take any books you like." He tells me.
"N-no, that's fine." I tear my eyes away from the shelves to look at Will. He smiles lopsidedly at me.
"Go ahead and take them." He repeats. "I won't mind."
"Fine." I give in.

Bianca starts walking to a set of adventure books and I look around for fantasy.
"What are you looking for?" Will asks me.
"Fantasy books. Do you have any?" I ask. Will nods and beckons for me to follow him.

He leads me to the end of the room, between two shelves. It's very secluded and kind of dark.
"Here you go." He says, gesturing to the shelves. I start looking through the books, occasionally picking one up and reading the first pages.

Somebody taps my houser suddenly. I turn to see Will standing behind me, holding a small stack of books.
"Try these." He says, almost shyly. "They're my favourites."
"Thanks." I take them from his hands and our fingers brush slightly. An electric current goes through my and we both move out hands away quickly dropping the books.

"S-sorry." Will and I both bend down to pick them up. I blush furiously, and when I glance at Will, I see that he is blushing too.

He hands me the books and clears his throat nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Uh... I think we should go now." He decides. "We still need to see the..." He fidgets nervously. "Um... We should go." He walks away and I follow, clutching the books.

Bianca sees us and joins us, then notices my expression and halts.
"Are you okay?" She asks me.
"Y-yeah... I'm fine." I say quickly. She looks at me with concern, then nods slightly and keeps walking.

I follow them through a confusing maze of hallways until we finally get back to our bedrooms. Bianca shoots me one more concerns glance, then goes into her room. I go into mine and shut the door in Will's face, then collapse onto the bed and sigh.

Why did I have to mess everything up with Will? And more importantly, why do I care so much?

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